in case you're wondering yes fully maxed graphics
Thread: fallout 76
Unregisteredking steveyos04-15-2019
I tried to share my knowledge with ya'll but you're angry nerds, so now here we are with you with a fucking ryzen and ignoring the hours of footage I have on twitch just completely throwing reality and proof right out the window cause u mad lmao
Unregisteredking steveyos04-15-2019
I don't stream in 1080p by a not being a wasteful person like you people reason actually I'm trying to get ewok famous my stream title links to his stream but if you guys join I will switch to 1080p streaming for ultimate rage and jealousy
Unregisteredking steveyos04-15-2019
also not streaming yet setting up my own opensim grid and making my avatar
Unregisteredking steveyos04-15-2019
I almost have it working I have a friend who can do it via teamviewer but I'm just trying on my own real quick cause I"m fucking addicted to fallout 76 I hope this doesn't even work lol
Unregisteredking steveyos04-15-2019
k gonna fo76 soon doing some yoga and eating some tacitos and watching some JO then gonna play JO76 lmao you people are actually insane please watch my stream and get mad then go to ewok's and get mad at his amount of followers that you guys can't amass as a mass casue you're all trash loooooooooooool
how you been, stevery?
Unregisteredking steveyos04-16-2019
calm down already and join me and erwwww uh oh backspace isn't working q heh uhhh heh
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