View Full Version : In this thread (ITT) I impersonate Cody and do a sick fucking brutal own on him
Gentleman Doli
08-19-2012, 12:58 PM
Hello Im cody
Gentleman Doli
08-19-2012, 01:00 PM
pussy loose like a bowl of soggy Ramen
Gentleman Doli
08-19-2012, 01:01 PM
why is ramen here
Gentleman Doli
08-19-2012, 01:04 PM
what is wrists
/wrists is where posix based operating systems store their metacarpals
lnopia the great
08-20-2012, 01:01 AM
Everyone knows the reason some individuals have black skin is because when they were angels in heaven they decided not to choose a side to fight on whether it be Jesus or his brother Satan. So they have been cursed to be born into this world as black people. - A concerned Mormon parent.
08-20-2012, 04:28 AM
another post im not going to read
08-20-2012, 05:12 AM
actually cody just got me thinking, why does OB think anyone gives a shit about his gender or the way he lives? why cant he just be normal without telling everyone baout it?
08-20-2012, 05:20 AM
sex with dead people
08-20-2012, 06:52 AM
Am I the only one that genuinely hates stompleb?
Am I the only one that genuinely hates stompleb?
nope you're in the majority
08-20-2012, 01:20 PM
i <3 stomple, but we go way back as pals. :)
08-20-2012, 02:16 PM
08-20-2012, 04:33 PM
Marco (Bill Carson) still posts here and at RH.
This site might have originally been created as a comedy site and might have even functioned as one very briefly in its early history but it devolved into a troll site long before I ever came here and might have done so before Timmy came here.
have you figured out who keeps neg repping you?
Marco (Bill Carson) still posts here and at RH.
This site might have originally been created as a comedy site and might have even functioned as one very briefly in its early history but it devolved into a troll site long before I ever came here and might have done so before Timmy came here.
for once ob is right, this is and has always been a troll site. ytmnsfw came to be because max was sick of these people making the babies on the regular ytmnd forum who wanted to discuss brian peppers and the pink haired girl cry
Stomple actually isn't but plays one for trolling purposes unlike M0nde who is the real deal.
wrong, m0nde never even mentions kids he doesn't seem to care about them at all whereas stompleb flips the fuck out if you so much as talk about one
lnopia the great
08-20-2012, 04:38 PM
did you just say stomple purposely pretends to be a pedo to troll everyone lol
lnopia the great
08-20-2012, 04:40 PM
mondr is def a pervert but i dont think he limits himself to just kids
mondr is def a pervert but i dont think he limits himself to just kids
who among us isn't? it's just a little creepier when m0nde acts perverted because he's chubby and brown
You told OB he's right. You're never going to hear the end of that.
I'll just remind him that one correct statement out of several thousand idiotic ones doesn't mean a whole lot
M0nde doesn't because he is ashamed of the fact that he grouped a girl in a Toronto department store and was convicted of it.
That was a troll made up by elezzark or some other m0nde hater, you bought it and that means you are butthurt and a lolcow and possibly a sock and a bunch of other :lizard: bullshit
Yes indeed. Stomple is a griefer. You ought to know that.
No, he's honestly trying to be friends and that's why it's so much fun to hate him
How can you say "it is made up" when you don't even know who made it up? You really don't understand how griefers work. They usually take a morally correct albeit an unpopular cause and then give grief when people do not accept them. The 42 y/o Chief Financial Officer of an Arizona medical firm who got fired for griefing a teenage female Chick-Fil-A worker and posted it on Youtube is a good example of a griefer. Enablers of morally wrong causes are a griefer's favorite target.
I only read the first sentence but I'm pretty sure it was elezzark and I remember the circumstances pretty vividly. You're the only one who actually believes it which says a whole lot about you.
I only read the first sentence of most of your posts, that's where you generally make your point if you have one, the rest is a bunch of laughably naive "theory of posting" bullshit that does nothing but support that point.
08-20-2012, 05:35 PM
Ob is not cool, immediately quit posting now
why are you still laboring under the delusion that being disliked is the same as trolling?
is it what you have to tell yourself, because the truth is too hard to accept?
No, you're essentially stealing stevey's gimmick, "people don't hate me because I'm a piece of shit, they hate me because I trolled them into hating me". It's a painfully transparent coping mechanism.
08-20-2012, 05:52 PM
This forum contains hate, sometimes i don't take personal here. You shouldn't take serious here.
I could care less who likes or hates me on meaningless sites.
then why this "people only dislike me because I want them to" bullshit? why not just admit that people don't like you because you're unlikable? because it would kill you to admit that to yourself, that's why.
It won't let you be nice to it even if you try maks, it's pointless. I can only wonder how long until we read about the disemboweled transsexual found in a dumpster behind a truckstop....
he loves to discuss all sorts of boring minutia but the second I ask about him (a subject you'd think he would have some insight on) he tries to deflect and change the topic to stompleb. mr. freud would have something to say about this.
08-20-2012, 06:09 PM
Um... that's self-trolling
LOL i know right, but you're the socially maladjusted one here...
yeah the guy with a job and his original genitalia intact
there's nothing wrong with security work, I'd take 50k to carry a gun and sit on my ass watching a monitor
connecticut is not the south, our wages are substantially higher in pretty much every field
08-20-2012, 06:27 PM
I wish I made 50k when I did that work, more like 20k...
per year?
