my sister just divorced her husband because he's -exactly- like you guys it's literlaly disturbing listening to you guys talk like your lives are good when I know they're not, I don't like having super crazy people so involved in my life I wanna know you guys will protect me from the marcos and not be one of them
Unregisteredking steveyos01-11-2019
the biggest one was probably about 130. I don't drink as much as I used to, I haven't fucked a fat chick in like 6 or 7 years. I can't imagine how much it must suck when even the fatties won't give you the time of day, I'd feel bad for you if your toxic self important attitude coupled with crippling fear weren't 100% of your problem.
ahahahaha, now your sister's husband is a bad person because he did some boring, normal as fuck, non-incel, non-shut-in thing. get a grip
I admit it, I have only fucked 4 people since I divorced Alison, but I was with one chick for a long time when I worked at the native centre. She was a teacher there and we had a casual noncommittal relationship. 2 others were from online dating and one was a French chick from where I work now. So I'm not dipping dick very often, but I am a fat 60 yr old niggerface doing the best I can. Ps none were fat, but the teacher had a nice oawg ass, my god it was nice
Unregisteredking steveyos
Unregisteredking steveyos
well I may be a bit of a dick, but there's people who want to be around me, and not just in a dollhouse game online. your own mom doesn't even talk to you. that's fucked, you're a broken person stevey broken as fuck more broken than anyone here besides eewok and lisa
you're fucked and it's to late tio fix it, you're never going to be normal, never ever, never ever ever. nobody is ever going to love you. I doubt anyone will even sleep with you.
fucking plug drugs has a better shot than you
this is mean. I'm trying to apologize to stefv in another thread and you're going to make him sad
he thinks he's more than a neckbeard and as long as he thinks that he will never not be a neckbeard, your mollycoddling isn't helping
steven has life atrophy. things aren't ever going to change much, and the things that do change are going to change for the worst. stevey's life is essentially over.
If I was him I wouldn't bother, I'd just wait out the inevitable sitting in my section 8 apartment playing dollhouse games
Unregisteredking steveyos01-11-2019
there's so many posts that cam eeven afte rthis one fffffffffffffffffffuck this is a little creepy guys you got a whole network of mac comptuers and you're really angry and you're hacker nerds plz don't hack me cause you got bullied in school and it stunted your abiliy to grow aaaaaaaaaaaaaa
marks came in here and turned our very laid back discussion about macs and gout into something else. I'm sorry marks made you feel sad, stefv
why shouldn't he feel sad? he is sad
but it just makes him afraid to type out his feels
Unregisteredking steveyos01-11-2019
sad, toxic, this isn't stuff whiny nerds say on reddit when they're mad nope not at all
Unregisteredking steveyos
Im s pretty open book as well. I'll tell you if you ask, but you seem to have made a great deal of assumptions designed to make you feel better about yourself
I think you do that a lot. Maybe settle down a bit and go back to calmly posting pictures and talking about marijuana
if you're not toxic why doesn't anyone want to be around you irl
Unregisteredking steveyos01-11-2019
stop saying toxic I've avoided reddit for so long don't bring it here
stevey, why do you associate reddit with that word if you've never been there?
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