View Full Version : need a list of linux shell commands
Plug Drugs
01-23-2018, 09:26 PM
i have a terminal emulator on my android phone, but no internet. Can someone please copy paste a few lists of linux command line commands from google in here?
Plug Drugs
01-23-2018, 09:29 PM
trying to root the thing, but kingroot wasn't able to do it for me automatically, so now i've got to figure out how to do that myself. From what i've managed to look up, i need to unlock the bootloader, then I'll be able to use command prompt on windows to modify my phone
Autistic Spectrum
01-23-2018, 09:32 PM
PLEASE READ Advisory: Kernel memory issue affecting multiple OS (aka F**CKWIT, KAISER, KPTI, Meltdown & Spectre) for the latest updates.
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Basic DOS commands
13195 26 May 2017 270 people found this helpful
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Occasionally, on your Windows computer, you may need to perform a procedure by typing in commands at the Command Prompt. Entering commands in this way allows you to bypass the Windows graphical user interface and communicate directly with the operating system. You are most likely to need to work in this way if you get an infection and have to disinfect your computer from the command line, for example, using SAV32CLI, the command line version of Sophos Anti-Virus on Windows.
To communicate through the Windows command line, you will need to use MS-DOS commands. This article lists some basic DOS commands that you are likely to find useful when working from the command line, but there are many more available. To find out more about MS-DOS, consult a book, online dictionary or encyclopedia, or other specialist publication.
The following sections are covered:
DOS commands
Accessing the command prompt from Windows
Accessing the command prompt in safe mode
Feedback and contact
DOS commands
Command and Usage Examples
Change file attributes. + adds an attribute, - removes it. Attributes are: A=archive; R=read only; S=system; H=hidden.
All these attributes will be removed from virus.exe.
Go to the C: drive. Similarly A: and D: etc. C:
Change directory. When you change directory, the prompt changes, showing the path of the directory you are currently in.
Note, directory is the term used by DOS for what Windows calls a folder.
CD\ takes you to the top of the directory tree (typically to C:) .
CD.. moves you one level up the directory tree (i.e. up towards the root directory).
CD <DIRECTORYNAME> takes you to that directory. You can use one or more subdirectory names, separated by \ e.g.
CD WINNT\Media takes you to the directory C:\WINNT\Media
To change to another path, type the full path with slashes. e.g.
Clear the screen. CLS
Delete one or more files in the current directory. Can be used with the * and the ? wildcards.
DEL *.* will delete ALL files in the current directory, USE WITH CAUTION.
(Note: DEL cannot be used to delete directories. Use RD to remove a directory.)
DEL <VIRUS.EXE> deletes virus.exe
DEL *.JPG will delete all files with the extension JPG.
DEL MY*.* will delete all files beginning with MY and with any extension.
DEL MY??.* will delete files that are 4 characters long and begin with MY and with any extension.
Displays the contents of a directory (folder).
Note, directory is the term used by DOS for what Windows calls a folder.
These switches can be combined, so DIR /W /P will return multiple rows listing a page at a time.
You can use the * and the ? wildcards to search for a particular file. The ? character represents ONE character, and the * character represents multiple characters.
DIR *.* lists all the files in a directory.
DIR displays all files and folders in the current directory. Folders are indicated in the list by <DIR>.
Files are usually listed by name.
DIR /P displays the contents a page at a time, i.e. as many as will fit in your command line window. Press any key to display the next page.
DIR /W displays the files/folders in multiple rows. This view gives less information per file.
DIR *.JPG displays all files with the extension JPG in the current directory and all subdirectories.
DIR MY??.* displays all files beginning with MY, exactly 4 characters long, and with any extension.
DIR /S lists the contents of all subdirectories.
DIR /AH displays all hidden files.
Runs DOS EDIT (a simple text editor). Useful for editing batch files and viewing logs. This command requires QBASIC.EXE to be present.
EDIT <VIRUSLOG.TXT> opens the file viruslog.txt and allows you to edit it.
