View Full Version : What kind of person was Donny
Let's ask him.
Fuck yeah Nuffy, I love coke, I just can't find a decent connect up here that isn't selling stupid expensive stept-on garbage. 150 a ball for like 2% purity. Northeast is all pills and firefire dope. People are falling out left and right, I heard there's been 300 fatal O.D.'s in this state this year alone. The hard I can get is bonkers tho, I almost prefer busting out the vinegar and slamming it. I'm heavy back into the Oxy pretty much exclusively, such a clean nice high. I haven't touched dope in about 3 months actually, but that's mainly cuz my dude went ghost, and my homegirl doesn't want me fucking with it. Everytime I have even $20 on me, it's like a war inside my head not to try to cop. I always just say fuck it and get pils. That shit is life-long. The whole time I was in rehab I couldn't wait to get out, cop, and fix my shit downtown in the Dunkins bathroom. TURNS OUT, I couldn't because this girl I put on fell out in there the previous day. That's probably the worst thing I've ever done to anyone, shooting young girls full of drugs. Most of them are trickin' now.
I miss those days, and I don't. For now I'm just gonna rail Oxy, drink, bake, trip, fucks with rock, and take E.
Coca derivatives fiend me out that night, opiates fiend me out for life. That sounds like a badass N'Orleans weekend, get extra gacked and trip brains for the SM homies.
Look at this part
"I couldn't wait to get out, cop, and fix my shit downtown in the Dunkins bathroom. TURNS OUT, I couldn't because this girl I put on fell out in there the previous day. That's probably the worst thing I've ever done to anyone, shooting young girls full of drugs. Most of them are trickin' now.""
I'll translate for the rural or sheltered among you.
"I couldn't wait to leave rehab and get some more heroin, then go to the public bathroom at Dunkin Donuts, melt my heroin on a spoon, and inject it. I couldn't do that though, because a girl that I intentionally gotten hooked on heroin had overdosed in that bathroom. I've intentionally gotten many young girls addicted to heroin, most of them had to turn to prostitution to support their habits. {Two rolling on the floor laughing emojis}"
Donny ruined lives and laughed about it, he might as well be a serial killer. So glad he's dead.
donny was a good person till he went in here and met a fucking jerk like you who fucked his dad
Autistic Spectrum
08-27-2019, 04:32 PM
wow what a piece of shit
donny was a good person till he went in here and met a fucking jerk like you who fucked his dad
donny posted that he intentyionally got young girls hooked on heroin. most of them ended up becoming prostitutes, and at least one of them overdosed. and he fucking laughed about it. Your grandson was a piece of shit.
Autistic Spectrum
08-27-2019, 04:36 PM
he didn't just laugh about it, he told of his great conquest to a bunch of Juggalos on the internet,
Autistic Spectrum
08-27-2019, 04:42 PM
bev it was donny,
the only person who treated him right was lisa she tells me all the time how much she misses him and still loves him she never put him down like all of you
Autistic Spectrum
08-27-2019, 04:45 PM
bev your grandson got an undergage girl hooked on herion, then tricked her out, how does that have anything to do with lisa
Wendy <3
08-27-2019, 04:45 PM
Did i ever tell anyone here how donny's ghost came to me one night and sucked my dick?
Autistic Spectrum
08-27-2019, 04:45 PM
he was prob trying to trick that thicccccc bitch out next
Hey Bev, know that girl, the first one, the one that OD'd in the bathroom after Donny intentionally got her hooked on heroin? I hope she's ok. "Fell out" means OD, in some places it implies that the person died, idk the specifics of white trash masshole dialect. Anyway, I hope she didn't die. I hope she got clean, if so I know that must have been hard for her. I hope she's doing ok, and the damage that Donny did to her didn't destroy her whole life.