08-20-2012, 06:28 PM
I could care less who likes or hates me on meaningless sites. It's funny to admit to being a disruption troll knowing that the fragile egos of certain members like yourself will still keep feeding me despite knowing that. Bad try again deflecting the fact that Stomple has pwned you with impunity over the years. You just keeping digging yourself deeper into the shit with every defensive post you make.
im going to make you the first person with two red rep bars, are you excited?
08-20-2012, 06:32 PM
Oh yes!
good, thats real good
lnopia the great
08-20-2012, 06:38 PM
I seen the Moron's, (Mormon's) "Blacks are Neutral Towards Satan" Mantra on The History Channel or some other channel once. I was laughing at the thought of God and his angels fighting Satan and his demons while a bunch of blacks sat on their asses and said, "It ain't gonna make no difference to us who wins this war, so fuck dat shit" while eating fried chicken and watermelon.
As an Atheist, I always thought that "neutral towards Satan" would describe me best but most Morons would strongly disagree. Transsexuals are thought of as, "the direct spawn of Satan" by Morons. This isn't exactly true. Transsexuals in the Roman empire mostly worshiped the hermaphrodite goddess, Sybil and were regarded as the daughters of Sybil. Astaroth is the granddaughter of Satan's half brother, Beelzebub. The Egyptian Goddess Isis has been referred to as both Sybil and Astaroth in literature. This means that transsexuals are connected to Satan via Astaroth rather than being direct spawns of Satan.
i post a out of context youtube comment that i only half read and you write a genuine essay while maintaining this site is meaningless to you despite saying more words here per day then to people in person
08-20-2012, 06:38 PM
forum rep bdsm, rule 34?
just google steve yelle
Most security guards make near minimum wage. Unless someone is an off-duty or retired police officer, they are not making anywhere near $50k even with a carry permit and fire safety officer certification.
yes I will take the unemployed person's opinions on salaries seriously of course I will
08-20-2012, 07:14 PM
for once ob is right, this is and has always been a troll site. ytmnsfw came to be because max was sick of these people making the babies on the regular ytmnd forum who wanted to discuss brian peppers and the pink haired girl cry
except none of that shit ever even happened on ytmndforums except in the site critique section lol
i think the truth is we were an embarrassment to max, like the cyclops he keeps in the basement
except none of that shit ever even happened on ytmndforums except in the site critique section lol
i think the truth is we were an embarrassment to max, like the cyclops he keeps in the basement
oh did you ever see the sfw forum? it was bobhughes and two other guys bitching about ptkfgs for 2 years until someone spammed it with ads for child porn.
frankly I'm shocked ytmnd is still up. max has terrible business sense and absolutely no sense of humor but he's persistant I'll give him that
lnopia the great
08-20-2012, 07:25 PM
are you sure you know what vapid means
lnopia the great
08-20-2012, 07:25 PM
cause you are pretty stupid
stalker virus
08-20-2012, 07:26 PM
i'm eating a turkey sandwich and it's yum
I am not. As lame as the humor might be at YTMND, it is still a comedy site unlike this when were vapid loser nerds just bitch at each other all day.
ytmnd isn't a humor site, it's a "lets pick a random concept and drive it into the ground via sustained repetition in the gayest way possible" site.
fyi being genuinely stupid and bad at hiding it is not a form of trolling
have you ever thought that maybe I appear to be right because I am in fact right?
I guess your nickname is, "The customer" since you are always right.
lnopia the great
08-20-2012, 08:06 PM
I guess your nickname is, "The customer" since you are always right.
I guess your nickname is, "The customer" since you are always right.
is it just me or is that the single lamest crack you've ever heard
sounds like something from fat albert
You're like school in summertime!
school in summertime?
yeah, NO CLASS!
08-20-2012, 08:13 PM
why is Ob a shameless?
why is Ob a shameless?
They should call you elevator operator, cuz you're bringing everybody down!
08-20-2012, 09:42 PM
"fuck the soldiers, be your own man. im flyin through the clouds higher than peter pan."
-soulja boy
"fuck the soldiers, be your own man. im flyin through the clouds higher than peter pan."
-soulja boy
I guess your nickname is, "The customer" since you are always right.
08-20-2012, 10:38 PM
Maks, the common is, the customers are always right, but rare they make an error, what do you do?
Maks, the common is, the customers are always right, but rare they make an error, what do you do?
I do whatever they ask me and if they ask me to do it wrong that just means they'll have to pay me a shitload of money to fix it later
08-20-2012, 10:47 PM
"Connect my IP to another computer without ethernet", do you get paid for that?
"Connect my IP to another computer without ethernet", do you get paid for that?
I would get paid for building them an exclusively wifi network
08-20-2012, 10:56 PM
and do you make fun of your costumers after you get paid?
no, I don't give a fuck what they spend their money on. if they ask me what I think I'll give them my honest opinion, if they say "I want this" I will give them this.
08-20-2012, 11:57 PM
didnt read this thread
08-21-2012, 12:45 AM
is it just me or is that the single lamest crack you've ever heard
sounds like something from fat albertthis is why it's so easy to pick out a :lizard:
this is why it's so easy to pick out a :lizard:
yeah but ob is the best at it. they should elect him president of the :lizard:s
08-21-2012, 02:31 PM
oh did you ever see the sfw forum? it was bobhughes and two other guys bitching about ptkfgs for 2 years until someone spammed it with ads for child porn.
yeazh i was talking about prior to max separating the forum into NSFW and SFW
yeazh i was talking about prior to max separating the forum into NSFW and SFW
I know. I'm assuming max thought people actually wanted to discuss ytmnd and the trolls were making it impossible, turns out there were only 3 people who actually cared
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