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    patrolled faggot you're a faggot NortyNippy's Avatar
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    this actually happened.

    Patrick Mannix Snr, otherwise know as Flaglerchat or Obnoxious Bitch is a wizard aged internet cancer fail troll that spread from real life onto a number a websites owned by good people. Flaglerchat specializes in trolling the personal information of people, and following them around the internet with said information, always ready to remind you he has a rough idea of your name, your geographical location and a blurry photo from 1991 you use on facebook. He has never successfully been permabanned from any forum as he is a computer genius.

    In the past Flaglerchat worked irl in positions such as a postal worker that enabled him access to personal information so he could troll all of Bristol Virginia with his mad skillz at accumulating thousands of dollars worth of legal debts from court battles he lost. He has been arrested and ejected from public meetings over thirteen times. He has made over 1,000 harassing calls to talk radio, and 3 different radio stations filed criminal charges against him. Mannix/Flaglerchat has filed so many frivolous lawsuits in Washington County, he is banned from ever filing one there again. In fact, because he was so disruptive, Washington county banned public speaking at meetings all together.

    Whether it be at public meetings, message boards, or talk radio, below is the time line of a man obsessed with causing trouble in public forums.

    Last edited by NortyNippy; 09-12-2012 at 07:17 AM.
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    DogManz maks's Avatar
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monde is a whiney fuck