I hope she's ok, and I'm happy Donny is dead so he'll never do it again.
thats not true there was never a under age girl this is shit your makeing up he was with lisa and loved her they were gonna get married she loved him and he loved her it was always lisa he was with all the time i should know he lived with me and i would have never allowed it
there was no girl who over dosed in the bathroom where the hell do you get that its shit you make up
Wendy <3
08-27-2019, 04:52 PM
Fuck off you delusional old retard
go fuck your self cause you cant get a girl to fuck you
there was no girl who over dosed in the bathroom where the hell do you get that its shit you make up
donny posted that. he posted it and then he posted two rolling on the floor laughing emojis, because the lives he ruined were funny to him.
I'm going to East Hampton, if I take 395 instead of 84 I can get off in webster piss on donny's grave and it'll only take me like 45 minutes out of my way. Tempting.
why is easthampton southwest of northhampton how fucking stupid is massachusetts
i hope he reaches out and rips your dick off
Donny was a rail thin junkie who preyed on young naive girls. I could take him. I wish I'd had the opportunity. How cool would it be if I'd killed him? I'd feel really good about that.
Autistic Spectrum
08-27-2019, 05:29 PM
i hope he reaches out and rips your dick off
Grandma gang
08-27-2019, 06:21 PM
Grandma gang
Certified Lily
08-27-2019, 06:32 PM
no body want's you m0nde I did till you screwed things up
Autistic Spectrum
08-27-2019, 06:33 PM
no body want's you m0nde I did till you screwed things up
you could have had it all monde
08-27-2019, 06:34 PM
08-27-2019, 07:43 PM
no body want's you m0nde I did till you screwed things up
lol as much as we're enjoying this fucked up spelling and grammar, i need to use this one as an example of how dumb you are lily
"nobody" - saying 'no body' literally means "no (physical human body)"
there is no case where an apostrophe is added after "want", ever.
there is a complete logical inconsistency (aside from the fact that you did not show a pause with a comma in this sentence) in that you seem to be saying "nobody wants you but I WANTED you" indicating someone wanted m0nde
fucking lol
Wendy <3
08-27-2019, 08:04 PM
no body want's you m0nde I did till you screwed things up
Stop it
Reminder that Donny left a trail of broken lives behind him and his death was a blessing
Shame, he should have been taught do not use drugs but his family is so irresponsible
Wendy <3
08-28-2019, 08:47 PM
His family was all shit just like he was. The entire family should become extinct
08-28-2019, 09:00 PM
what's the point of this thread if Bev doesn't see it?
Wendy <3
08-28-2019, 10:02 PM
What's the point of having pics of lily slone if you're not gonna share with me so i can JO to them
08-28-2019, 10:20 PM
bev, quit playing games with my heart before you tear us apart i should've known from the start i know you got to stop from my heart
Certified Lily
08-28-2019, 11:47 PM
bev, quit playing games with my heart before you tear us apart i should've known from the start i know you got to stop from my heart
this is what I mean about abuse from you, is posts like that, that hurts me
08-29-2019, 12:34 AM
this is what I mean about abuse from you, is posts like that, that hurts me
wtf does this post have to do with you? get the fuck over yourself. if that kind of post hurts you, then don't come here. no one is serious about being bevs "internet boyfriend"
you're 60 years old. honestly, are you mentally ill?
Certified Lily
08-29-2019, 12:38 AM
61 lol I can be messed with how come I can't mes with others jeepers
you get over your self
Certified Lily
08-29-2019, 12:42 AM
verbal abuse thanks
I'm not mentally ill
Battery Bits
08-29-2019, 01:01 AM
Fuck off losers
honey that is so beautiful
Certified Lily
08-29-2019, 01:06 AM
Fuck off losers
hey I don't call you names and I'm always taking your side
Battery Bits
08-29-2019, 01:07 AM
hey I don't call you names and I'm always taking your side
Stop posting in this thread. I was calling everyone a loser, not everything is about you.
