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  1. Collapse Details
    Reported Post by m0nde 
    my weapons turn me into a m0nde's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    every once in a while
    m0nde has reported a post.

    just a reminder of how disgusting lisa's welfare flat is
    Post: lisa: why does ur hair look like shit. is it: 1. dandruff 2. lice 3. poor showering habits
    Forum: brokedick mountain
    Assigned Moderators: N/A

    Posted by: m0nde
    Original Content:
    rootbeer shared these pictures of his visit with lisa

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  2. Collapse Details
    Reported Item 
    my weapons turn me into a m0nde's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    every once in a while
    m0nde has also reported this item.

    the first picture shows gifts from rootbeer of perfume and other odor fighters
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