EDIT <NEWFILE.TXT> creates a new file called newfile.txt and opens it up for you to edit.
Displays DOS Help. For help on an individual command, type HELP then the command for which you want more information.
HELP DIR displays information on the DIR command.
Make Directory creates a new directory below the current one. (The command can also be written as MKDIR.)
MD <NEWDIR> creates a new directory called Newdir.
Prints the specified file (if the printer is supported in DOS - many are not).
Remove directory. Removes a sub-directory of the current directory. The directory you want to remove must be empty of all files. (The command can also be written as RMDIR)
Rename a file. You must use the full file name including the suffix.
Displays the contents of a file on the screen. If you use this command on a file which is not a text file, the display will be unintelligible. Use with |MORE to display the text on a page by page basis, and prevent it scrolling off the screen. | is a pipe character.
When you run a DOS command, output is usually sent to the screen. Use > to redirect output from the screen to a file. It runs the command preceding the >, creates a file in the current directory with the name you specify, and sends the information/output returned by the command, to that file.
e.g. SWEEP > REPORT.TXT The details of any infected files reported by SWEEP are sent to a file called REPORT.TXT.
Accessing the command prompt from Windows
To access the command prompt from Windows (a DOS box), do as follows:
At the task bar, select Start|Run.
or on some versions of Windows
Click OK.
A command prompt will open.
Accessing the command prompt in safe mode
For Windows NT/2000/XP/2003, see How to remove malicious files with SAV32CLI.
For Windows 95/98/Me you can boot from a startup disk, or use MS DOS mode
At the task bar, select Start|Shut down.
Select Restart in MS-DOS mode.
Click OK.
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Plug Drugs
01-23-2018, 09:33 PM
also, i'm hardcore street coder :smug:
Plug Drugs
01-23-2018, 09:35 PM
thank you dp, you're the first person that came to mind for who i wanted to reply to this thread
usually you can get root with rm -rf /
Plug Drugs
01-23-2018, 10:29 PM
still need linux commands if someone could copy paste them
Plug Drugs
03-14-2018, 09:28 PM
Stil Don't understand what you can do with Linux you can't do with Windows
Stil Don't understand what you can do with Linux you can't do with Windows
Yes I can do with windows using cygwin which I use for git, I called a command "yes I love linux" it generates endless log.
@echo off
echo love linux
goto LOOP
Visual Leader
03-15-2018, 02:27 PM
Love this
thank you dp, you're the first person that came to mind for who i wanted to reply to this thread
He was trolling with you, these commands are for DOS, not Linux
I bet dp doesnt know about bash commands
dp is a full stack developer he probably has cygwin on all of his windows machines
Wendy <3
03-15-2018, 09:49 PM
I wish there was a command to delete the plug drugs account
Sorry pluggy but I do not understand this thread
Autistic Spectrum
03-16-2018, 07:42 AM
who wants to write me an android app that sends out a udp broadcast when the phone rings? I already have VB and python clients but I have no fucking idea how to develop on android
what's that site where I can hire an indian developer for like $50
Autistic Spectrum
03-16-2018, 07:54 AM
i have a mac but i'm switching back to a pc as they now have unix subsystem built in
Autistic Spectrum
03-16-2018, 07:56 AM
react native is easy just use that
03-16-2018, 10:09 AM
i have a mac but i'm switching back to a pc as they now have unix subsystem built in
who wants to write me an android app that sends out a udp broadcast when the phone rings? I already have VB and python clients but I have no fucking idea how to develop on android
why not this ?
react native is easy just use that
lol react is going to be outdated like angular
Autistic Spectrum
03-16-2018, 01:21 PM
use vue.js then use the mexcian fork of angular 1.3 elz can walk you though it
Im still using vue.js, it’s better than react because it may adapt as binding variables to html template which is easy to maintain than tedious render(); and no more cryptic errors and no more opinionated $ methods like angular
why not this ?