monde this post was for you what you wrote was beautiful your a honey
Battery Bits
08-29-2019, 01:09 AM
And I’m not impressed with the way you treated Kent
Certified Lily
08-29-2019, 01:11 AM
I did nothing to Kent
Battery Bits
08-29-2019, 01:12 AM
I did nothing to Kent
You banned him
Battery Bits
08-29-2019, 01:12 AM
He was your friend for years and he did nothing wrong
Certified Lily
08-29-2019, 01:15 AM
geesh, yea felt bad, but I couldn't prove digimon was lying now monde has Kent in pink now
Battery Bits
08-29-2019, 01:18 AM
geesh, yea felt bad, but I couldn't prove digimon was lying now monde has Kent in pink now
Yeah and that is bullshit. And I warned you about monde and you just do what he says. He’s a disgusting person. Digimon is maks. Unban Kent now and take away monde’s admin.
hi lily how are you tonight
Certified Lily
08-29-2019, 01:20 AM
I'm good thanks , How are you?
im great nice to hear that
Battery Bits
08-29-2019, 01:22 AM
And what now you’re in love with monde. Stop your bullshit with Kent.
Battery Bits
08-29-2019, 01:23 AM
Kent never hurt anyone, he posts porn, so what? We’re all adults.
i see lisawrote you love monde but hes mine did you see what he wrote to me i loved it
Certified Lily
08-29-2019, 01:25 AM
And what now you’re in love with monde. Stop your bullshit with Kent.
never told Kent I was in love with him, he has always known that he is just a friend , I've never lead him on
Battery Bits
08-29-2019, 01:25 AM
Kent will stop anything he’s doing if you ask him nicely, like how I asked him to post his bumping threads in the herp.
Battery Bits
08-29-2019, 01:26 AM
never told Kent I was in love with him, he has always known that he is just a friend , I've never lead him on
I never said you loved Kent, you are totally dodging the issue
Certified Lily
08-29-2019, 01:27 AM
No I don't love monde
Battery Bits
08-29-2019, 01:28 AM
Well unban Kent and remove monde as admin, he’s a disgusting person
well lily who do you liike in here im new and dont know who to trusy i know i sure dont like wendy
Battery Bits
08-29-2019, 01:31 AM
well lily who do you liike in here im new and dont know who to trusy i know i sure dont like wendy
Who does
Certified Lily
08-29-2019, 01:38 AM
well lily who do you liike in here im new and dont know who to trusy i know i sure dont like wendy
I love every one here, in spite what they said or did
as for trust, i trust ruby
Battery Bits
08-29-2019, 01:39 AM
Ruby is a good guy
how can you love every one in here i see how they talk to you it hurts me to see that as i say i dont like wendy or maks cause hes alwas=ys saying bad things about my grand son donnyi know they are all lies he was a good guy
Battery Bits
08-29-2019, 01:42 AM
Donny was the kindest, most loving guy I’ve ever met, I still love him
thank you lisa he loved you a lot and wanted to marry you as you did him he died of a heart attact cause you know when he was born he was born with a small heart and our family would have welcome you in the family and his mother still thinks of you as her daughter in law my family loves you and always will
Battery Bits
08-29-2019, 01:47 AM
Thanks Bev. Love you too xoxo
he loved you for a few weeks lisa and wanted to marry you but forgot about that whole thing when he was driving around town and a junky hooker asked him for a ride to the motel and they fell in love. he was born with a heroin addicted heart and his dealer wouldve welcomed you into the bathroom for a blow
Battery Bits
08-29-2019, 01:52 AM
he loved you for a few weeks lisa and wanted to marry you but forgot about that whole thing when he was driving around town and a junky hooker asked him for a ride to the motel and they fell in love. he was born with a heroin addicted heart and his dealer wouldve welcomed you into the bathroom for a blow
I spent every single day with him for years, you’re an idiot, his whole family knows how he felt about me
Battery Bits
08-29-2019, 01:53 AM
I was with him the day he died
donald didnt even own a car so how could he drive around town picking up hookers
Battery Bits
08-29-2019, 01:55 AM
donald didnt even own a car so how could he drive around town picking up hookers
He didn’t, he spent every day with me, we know he did drugs but I made him quit except weed
Battery Bits
08-29-2019, 01:56 AM
And he was clean when he died
yes he was he was bad at one time but after he met you he got himself clean cause you helped him and loved him and he loved you he told me he changed after he met you and i know he had a small heart i was there when he was born
Battery Bits
08-29-2019, 02:01 AM
yes he was he was bad at one time but after he met you he got himself clean cause you helped him and loved him and he loved you he told me he changed after he met you and i know he had a small heart i was there when he was born
Yeah. Exactly. I loved him very much and didn’t want to watch him hurt himself with drugs otherwise I would have left him but he did the hard work to get clean and he was just the sweetest guy, I still love him, always will.
