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  1. Collapse Details
    cag did you know I run fallout 4 with every setting as high as it'll go? not just "ultra" but go in and change every setting? 
    king steveyos
    I can do that with all games but if you look up fallout 4 everyone's like "wah wah I can't max the godrays" well guesws what I maxed the godrays lol I love my computer I love being smart I even got 4k texture upgrades and shit fuck me I love me I love being the poorest person in this community yet still having the best pc and vehicle too can't forget my van can crush any of yous losers' vehicles and go 200 times faster but the point here is I bet jon's computer can't run godrays maxed and I bet the fisher price laptop he bought you from a yard sale can't even run windows isn't it funny knowing if you chose me I'd buidl you this same desktop and like this one only pay $25 a month for it no interest of course I'd pay it off sooner but as I got my health fixed it's like sheesh idk I love being me I'm practically dead yet still have all th ebest shit cause I'm smart and as soon as I take care of the years of mcdonalds I'll be making my own technology so then I'll be rich and not even pay for my shit at all lmfao don't believe that though please don't believe me it's better when people odn't believe me cause then I get to laugh at you when it happens like when nobody though I could go over 60mph flat ground on my bike that was a good day for example I bet jon can't do that just saying and he also doesn' thave a titan andprobably thinsk tehy're bad because he's not smart a lot of peple who aren't smart don't like the titan now if you'll excuse me again like I said every single setting as high as it'll go and as windows and drivers are upgraded my pc continues to only get better and I built it in 2013 with some parts already old by then lmao it won't reach its peak until like 2020 and then by 2025 I'll have to start playing with one setting turned down maybe I somehow feel like it'll be fine even then though since they're moving away from having "more" hardware by then shit will run on just a cpu and ram but my titan will ugh man I love being me I only wish fallout 4 was a good game and the graphics aren't even impressive eitehr maybe this won't work out since I"m not autistic and while I have the best shit I couldn't care less about it and you are into dumb shit liek tha tand star wars so you and jon were menat for each other cause you're hardcore nerds and I am not and if my computer blew up righ tnow I'd be nothing mor ethan happy about it but while it's here excuse me whiel I can run two games at the same time in either monitor maxed
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  2. Collapse Details
    king steveyos
    this is why i oppose welfare
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  3. Collapse Details
    Senior Member
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    tim you better cut it out I told you you can game with me through ruby I'm not adding anyone else on steam it's just ruby that's it you're all fucking insane you can pretend I'm the insane one all you want that's fine and it's exactly why I'm keeping a buffer between me and all of you from now on
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  4. Collapse Details
    Senior Member
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    Jul 2014
    ask anybody
    ok gig's up it's me on this account this forum is set up improperly it's funny how this and timnet are both admin'd by "computer professionals" yet they are both set up incorrectly
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  5. Collapse Details
    king steveyos
    Stevy you don't know how to use dropbox it wasnt you who posted all those threads
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