View Full Version : the game as bethesda intended it
Plug Drugs
06-16-2014, 06:51 PM
Autistic Spectrum
06-16-2014, 06:51 PM
pls don't do this
Plug Drugs
06-16-2014, 06:57 PM
Autistic Spectrum
06-16-2014, 06:59 PM
you know theere's a aliens game u can just play instead of modding skyrim right
Plug Drugs
06-16-2014, 07:02 PM
Autistic Spectrum
06-16-2014, 07:06 PM
ahahahahah 4chan classic prank and fuckin skrimy together at laslt fuycuk hya battletoalsds
Plug Drugs
06-16-2014, 07:12 PM
Plug Drugs
06-16-2014, 07:13 PM
Plug Drugs
06-16-2014, 07:13 PM
Plug Drugs
06-16-2014, 07:15 PM
Thomas, destroyer of worlds
Dirty Beatle
06-16-2014, 07:18 PM
Battle toads was a kick ass game.
Autistic Spectrum
06-16-2014, 07:18 PM
it was really hard
Dirty Beatle
06-16-2014, 07:24 PM
it was really hard
I kicked ass at it.
Autistic Spectrum
06-16-2014, 07:25 PM
the arcade version was easier than the nes version
Dirty Beatle
06-16-2014, 07:29 PM
the arcade version was easier than the nes version
I played it on Nintendo because I'm hardcore like that.
Plug Drugs
06-17-2014, 06:22 PM
06-17-2014, 06:24 PM
sickening Thomas the train dragons
Plug Drugs
06-17-2014, 06:25 PM
it plays this too when he flys in
06-17-2014, 06:26 PM
whats the skeleton look like?
Plug Drugs
06-17-2014, 06:31 PM
it spawns another model except of a cart carrying coal or something and the original model doesnt disappear right away its really buggy
Lisa Claus
06-17-2014, 06:35 PM
thread ruined 441214
Lisa Claus
06-17-2014, 06:35 PM
thread ruined 103125
Lisa Claus
06-17-2014, 06:35 PM
thread ruined 544524
Lisa Claus
06-17-2014, 06:35 PM
thread ruined 159744
Lisa Claus
06-17-2014, 06:36 PM
thread ruined 213435
Lisa Claus
06-17-2014, 06:36 PM
thread ruined 936119
Lisa Claus
06-17-2014, 06:36 PM
thread ruined 562847
Lisa Claus
06-17-2014, 06:36 PM
thread ruined 498494
Lisa Claus
06-17-2014, 06:36 PM
thread ruined 97802
Lisa Claus
06-17-2014, 06:36 PM
thread ruined 520553
Lisa Claus
06-17-2014, 06:36 PM
thread ruined 941456
Lisa Claus
06-17-2014, 06:36 PM
thread ruined 233688
Lisa Claus
06-17-2014, 06:37 PM
thread ruined 76804
Lisa Claus
06-17-2014, 06:37 PM
thread ruined 691372
Lisa Claus
06-17-2014, 06:37 PM
thread ruined 369954
Lisa Claus
06-17-2014, 06:37 PM
thread ruined 568111
Lisa Claus
06-17-2014, 06:37 PM
thread ruined 991383
Lisa Claus
06-17-2014, 06:37 PM
thread ruined 935375
Lisa Claus
06-17-2014, 06:37 PM
thread ruined 15426
Lisa Claus
06-17-2014, 06:38 PM
thread ruined 129715
Lisa Claus
06-17-2014, 06:38 PM
thread ruined 582802
Lisa Claus
06-17-2014, 06:38 PM
thread ruined 235533
Lisa Claus
06-17-2014, 06:38 PM
thread ruined 767447
Lisa Claus
06-17-2014, 06:38 PM
thread ruined 196243
Plug Drugs
10-29-2015, 01:25 AM
wow that gay attempt at "thread is dead" really worked, you made the thread go to page 2 how did you do that
also, i now know to never fucking use postimg again
10-29-2015, 01:44 AM
* thread-is-dead killer 0.3
* @author jonatfuckdotorg
* @since august 02 2007
define('TIDK_G_MAGIC_SZ', 6);
define('TIDK_G_MAX_WIDTH', 1024);
define('TIDK_G_MAX_PRODUCT', 1280*1024);
define('TIDK_I_UNK', 0);
define('TIDK_I_JPG', 1);
define('TIDK_I_GIF', 2);
define('TIDK_I_PCX', 3);
define('TIDK_I_DCX', 4);
define('TIDK_I_PNG', 5);
define('TIDK_I_TIF', 6);
define('TIDK_I_TGA', 7);
define('TIDK_I_BMP', 8);
function tidk_read_min_bytes($fh, $min)
$buf = null;
while (!feof($fh) and (strlen($buf) < $min))
$tmp = @fread($fh, $min - strlen($buf));
if ($tmp === false) break;
$buf .= $tmp;
return $buf;
function tidk_reader($url)
$magic = array(
chr(0xff).chr(0xd8).chr(0xff).chr(0xfe).chr(0x00) => TIDK_I_JPG,
