03-29-2013, 12:36 AM
Ok so as you may have read in a previous 5 star post (, I'm wrapping up an ever most busy day with a small glass of milk and a few oatmeal cookies. I'm snackin' down as I hear my bath tub filling up. Oh yes, BB&B is in full effect this evening! So I strip down and walk into my bathroom. My bathroom is already pretty steamy and my mirror is a little fogged. I pull back the shower curtain and O-M-G ... THERE'S NO WARM WATER IN THE TUB!? My heart rate increases as I bend over and frantically adjust the knobs, but the entire tub is lukewarm. I come to the realization I am going to have to take a shower tonight. UGH! I let out a sigh as I wait for what felt like forever for the water to go down the spout. I start my shower and warm water actually comes out my shower head. It feels like a cordial relief as I step in and let the steamy shots of water roll down my shoulders and back. I wash my hair and get my body totally sudsy! Feels great. I lay against the wall and let the water splash all over. Nice. I get out and wrap a white towel around my waist (that's all) and look in the mirror. Still fogged. Which makes me ponder how lukewarm water produced the same amount of mirror fog as the warm shower I just blasted all over my perky body.