08-29-2019, 02:02 AM
he loved you for a few weeks lisa and wanted to marry you but forgot about that whole thing when he was driving around town and a junky hooker asked him for a ride to the motel and they fell in love. he was born with a heroin addicted heart and his dealer wouldve welcomed you into the bathroom for a blow
clay is a TEXAS man with a heart of stone
08-29-2019, 02:02 AM
I'm out of the loop, did somebody on this forum actually die
your a great person thats why he fell in love with you and got clean
Battery Bits
08-29-2019, 02:04 AM
I'm out of the loop, did somebody on this forum actually die
The love of my life died 2 years ago, these losers are still posting about him
Battery Bits
08-29-2019, 02:04 AM
your a great person thats why he fell in love with you and got clean
Thankyou, you are too xoxo
well i known you for a long time now and i can see why he fell in love with you and i love you xoxo for being there for him
Battery Bits
08-29-2019, 02:07 AM
He was there for me too
08-29-2019, 02:07 AM
reading up on this thread, so some guy that boned lisa and also posted here, then he died from too many drugs, and his grandma or whatever also posts here and she's named bev, and they are having a big woman time itt talking about their feelings and shit
Battery Bits
08-29-2019, 02:08 AM
reading up on this thread, so some guy that boned lisa and also posted here, then he died from too many drugs, and his grandma or whatever also posts here and she's named bev, and they are having a big woman time itt talking about their feelings and shit
go fuck your self jerkand this is none of your business
Donny was the kindest, most loving guy I’ve ever met, I still love him
couldn't wait to get out, cop, and fix my shit downtown in the Dunkins bathroom. TURNS OUT, I couldn't because this girl I put on fell out in there the previous day. That's probably the worst thing I've ever done to anyone, shooting young girls full of drugs. Most of them are trickin' now.
Intentionally getting young girls hooked on heroin and laughing about how they ODed or were forced to become hookers to support their habit is what a kind person does.
reading up on this thread, so some guy that boned lisa and also posted here, then he died from too many drugs, and his grandma or whatever also posts here and she's named bev, and they are having a big woman time itt talking about their feelings and shit
read page 1, the guy was probably the biggest piece of shit who's ever posted here
Donny was the kindest, most loving guy I’ve ever met, I still love him
couldn't wait to get out, cop, and fix my shit downtown in the Dunkins bathroom. TURNS OUT, I couldn't because this girl I put on fell out in there the previous day. That's probably the worst thing I've ever done to anyone, shooting young girls full of drugs. Most of them are trickin' now.
yep intentionally getting young girls hooked on heroin and laughing about how they ODed or were forced to become hookers to support their habit is what a kind person does.
Battery Bits
08-29-2019, 05:26 AM
read page 1, the guy was probably the biggest piece of shit who's ever posted here
Duuuuurrrrrr yeah tell daddadan all about it you fucking loser
I don't have to, donny can tell him himself.
08-29-2019, 06:02 AM
so, what finally happened with this!
donny died, so there's one less person out there manipulating young girls into starting heroin addictions and ruining their lives. I'd call that a win for the world.
08-29-2019, 06:42 AM
Donny was a lost soul who died of a broken heart, he was born like the Grinch, with a heart two sizes too small :(
when he died, his heart had grown, through intimate online interraction with Lisa.p but it was still too small to push heroin and cocvaine speedy balls around his body.
rest in peace, you were an innocent, you never hurt anyone, never ruined anyone's life and did your best with the hand dealt you. You were not a sub-par, mediocre piece of juggalo trash who got young girls strung out and wrung out and hurt everyone you touched. You never caused pain to anyone.