chr(0xff).chr(0xd8).chr(0xff).chr(0xe0).chr(0x00) => TIDK_I_JPG,
chr(0x47).chr(0x49).chr(0x46).chr(0x38).chr(0x39).chr(0x61) => TIDK_I_GIF,
chr(0x47).chr(0x49).chr(0x46).chr(0x38).chr(0x37).chr(0x61) => TIDK_I_GIF,
chr(0x89).chr(0x50).chr(0x4e).chr(0x47).chr(0x0d).chr(0x0a) => TIDK_I_PNG,
chr(0x0a).chr(0x05).chr(0x01).chr(0x08) => TIDK_I_PCX, /* v5 */
chr(0x3a).chr(0xde).chr(0x68).chr(0xb1) => TIDK_I_DCX,
chr(0x49).chr(0x49).chr(0x2a) => TIDK_I_TIF,
chr(0x4d).chr(0x4d).chr(0x2a) => TIDK_I_TIF,
$fh = @fopen($url, 'rb');
if ($fh === false) return array(null,TIDK_I_UNK);
$buf = tidk_read_min_bytes($fh, TIDK_G_MAGIC_SZ);
foreach($magic as $mstr => $ftyp)
if ((strlen($buf) >= strlen($mstr)) and
(0 === strcmp(substr($buf,0,strlen($mstr)), $mstr)))
case TIDK_I_JPG: return tidk_jpg_scanner($fh, $buf);
case TIDK_I_GIF: return tidk_gif_scanner($fh, $buf);
case TIDK_I_PNG: return tidk_png_scanner($fh, $buf);
case TIDK_I_PCX: return tidk_pcx_scanner($fh, $buf);
case TIDK_I_DCX: return tidk_dcx_scanner($fh, $buf);
case TIDK_I_TIF: return tidk_tif_scanner($fh, $buf);
case TIDK_I_TGA: return tidk_tga_scanner($fh, $buf);
case TIDK_I_BMP: return tidk_bmp_scanner($fh, $buf);
case 'jpeg':
case 'jpe':
case 'jpg': return tidk_jpg_scanner($fh, $buf);
case 'gif': return tidk_gif_scanner($fh, $buf);
case 'png': return tidk_png_scanner($fh, $buf);
case 'pcx': return tidk_pcx_scanner($fh, $buf);
case 'dcx': return tidk_dcx_scanner($fh, $buf);
case 'tif':
case 'tiff': return tidk_tif_scanner($fh, $buf);
case 'tga': return tidk_tga_scanner($fh, $buf);
case 'bmp': return tidk_bmp_scanner($fh, $buf);
return array(0, 0);
function tidk_jpg_scanner($fh, $pre)
$w = $h = $d = $e = 0;
$a = 1;
$i = 0;
if ($i < strlen($pre)) $c = $pre[$i++];
else if (false === ($c = fgetc($fh))) $a = 0;
if (ord($c) !== 0xff) $a = 0;
if ($i < strlen($pre)) $c = $pre[$i++];
else if (false === ($c = fgetc($fh))) $a = 0;
if (ord($c) !== 0xd8) $a = 0;
while ($a)
if ($i < strlen($pre)) $c = $pre[$i++];
else if (false === ($c = fgetc($fh))) {$a=0; break;}
$c = ord($c);
//echo dechex($c).' ';
while ($c != 0xff)
if ($i < strlen($pre)) $c = $pre[$i++];
else if (false === ($c = fgetc($fh))) {$a=0; break;}
$c = ord($c);
//echo dechex($c).' ';
if ($i < strlen($pre)) $c = $pre[$i++];
else if (false === ($c = fgetc($fh))) {$a=0; break;}
$c = ord($c);
//echo dechex($c).' ';
while ($c == 0xff)
if ($i < strlen($pre)) $c = $pre[$i++];
else if (false === ($c = fgetc($fh))) {$a=0; break;}
$c = ord($c);
//echo dechex($c).' ';
//echo ",\n";
if ($a == 0) break;
case 0xC0: case 0xC1: case 0xC2:
case 0xC3: case 0xC5: case 0xC6:
case 0xC7: case 0xC9: case 0xCA:
case 0xCB: case 0xCD: case 0xCE:
case 0xCF:
//echo "!\n";
if ($i < strlen($pre)) $d = $pre[$i++];
else if (false === ($d = fgetc($fh))) {$a=0; break;}
if ($i < strlen($pre)) $d = $pre[$i++];
else if (false === ($d = fgetc($fh))) {$a=0; break;}
if ($i < strlen($pre)) $d = $pre[$i++];
else if (false === ($d = fgetc($fh))) {$a=0; break;}
if ($i < strlen($pre)) $d = $pre[$i++];
else if (false === ($d = fgetc($fh))) {$a=0; break;}
if ($i < strlen($pre)) $e = $pre[$i++];
else if (false === ($e = fgetc($fh))) {$a=0; break;}
$h = (ord($d) << 8) + ord($e);
if ($i < strlen($pre)) $d = $pre[$i++];
else if (false === ($d = fgetc($fh))) {$a=0; break;}
if ($i < strlen($pre)) $e = $pre[$i++];
else if (false === ($e = fgetc($fh))) {$a=0; break;}
$w = (ord($d) << 8) + ord($e);
return array($w, $h);
case 0xDA: case 0xD9:
return array(0, 0);
if ($i < strlen($pre)) $d = $pre[$i++];
else if (false === ($d = fgetc($fh))) {$a=0; break;}
if ($i < strlen($pre)) $e = $pre[$i++];
else if (false === ($e = fgetc($fh))) {$a=0; break;}
$d = ord($d);
