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cops killed more people since 9/11 in the USA than USA soldiers have been killed since that date...
Post: Gunman, six others killed in drive-by shooting, Santa Barbara police say
Forum: brokedick mountain
Assigned Moderators: N/A

Posted by: Plug Drugs
Original Content:
better make more gun laws because the ~10k deaths a year from non-military gun violence compare to the staggering amount of deaths from other causes... just going to throw some out there: 200k from medical malpractice; 500k from air pollution; 2 million from obesity. Compared to the real killers out there, non-military gun violence is so extremely negligible it's almost a mishap/fluke which I am terribly sorry occurs but is not a cause for alarm when you compare it to the much more pertinent murderers out there.

Also, the fact that I had to mention "non-military" gun violence is worth noting -- as if we included military-related deaths, that number is many fold higher (purely in terms of civilian non-combatant deaths) than homicidal gun violence.

Stay frosty people; this shit isn't spammed all over front page headlines for your well-being; it's meant to persuade you into giving up gun-protection laws.

May I remind you all that every mass-murder in history was immediately preceded by the cooperative disarmament of the affected populace.