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bare metal with large rusted holes
do you have plywood or anything on the floor, or is it bare metal
my van
where are you living now, stevey
they are when you've gone 24 hours since eating anything lol
do any of those sandwiches even taste good
I'm walking next door to get gas station sandwiches
Originally Posted by Desolation you're not even white
Everyone who's sane and used to talk to him outside this forum all distanced themselves from his insanity
Steven says only him and cag are not mentally ill on this forum and I believe Steve because he’s a good Christian man with a family who loves him and does everything to support his family and community.
He could get free mental help if he'd just admit he needs help
Originally Posted by Wendy <3 I didn't know it was possible for a person to buy more than a 12 pack of corn dogs mental illness is really disturbing when it isn't being treated by a professional.
I didn't know it was possible for a person to buy more than a 12 pack of corn dogs
Mini corn dogs are low key pretty good but haven’t had them since I was like 7
you're not even white
how is lexie
corndog stenched van
second life is gay!
second life dolls
he makes tranny dolls
deso the rage will help you not think about cutting and clay the rage will burn calories
Originally Posted by Wendy <3 I don't want him to be okay because he doesn't deserve it and doesn't do anything for anyone He makes dolls in cags figure. That is so nice of him to represent cag in such a nice light on second life what a sweetheart.
Originally Posted by Unregistered I don't know how to say it in way you'd understand I didn't have to pay the full price at once any of you could have a titan deso like ugh what language do you want it in anyone have a 6 year old graphics card like steveydo
Originally Posted by Cams Purple Lambo He has low self esteem and self worth let’s start a prayer chain for him. I’m so sorry Steven. I don't want him to be okay because he doesn't deserve it and doesn't do anything for anyone
Originally Posted by Unregistered oh the rage is growing keep going Steven please hurt your self. It’s hurting me to see you like this. Come to the light Steven!
keep dodging the discussion out of shame you tubby retard
oh the rage is growing keep going
Originally Posted by Wendy <3 Stovey why do you abuse yourself so much He has low self esteem and self worth let’s start a prayer chain for him. I’m so sorry Steven.
Originally Posted by Unregistered I don't know how to say it in way you'd understand I didn't have to pay the full price at once any of you could have a titan deso like ugh what language do you want it in we're talking about your cornmeal hot dog addiction right now fatfuck
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