use empty stoffers boxes to make a couch
I am the owner of http://www.ezmangaforum.com
Get some wood grain contact paper to cover the boxes with and make them look fancy
empty 64 count corn dog box holding up his computer
maybe its not empty and he cut a hole in the side. stevey's snack station is online
What is the chance Steven eats anything that is not take out or microwavable?
idk i had yogurt and chewy bars for dinner tonight he probably ate better than me
i have a huge empty food container being used as furniture and someone noticed, better mock that person
Unregisteredking steveyos06-26-2018
it was weird enough back then when I had to tell you people about it but the fact you still don't know about newegg preferred is just mind boggling, how can you not comprehend that fucking any of you could have this good of a computer if I can, what magic do you think I did to get it that you can't learn, jesus christ
newegg preferred is just a credit account with 30% interest. you have a credit card, stevey
Unregisteredking steveyos06-26-2018
I don't know how to say it in way you'd understand I didn't have to pay the full price at once any of you could have a titan deso like ugh what language do you want it in
keep dodging the discussion out of shame you tubby retard
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