well I'm looking for a background service that sends a udp broadcast automatically when I receive a phone call, that is a foreground application that sends a udb broadcast manually when you press a button
if you have the source code I could probably copy/paste most of what I need from it though
I mean there's stuff to convert/compile vb and c# and python into android apps but I'm not sure if anything but native will let me detect when the phone is ringing I doubt they give that kind of access to runtimes
Plug Drugs
03-16-2018, 05:41 PM
Also you can't root from Linux command line alone. You can't give yourself superuser and aren't given any default administrator privileges. You have to download android developer tools on a desktop computer and try dicking around with it that way and risk bricking your device
Plug Drugs
03-16-2018, 05:42 PM
If you found a way to root from just the command line you'd be famous for it
depending on the phone you can root by clicking a button in an app you moron
Plug Drugs
03-16-2018, 06:39 PM
That stopped working in like 2013
which one of us do you suppose knows more about this
Plug Drugs
03-16-2018, 06:59 PM
My 30 dollar Walmart phone has no way of being rooted except for maybe dicking around with it with android tools on a desktop
if you can't figure out how to root your phone you're going to see no benefit from rooting your phone
Plug Drugs
03-16-2018, 07:34 PM
That's not true there's ~2 gigs of bloatware you can't remove unless it's rooted
Plug Drugs
03-16-2018, 07:35 PM
I could root it I just don't have a computer right now
Why not? you will get welfare as $ 700 per month so you can get a laptop for $ 500 monthly
Plug Drugs
03-17-2018, 01:41 AM
Why not? you will get welfare as $ 700 per month so you can get a laptop for $ 500 monthly
Where the fuck can you get 700 a month welfare, you cant
Where the fuck can you get 700 a month welfare, you cant
I can't until I become citizen while I'm disabled (deaf) I may request social security until I get a position for the job in the company if I make more than $ 1,000, they will stop sending me 700 per month
You have the provide the tests to prove you're a disabled person by the doctors
does being annoyingly stupid count as a disability if so he might get more than $700
Steffies does, I dont believe hes disabled... Probably he has mental issues
steffies trained his whole life to abuse the system it's his family legacy
god java is a clusterfuck, I'm abandoning doing this in android studio I'm going to write it in c# and run it through xamerin maybe that'll be easier
the code I copy pasted was in a try catch, I figured ok I'll leave it, it seems like a good idea, but then it bitched about that, turns out a try catch can only be inside a method. so fine, I make a method, a public void method, and put everything in there. except now I can't figure out how to call the fucking thing. if I do myRealMethod(): iot bitches that it needs a return type, but myRealMethod doesn't return anything and void doesn't work and neither does null and accoding to my 10 minutes of googling you have to add an additional class and an additional entry in the manifest and maybe a new onStart sub and I'm like fuck this
also the emulator doesn't give you an option of enabling wifi so good luck testing an application designed for the LAN
I fucking hate this shit this is why I never became a programmer it's not fun for me
Java isn't easy to use until you have to install the libraries, then wrap with class syntax
I never liked Java, you could use web technology using Ionic where you can compile into android with this plugin that sucks he is angular.
Plug Drugs
03-17-2018, 09:46 PM
Are you learning Java or javascript
xamerin isn't any fucking easier, it's like they went out of their way to make android development cryptic and annoying. I can find classes that do everythign I want but I can't figure out how to fucking call them. fuck java, fuck c#, fuck xamerin, and fuck android.
know what I love about vb and powershell and bash you can put a function name right there on its own line like
what the fuck is a class and why can't I call them directly and why does BroadcastReciever have to be a class if I can't fucking call it
seriously going to break something right now
I wrote clients in VB and python and they took like 10 minutes, and they're not any more complicated they're just written in sensible languages
Plug Drugs
03-17-2018, 09:55 PM
Java is really old man it's like you're writing a program for Adobe flash or something
import os
while 1:
from socket import *
print m[0]
#Uncomment for Mac version
os.system("afplay ./ring.wav")
#Uncomment for Windows
#os.system("start .\ring.wav")
That's my python client, check it out I'll write the server application right now in vb it'll take 30 seconds
While 1 > 0
get phone state
if phone state = "RINGING"
create a udp socket
send my text to a particular port on the broadcast address
return nothing because there's nothing to fucking return
Java is really old man it's like you're writing a program for Adobe flash or something
every native android application is and always has been written in java numbnuts
Javascript is easy, a lot of people are confused between java and javascript what they think it's the same but it's not true.