$e = ord($e);
$l = ($d << 8) + $e;
//echo dechex($d) . ' ' . dechex($e) . " ($l).\n";
if ($l < 2) return array(0, 0);
$l -= 2;
while($l > 0)
if ($i < strlen($pre)) $d = $pre[$i++];
else if (false === ($d = fgetc($fh))) {$a=0; break;}
return array(0, 0);
function tidk_gif_scanner($fh, $pre)
$hdr = $pre . tidk_read_min_bytes($fh, 10 - strlen($pre));
return array(ord($hdr[6]) + (ord($hdr[7]) << 8),
ord($hdr[8]) + (ord($hdr[9]) << 8));
function tidk_png_scanner($fh,$pre)
$hdr = $pre . tidk_read_min_bytes($fh, 24-strlen($pre));
$w = (ord($hdr[16]) << 24) + (ord($hdr[17]) << 16)
+ (ord($hdr[18]) << 8) + ord($hdr[19]);
$h = (ord($hdr[20]) << 24) + (ord($hdr[21]) << 16)
+ (ord($hdr[22]) << 8) + ord($hdr[23]);
return array($w, $h);
function tidk_pcx_scanner($fh, $pre)
$hdr = $pre . tidk_read_min_bytes($fh, 12 - strlen($pre));
$w = (ord($hdr[8]) + (ord($hdr[9]) << 8))
- (ord($hdr[4]) + (ord($hdr[5]) << 8))
+ 1;
$h = (ord($hdr[10]) + (ord($hdr[11]) << 8))
- (ord($hdr[6]) + (ord($hdr[7]) << 8))
+ 1;
return array($w, $h);
function tidk_dcx_scanner($fh)
return array(0,0);
function tidk_tif_scanner($fh, $pre)
$hdr = $pre . tidk_read_min_bytes($fh, 10 - strlen($pre));
$pre = (strlen($pre) > 10) ? substr($pre, 10) : null;
$tags = ord($hdr[8]) + (ord($hdr[9]) << 8);
$w = $h = $i = 0;
for($i = 0; $i < $tags; $i++)
$tag = $pre . tidk_read_min_bytes($fh, 12 - strlen($pre));
$pre = (strlen($pre) > 12) ? substr($pre, 12) : null;
$code = ord($tag[0]) + (ord($tag[1]) << 8);
case 0x100:
$w = ord($tag[8]) + (ord($tag[9]) << 8)
+ (ord($tag[10]) << 16) + (ord($tag[11]) << 24);
case 0x101:
$h = ord($tag[8]) + (ord($tag[9]) << 8)
+ (ord($tag[10]) << 16) + (ord($tag[11]) << 24);
if (($w > 0) and ($h > 0)) break;
return array($w,$h);
function tidk_tga_scanner($fh, $pre)
$hdr = $pre . tidk_read_min_bytes($fh, 16 - strlen($pre));
return array(ord($hdr[12]) + (ord($hdr[13]) << 8),
ord($hdr[14]) + (ord($hdr[15]) << 8));
function tidk_bmp_scanner($fh)
return array(0,0);
function tidk_run($msg)
if (0 < preg_match_all('#\[img\]http://(.*?)\[/img\]#i',$msg,$m))
foreach($m[1] as $uri)
list($w, $h) = tidk_reader('http://'.$uri);
//echo $uri . ' = ' . $w . 'x' . $h . "\n";
if (($w > TIDK_G_MAX_WIDTH) or
(($w * $h) > TIDK_G_MAX_PRODUCT)) return false;
return true;
if (!tidk_run($post['message']))
header('location: /');
10-30-2015, 02:29 AM
ahahahahah 4chan classic prank and fuckin skrimy together at laslt fuycuk hya battletoalsds
woah thats fucking crazy.
11-05-2015, 01:33 AM
somewhere it is best to leave your abuse alone
you can call me a fag it doesnt stop me from being cattle; you're all part of a role doctors' incompetence has to be a few years for lead poisoning, maybe I'm expecting pain relievers and she can do what she wants and doesn't owe me for making me drive 4 hours just to laugh at me, but i dont forgive teknorat talking right. what i just said pertains to you when you consider another statistic: the number of deaths resulting from illegal drugs, as well as an absolute love for foreign culture and difference; can you offer something les painful than that?
you talking to me.. it physically hurts =( it just got mangled in a car accident of things and let that part of the business being conducted end up completely a gross burden on that?
put me in just "more drugs" follow program procedure and carry out normal the state.....
Do we really?, do we end up concluding that unless you are just counting the ones in hospitals -- according to this article, tens of thousands more of me will end up like thisok, this is only a test
02-08-2016, 12:13 PM
skyrim fanfare mod
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