-- if I had the opportunity, I'd give this eulogy to those who loved him and knew his heart
he also had the superpower of making his dark and disgusting acts invisible to the psychotic idiot women who cared about him. even when presented with evidence in his own words they deny deny deny
netflix should bring back jessica jones and have her spend a season fighting donny
Autistic Spectrum
08-29-2019, 07:21 AM
I'm good thanks , How are you?
im great nice to hear that
And what now you’re in love with monde. Stop your bullshit with Kent.
Kent never hurt anyone, he posts porn, so what? We’re all adults.
i see lisawrote you love monde but hes mine did you see what he wrote to me i loved it
never told Kent I was in love with him, he has always known that he is just a friend , I've never lead him on
Kent will stop anything he’s doing if you ask him nicely, like how I asked him to post his bumping threads in the herp.
I never said you loved Kent, you are totally dodging the issue
this is some serious grandma gang shit i can't even deal wtih this right now
Battery Bits
08-29-2019, 07:23 AM
this is some serious grandma gang shit i can't even deal wtih this right now
I’m not a grandma and I’m the same age as you
Autistic Spectrum
08-29-2019, 07:25 AM
you are there leader for some reason,
Autistic Spectrum
08-29-2019, 07:25 AM
grandma wrangler lisa
Autistic Spectrum
08-29-2019, 07:26 AM
you are right about one thing, Lily did kent dirty
Battery Bits
08-29-2019, 07:31 AM
you are there leader for some reason,
Battery Bits
08-29-2019, 07:35 AM
you are right about one thing, Lily did kent dirty
Yeah that was bullshit, he was her friend and had posted there for years and he doesn’t hurt anyone
When I had a forum I had a section just for him to post in, to post all that crap he keeps bumping that annoys me but it does no harm in his own section or the herp
Autistic Spectrum
08-29-2019, 07:36 AM
he's like deeply in love with lily and she treats him like trash, it's gross as fuck to watch
lisa is not my leader im very much my own i can take care of my self im avery hard bitch and i dont need a leader
Battery Bits
08-29-2019, 07:49 AM
lisa is not my leader im very much my own i can take care of my self im avery hard bitch and i dont need a leader
Rock on
Autistic Spectrum
08-29-2019, 07:51 AM
lisa the leader of the grandma gang,
lisa is a great leader if she was and if she is then im happy to have her my leader she is a very SMART PERSON I SEE HOW SHE CAN HANDLE YOU AND THATS MAKES HER A GREAT LEADER SO LEADER PLEASE BE MY LEADER althouth i dont need one you still can be mine
Battery Bits
08-29-2019, 07:56 AM
you were with donnie when he died but you didnt call an ambulance?
08-30-2019, 12:57 PM
Fuck yeah Nuffy, I love coke, I just can't find a decent connect up here that isn't selling stupid expensive stept-on garbage. 150 a ball for like 2% purity. Northeast is all pills and firefire dope. People are falling out left and right, I heard there's been 300 fatal O.D.'s in this state this year alone. The hard I can get is bonkers tho, I almost prefer busting out the vinegar and slamming it. I'm heavy back into the Oxy pretty much exclusively, such a clean nice high. I haven't touched dope in about 3 months actually, but that's mainly cuz my dude went ghost, and my homegirl doesn't want me fucking with it. Everytime I have even $20 on me, it's like a war inside my head not to try to cop. I always just say fuck it and get pils. That shit is life-long. The whole time I was in rehab I couldn't wait to get out, cop, and fix my shit downtown in the Dunkins bathroom. TURNS OUT, I couldn't because this girl I put on fell out in there the previous day. That's probably the worst thing I've ever done to anyone, shooting young girls full of drugs. Most of them are trickin' now.
I miss those days, and I don't. For now I'm just gonna rail Oxy, drink, bake, trip, fucks with rock, and take E.