btw, maks would you mind to use node.js to solve your problem with udp?
var udp = require('udp-request')
var socket = udp()
socket.on('request', function (request, peer) {
console.log('request:', request.toString())
socket.response('echo: ' + request.toString(), peer)
socket.listen(10000, function () {
socket.request('hello', {port: 10000, host: ''}, function (err, response) {
console.log('response', response.toString())
before to execute this, you need to do npm install, I don't know about UDP, what do you really except?
the code you posted is the thing I was successfully able to do in 3 different languages.
I want a background service that sends a broadcast *when I receive a phone call*. As far as I know I can only do that in java or xamerin.
The same thing you wrote, in VB
Sub Main()
Dim UDPClient As UdpClient = New UdpClient()
UDPClient.Client.SetSocketOption(SocketOptionLevel.Socket, _
SocketOptionName.ReuseAddress, True)
UDPClient.Client.Bind(New IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, 44126))
Dim iepRemoteEndPoint As IPEndPoint = New _
IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, 44126)
Dim strMessage As String = String.Empty
Dim bytRecieved As Byte() = _
strMessage = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(bytRecieved)
Console.WriteLine("This is the message you received: " + strMessage)
My.Computer.Audio.Play("C:\Users\overwatch\Downloads\mario coin.wav", AudioPlayMode.WaitToComplete)
Loop While (strMessage <> "exit")
Catch e As Exception
End Try
and in python
import os
while 1:
from socket import *
print m[0]
#Uncomment for Mac version
os.system("afplay ./ring.wav")
#Uncomment for Windows
#os.system("start .\ring.wav")
and I had that part of it working in c# as well but I deleted it out of anger when I deleted my other 20 aborted projects
var PORT = 44126;
var HOST = '';
var client = dgram.createSocket('udp4');
var play = require('play');
client.on('listening', function () {
var address = client.address();
console.log('UDP Server listening on ' + address.address + ":" + address.port);
client.on('message', function (message, remote) {
console.log(remote.address + ':' + remote.port +' - ' + message);
client.send(message, 0, message.length, PORT, HOST, function(err, bytes) {
if (err) throw err;
console.log('UDP message sent to ' + HOST +':'+ PORT);
No library needed to install UDP, except the audio "play" basically npm install play
I simulated it, it looks like it's working.
Left window is which it calls eg. sending a broadcast, basically a function which is related to client.send to what's address and some stuff.
Right window is *when I receive a phone call* it outputs a log with some address info, it can do whatever like playing sound.
that's great now I have the same thing I already wrote in 5 languages
03-17-2018, 11:13 PM
onyx-viper sounds like a deviantart fursona
I simulated it, it looks like it's working.
Left window is which it calls eg. sending a broadcast, basically a function which is related to client.send to what's address and some stuff.
Right window is *when I receive a phone call* it outputs a log with some address info, it can do whatever like playing sound.
dude I can make applications that send packets back and forth all day long, that part is easy. I could do it with telnet and netcat without writing a single line of code. writing an android application that does it when you recieve a phone call is a pain in the balls.
public void myRealMethod(View view) {
String messageStr = "Fuck java";
int server_port = 44126;
try {
DatagramSocket s = new DatagramSocket();
InetAddress local = InetAddress.getByName("");
int msg_length = messageStr.length();
byte[] message = messageStr.getBytes();
DatagramPacket p = new DatagramPacket(message, msg_length, local, server_port);
} catch (Exception e) {
java, that's 6 langauges
I'm p sure that one works but I can't figure out how to fucking call a fucking method that doesn't fucking return anything
Why don't you make a client version for android? running a server in the mobile it's tedious, however you need to create a separate backend server.
