I don't know any inside jokes or much of anything for that matter. I'm also not sure why I want to post because I don't particularly like this place.
Results 1 to 30 of 71
idk who you are or what you're doing here but if you end up being a faggot I'll be mean to you so be ready for that
I'm like really good at being mean on the internet
see even kent figured that out and he's retarded
Are you at least mice to people in real life? Like do you do tons of charity work and this is your escape?
I'm a member of a charity organization I pay $85 a quarter to do grunt work raising money and have dinner with old people
Last edited by maks; 02-02-2018 at 10:43 PM.
are you snoopalew's alt are you gonna get all moral on me
Glad to hear you do at least some good in the world. It didn't make me feel great though... I feel like your balance is still way off. Do you feel good when you hurt people online? Would hurting me help You?
if hurting you is good for the forum I will hurt you and it will be effective because I'm like really good at that shit ususally sigmund freud
Our jugglo quota has been exceeded for quite some time, please try again in a few yeara
I am the owner of http://www.ezmangaforum.com
Is this that milkduds guy that lisa fell in love wjth
nah you're thinking of donny, he's dead
Hello. I had decided to leave the forum for a bit but now have returned.
My first day here as a member was difficult on my mind. I was immediately met by this force called maks. He appeared to me like a fierce wind, threatening to tear my house down. I learn that he has recently discovered that a fellow poster is handicapped and is threatening to ruin his job by sending them information. This frightens me and makes me assess myself. What do I have to lose? And, more importantly, am I willing to risk it just to post at this forum?
I decided to leave for a day as I pondered these thoughts. I thought about never returning.
But return I did, as the curiosity of my thread could no longer be ignored. I was delighted to see other posters greeting me! Thank you, battery bits and Dustin. The welcome was much appreciated.Last edited by Visual Leader; 02-04-2018 at 12:15 PM.
The account who I believe to be the site administrator tells me that nobody cares. I assume he is saying that nobody cares about me as a person, or what I have to say. That is a shame. Perhaps it is a test of will, and if I can survive his verbal lashing, I will be free to post at my will. And maybe, just maybe, some may start to care.
dp was right it's a juggalo. this guy lives in his car, he's not really in a position to criticize anyone in fact he's probably doing the worst out of anyone on both forums.
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