Tahiti Joe has reported a post.

killing stevey is the right thing to do.
Post: Should Stevey kill himself? His life is so terrible and will never get better the compassionate thing to do is let him die,
Forum: brokedick mountain
Assigned Moderators: N/A

Posted by: Autistic Spectrum
Original Content:
he's never going to contribute to society in any way shape or form by seeking out meaningful employment , he's never going to get married and start a family, he's basically going to be a leech and a drain on everyone else, when his mom dies from lyme diesie cause stevey spent her medicane money on keyboard apps he will end up on the streets begging people for 99 cents to get his daily fix of shitty andorid apps,,,he/'s never gonig to pay back general doli the 50 dollors he owes him for his mom's mdeicanece