03-17-2018, 11:21 PM
elzzz are u still a virgin? plz don't become a furry, qt mestiza hookers are so cheap in your country
elzzz are u still a virgin? plz don't become a furry, qt mestiza hookers are so cheap in your country
I'm not a furry, I have a lot of devices that have names like PC-325235, it's hard to remember which is device, however I renamed them like Fire-Horse, Grey-Falcon, Onyx-Viper, Black-Puma, etc.
Why don't you make a client version for android? running a server in the mobile it's tedious, however you need to create a separate backend server.
for the 20th time, what I want is a background service that sends a udp packet to notify other devices when the phone rings. I don't need a client application for android because the phone already knows it's ringing.
powershell, 7 languages
$endpoint = new-object System.Net.IPEndPoint ([IPAddress]::Any,$port)
$udpclient=new-Object System.Net.Sockets.UdpClient $port
write-host $content
for the 20th time, what I want is a background service that sends a udp packet to notify other devices when the phone rings. I don't need a client application for android because the phone already knows it's ringing.
The client version can do REST to backend server in real time which is background service that client is listening everytime, then call a sound file, the backend server is the alarm that sends udp packet to notify every devices when the phone rings.
That's another possible design.
if I can't figure out how to read the phone state I can't do a goddamn thing
You need to use this service to get phone state, also it's used to make outbound calls
why do I need a voip api to use functionality that's built into android
this is what I need I just don't know enough about the structure of an android project to get the fucking thing working
Yeah, API levels and Permissions belong the Android systems are pain in the ass, even Java is outdated and shitty syntax to read like @Override and class with inside of function.
However, NativeScript is fucking awesome, basically if you port Java shitty code to Javascript which is very easy to do UI.
You showed me PhoneStateListener, I make an example as incoming call like this:
private class CallStateListener extends PhoneStateListener {
public void onCallStateChanged(int state, String incomingNumber) {
tm = (TelephonyManager) ctx.getSystemService(Context.TELEPHONY_SERVICE);
tm.listen(callStateListener, PhoneStateListener.LISTEN_CALL_STATE);
It's ugly code, however it can be ported to Javascript with Nativescript.
var callStateListener = android.telephony.PhoneStateListener.extend({
onCallStateChanged: function (state, incomingNumber) {
var application = require("application");
var tm =;
tm.listen(new callStateListener(), android.telephony.PhoneStateListener.LISTEN_CALL_STATE);
It looks nice, you can integrate any elements as UI including getting phone state and incoming number.
frankly I'd too irritated with the whole thing to spend any more time on it, but I'll give that a shot I think it's more or less the same thing dp recommended
Visual Leader
03-18-2018, 12:11 PM
So good
Thanks g
I got it working, sort of. I successfully spawned a background service, it detects incoming calls and sends a packet like it should. however
on the emulator, I need to specify an address, a broadcast address won't work. probably because the emulator thinks it's on cellular and you can't broadcast on a wan
on the actual phone, it only works if the app is in the foreground, the service doesn't seem to be listening after I hit the home button.
I got it working, sort of. I successfully spawned a background service, it detects incoming calls and sends a packet like it should. however
on the emulator, I need to specify an address, a broadcast address won't work. probably because the emulator thinks it's on cellular and you can't broadcast on a wan
on the actual phone, it only works if the app is in the foreground, the service doesn't seem to be listening after I hit the home button.
It sounds like you need a backend server to run UDP server to communicate bewteen the cellphones which are listening to specify address
What good is a background server going to do if the notifier application on the phone doesn't work
I need to figure out how services work in more depth
I don't know, you're supposed to test what is ringing then send a log to server then send the notification to all specificed mobiles
I get the idea, but a dedicated web service isn't necessary, the broadcast works it's the ring detection that doesn't when the app is backgrounded
03-19-2018, 03:47 PM
Fucking nerds.
I'd just like to remind everyone that nuffy steals my posts and uses them over on
Thats why Nuffy is married
03-19-2018, 08:15 PM
I'm not married! How dare you.
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