Coca derivatives fiend me out that night, opiates fiend me out for life. That sounds like a badass N'Orleans weekend, get extra gacked and trip brains for the SM homies.
10-23-2019, 05:12 AM
this wigger in the truest sense of the word must have been on welfare cause that shit sounds expensive
heroin is pretty cheap so far as drug addictions go. oxys not so much, street oxy can be like $10 a pill
Wendy <3
10-23-2019, 07:26 AM
I love him so much
10-23-2019, 08:22 AM
Never read this thread til now
Did Donny really type that?
Never read this thread til now
Did Donny really type that?
no he didnt i remember when he showed me that post and said some one is fucking me and posten this shit that im not posten i believed him cause some times some one post under my name and its not me donny did weed i know that he stayed with me for a while and i was very strick and would have put him out if this was true but i know he was clean and lisa helped him a lot and he loved her and cleaned up his act so this is not his post no one wanted him with lisa and so they posted this shit about him
10-23-2019, 10:28 AM
Wow there’s some sick people out there to do that to poor donny
Wow there’s some sick people out there to do that to poor donny
thats true and him and lisa love each other and he was very happy with her they planed to get married i still keep in touch with her she rearly a very nice person and i was happy for them both we welcome her into our family bcause i knew lisa loved him as much as he loved her but peolpe in here just didnt like it cause donny was with her and started a lot of shit about them he was up set to see how they treated her he alwayed talk to me about that i know by writeing this im gonna get a lot of shit from them in here but i dont care im telling the truth
10-23-2019, 10:47 AM
So you admit he was addicted to tetrahydrocannibinol, aka "weeds" on the streets?
Thanks for confirming he was a criminal and a drug addict.
We can assume that by the time he was injecting weeds he was deep into many drugs and criminal activities perhaps even homosexual male prostitution.
Autistic Spectrum
10-23-2019, 10:47 AM
I contacted the administration over there and they said that post came from donnie's ip, so either you are lying or donny was a scumbag
So you admit he was addicted to tetrahydrocannibinol, aka "weeds" on the streets?
Thanks for confirming he was a criminal and a drug addict.
We can assume that by the time he was injecting weeds he was deep into many drugs and criminal activities perhaps even homosexual male prostitution.
asshole weed is leagel here in united states and he had it for his health so fuck off it was frome his doctores he was born with a small heart stupid no one wants to believe it i was there when he was born
10-23-2019, 10:57 AM
he was born with a small penis stupid no one wants to believe it i was there when he was born
Never read this thread til now
Did Donny really type that?
It;s absolutely him. his friends from the juggalo forum probably have a lot more stories like that.
asshole weed is leagel here in united states
no it's not you retard, it's been schedule 1 federally since the 1930's and only like 3 states have legalized it
Battery Bits
10-23-2019, 05:00 PM
no it's not you retard, it's been schedule 1 federally since the 1930's and only like 3 states have legalized it
It’s legal is mass you moron
It’s legal is mass you moron
I know you moron. It's illegally federally, if the FBI wanted to they could come in and stomp the shit out of MA's dispensaries/grow houses. It is not legal in the United States.
06-03-2021, 09:08 AM
Let's ask him.
Look at this part
"I couldn't wait to get out, cop, and fix my shit downtown in the Dunkins bathroom. TURNS OUT, I couldn't because this girl I put on fell out in there the previous day. That's probably the worst thing I've ever done to anyone, shooting young girls full of drugs. Most of them are trickin' now.""
I'll translate for the rural or sheltered among you.
"I couldn't wait to leave rehab and get some more heroin, then go to the public bathroom at Dunkin Donuts, melt my heroin on a spoon, and inject it. I couldn't do that though, because a girl that I intentionally gotten hooked on heroin had overdosed in that bathroom. I've intentionally gotten many young girls addicted to heroin, most of them had to turn to prostitution to support their habits. {Two rolling on the floor laughing emojis}"
Dunken doughnuts is lit
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