View Full Version : plan to break the internet art 1

08-13-2018, 05:52 PM
ok so. take Over instagrM AND SPAM POEPLE JOIN THE FORUMS THE SECRET IS DISGIUZING THE FORUM TO BE A ICE POSEIDON COMMUNITY THEN WATCH THE INTERNET SNAP IN HALF we have to make iceposeidonforums.com redirect to here and disDISGIUSE this forum as a ice poseidon community then we go over to kiwifarms and spamshit post about rubycalaber untill people join us here, then we spam every live streamer on twitch to join the forums and create a army not seen since myg0t 1999

then we

08-14-2018, 12:41 AM
ok guys this is gunna sound harsh but here it go i have a jack rustle terryer and have it since i was a child but he is staring to have me lots of trouble. the problem is that he wont poop out side when i took him for wallks. he waits till i am gone or am a sleep then pooped all over the house. he poop like a cow i am not kiding it is big piles and its allways dierea ever time and i have to used a small shovle to clean it up. i take him to a vet and says there is nothing that they can do for him and want lot of money to put him a sleep and i dont have to much they said. my grandmpa runed over him with a bush hog a few year ago and cut a front leg off to.i dont know what to do and i wanted to end his sufering as esasy as posible becase i really love my dog alot.and i dont want him to be in pane please help me end his sufering as humainly as possible