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  1. Collapse Details
    Asian Yelle Children 
    Senior Member Lina Goldberg's Avatar
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  2. Collapse Details
    Senior Member Lina Goldberg's Avatar
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    the race swapped sandra and steven
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  3. Collapse Details
    king steveyos
    <blockquote class="imgur-embed-pub" lang="en" data-id="a/g3U6d1q" data-context="false" ><a href="//"></a></blockquote><script async src="//" charset="utf-8"></script>

    Include this post in your blog, site, or anywhere on the web! Except not really! You need bbcode on forums! Fuck that!
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  4. Collapse Details
    king steveyos
    imgur went from being the only good image hosting site to the worst I can't find another site that got rid of bbcode

    your stage awaits we'll get you set up when you're ready
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  5. Collapse Details
    Senior Member Lina Goldberg's Avatar
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    im never going to play that peice of shit game... you can relay my livesets there if you really want to
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  6. Collapse Details
    Senior Member Lina Goldberg's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lina Goldberg View Post
    im never going to play that peice of shit game... you can relay my livesets there if you really want to
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  7. Collapse Details
    king steveyos
    you're not smart or wealthy enough to play it, I already know that, I'm just trying to give a retard a chance at a better life take it or leave it lol
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  8. Collapse Details
    king steveyos
    and again you gotta bring good music or nobody will want you to dj youv'e posted four songs so far and they're all so bad
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  9. Collapse Details
    Senior Member Lina Goldberg's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    you're not smart or wealthy enough to play it, I already know that, I'm just trying to give a retard a chance at a better life take it or leave it lol
    funny cause i thought i was the one giving a retard a chance- frenemy 4 life
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  10. Collapse Details
    king steveyos
    yes whatever you say but since I'm not retarded I'm not going to sit here and have a retard fight with you, get your shit together if you wanna do work if not I'm too busy doing work and making something of my life to argue with REEEEEEEEEEEEEETARRRRDDSSSSS I SO DON'T CARE DO WORK OR STOP TALKING TO ME
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  11. Collapse Details
    king steveyos
    you better be off drugs too and if not you better hide it well I'm fucking done with junkies
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  12. Collapse Details
    Senior Member Lina Goldberg's Avatar
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    Anger Yelle
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  13. Collapse Details
    king steveyos
    you're damn right I'm angry I'm surrounded by losers, you're not angry because you're a loser, I'm fucking pissed trust me
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  14. Collapse Details
    Senior Member Lina Goldberg's Avatar
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    grow up dude, do you really want "friends" that just stroke your ego all the time- youre an asshole and the people you know have to deal with it u stunted fool. Monde is literally your best friend ur just completely intellectually dishonest with yourself.
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  15. Collapse Details
    my weapons turn me into a m0nde's Avatar
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    every once in a while

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  16. Collapse Details
    king steveyos
    Quote Originally Posted by m0nde View Post
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  17. Collapse Details
    king steveyos
    Quote Originally Posted by Lina Goldberg View Post
    [15:41] Chopsy Bode: ur surprisingly sane ya know

    I guess you're right
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  18. Collapse Details
    Senior Member Lina Goldberg's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    you better be off drugs too and if not you better hide it well I'm fucking done with junkies
    lol im a junkie now... who was arrested for road walking to get weed?
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  19. Collapse Details
    aber's tiddies
    king steveyos
    OMG i hate those little gook rats
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  20. Collapse Details
    Senior Member Lina Goldberg's Avatar
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    don't show kent this thread, hes gonna start having flashbacks to nam
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  21. Collapse Details
    king steveyos
    you just had to resort to calling weed a drug, get your shit together
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  22. Collapse Details
    Senior Member Lina Goldberg's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    you just had to resort to calling weed a drug, get your shit together
    and yet you just called me a junkie on the same premise retard
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  23. Collapse Details
    king steveyos
    well that's not true, again you're being silly, of course I'm not talking about weed
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  24. Collapse Details
    Senior Member Lina Goldberg's Avatar
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    okay so youre just being retard i get it
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  25. Collapse Details
    king steveyos
    stop being so silly and get your shit together and you can join me and my friends and do work
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  26. Collapse Details
    king steveyos
    not the discord people I am hopefully outta there I hope she finally understands I can't be around depressed sad people fuck all that discord shit including ewok people either gotta wallow in their sorrow away from me or join me if they wanna do work I can't handle sadness around me we only live once don't end up like marks and monde and dp and cag and lisa and cody
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  27. Collapse Details
    Senior Member Lina Goldberg's Avatar
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    for the record i posted the kill yourself music as a test to see if you could take a joke. U failed.
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  28. Collapse Details
    king steveyos
    I didn't even notice you're taking this 100% more seriously than I am idk see that's the thing everyone else is so into this and I'm barely reading it it's like why are you so into this why are you so mad don't you wanna do work and live a good life why is this angry forum of such importance
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  29. Collapse Details
    Senior Member Lina Goldberg's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    you're damn right I'm angry I'm surrounded by losers, you're not angry because you're a loser, I'm fucking pissed trust me
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  30. Collapse Details
    Senior Member Lina Goldberg's Avatar
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    I want to be your frenemy dude get it through your head.
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