View Full Version : Rubīkyaribā
- the 4chan 2018 generation
- creame pie in the evening
- my answer to life
- everyone
- i need a large load blown on my face
- Cag don't you realize we were ment to be
- Reported Post by Dirty Harry
- Reported Post by Dirty Harry
- Reported Post by Dirty Harry
- Please rename this forum
- JO in the morning is wonderful
- McBurny clan evil degenerates
- i gave a lot of head back in the day
- why did daddy leave
- who like grape drank
- a special treat for all my friends
- remember Pedro
- If you ate two tacos today three Monday and four Wedsday how many tacos did you eat
- motorola is a shit company
- clay are you just seeing those extra post/edited post things now?
- Hey Stevey
- excuse me microsoft
- I cag in the chat, cag, cag in the chat
- hell yeah
- jesus christ
- hell yeah
- i have to die shortly for the good of humainty
- i'm going to JO while hanging myself
- hey lisa what's that foul green gas coming from your crotch
- i want to eat some ass
- Stevey will never have a kid or a father
- STEVEN YELLE thinks everyone is super upset with him and hes a huge troll
- STEVEN YELLE thinks everyone is super upset with him and hes a huge troll Started by Unregistered, 12 Minutes Ago Replies:
- Reported Post by Dirty Harry
- Hate Niggrs
- Cag i want to suk your toes
- blow your load in my boi pussy
- shoving things in my ass
- maks...
- Stevey i'm going to pound you into the dirt
- the frozen pizza goes up my ass
- shove your fist in my ass
- Reported Post by maks
- Steven the Karma police are coming for you
- Reported Post by Dirty Harry
- Reported Post by Dirty Harry
- Harvard Medical School has removed 31 portraits of its former department heads because 30 of them were white males
- thanks everyone
- what's going on in Woodside 215
- Stevey your one ugly muther fuker
- if i was a friend of Milk toast the homeless faggot
- i have lots of money but you still don't want to be my friend
- Steven
- Steven
- Steven Yelle is a well adjusted productive member of society
- does anyone use microsoft edge
- does anyone use the welfare system
- J. J. McClure
- Steven asshole is your peer
- Steven is an asshole and he's your peer
- Stevey is the kind of retard that needs beat with a base ball bat
- Stevey what did you shove in your ass today besides your fingers
- does anyone use the Welfare system
- Stevey didn't make it past the ninf grade
- Stevey is 32 years old and plays with Dolls
- Stevey is ugly as Fuk and plays with Dolls
- unban stevey
- Ban Stevey don't let him post
- Ban retarded stevey
- Stevey nothing burger
- i kicked him out
- i be one dead Niqqr
- Cody how may burritos did you eat today
- modern rappers use their gamertags as their rap name, try to look like lil wayne
- 123456789
- who wants to be my suk buddy
- mom said i was special
- i play with dolls
- i play with banjo bolts
- stevey JO and plays with dolls
- You guya gotta stop this shit
- making doll clothes
- doll clothes
- Stevey you're about to get called up from the minors soon
- Lily admin
- the U.S. will 'very shortly' cut aid from countries who encourage illegal immigration to the United States
- Lily do you still finger that dried up old twat of yours
- i'm going back to finish High School
- did the real juji ever get justice
- Stovey give piss jugs another chance
- I support Trump
- Lily hear , post more porn , or get out
- i hate niggers
- all spics, niggers, gooks, and wops
- No Patriotism in Mexico
- Lily are you going to start a CP section here
- Sticky: lily paid me $300 to record and edit her and kent this is the new official welcome to lilynet welcome video
- attn alireza
- Reported Post by Dirty Harry
- americans are scum thread
- Go and fuk Yourself
- Just go outside in the sunlight, you don't want to be that close to all those lightbulbs it can give you organ damage.
- my list of admin tasks for admin lily
- stevey and marks
- Reported Post by juji
- Reported Post by Dirty Harry
- Reported Post by Dirty Harry
- Reported Post by Dirty Harry
- Why doesn't she just leave a find a place where she is actually wanted and go there instead of trying get everyone to do what sh
- cag I wrote you a haiku
- I narrowly avoided two retards irl today
- Dave what ya doin
- It must suck to be steveyos and have to see cag desperate for every guy here except him
- Stevey why don't you Fuking Die
- Reported Post by Lily
- Reported Post by Dirty Harry
- Reported Post by Dirty Harry
- Reported Post by Wendy <3
- Sexy children
- It does suck to be me
- hangin with marks and stevey
- Stevey at TED Talk
- Reported Post by Dirty Harry
- my review of the crew 2
- Ready for my daily dose of sexy prepubescent boys
- What's new Stevey
- what goes on at 215 Woodside
- please copy paste all posts about me from the top forum into this thread
- Ban me for bringing lisa back
- Pay back the $6000 you stole
- Chat with me then JO
- Chat with me
- how to get people to not use your product
- are you guys getting common and current videos in your youtube recommendations and they won't go the fuck away
- Sticky: Post The Elzzzark'est Pics U Got ! Return Of The Fjs Pre-Show 2k18
- when you chat with stevey you learn
- you fuking murdered your child and donny
- Cag's pussy fart
- Mad Max calls for violence
- I wanna Rek Stovrey's anus
- I owe thousands of dollars to people on the internet and I'm fat and stabbed somebody with a fork once
- at any time of the day
- $1000 video card
- what does a doll sim, a $1000 video card, and a $3500 house all have in common
- Kent there's a strict no bi sexual developmentaly disabled senior citizen jaintor policy at rubynet
- Here. Is some of my favorite child porn!!
- Why the fuck does this forum even exist?
- Help I'm being Harassed by of a bunch of Punjabis
- >tfw everyone's being nice to cody
- Ah might be Gay
- why would anyone vote for me
- politicians need to die
- Dave your so fuking Gay
- Worthless shit
- Try some of my home made lemonaide
- Clay
- ATTN: Gina Jewberg
- Lonnie why were you born brown
- Linda Goldberg
- a gift for such nice rage and lizard posts
- Reported Post by Dirty Harry
- Reported Post by Dirty Harry
- Reported Post by Dirty Harry
- there is an. imposter
- stab lily kill lily put lily into a bodybag
- Lily has to go
- i'm not putting up with lisa posting on her alts
- clay and JJ
- JJ how do you wash your crack
- groom inc. Toronto Division
- the first Civil War wasn't bout no God Damn niggrs
- please rename this forum to fjs/incel
- 32 years ago back in 1986
- things dirty harry did in the war
- will there be a Civil War 2 in America
- Time to JO cant hold it in Much longer
- Praise Allah
- dat azz
- test to see if my upload is fast enough to stream
- real talk
- Whore!
- how did i get so Fat
- any companies yet besides microsoft and google still looking to get away from these two terrible companies
- 2005Rs suck my ass
- Cams Purple !
- I'm in love with Steven of Warwick
- Reported Post by Lily
- Mexicans are the dumbest mother fuckers
- Mexicans are the dumbest mother fuckers
- cag let me explain plug drug's thread for you in a less graphic manor
- Ivan your a Fag
- Ivan takes a Full Stack up the ass
- Ivan likes balls deep in his boi coochie
- white knight thread: listen up fucko, cag didn't lead me on
- ATTN: Steffies
- I love cag
- and previous Opera web browser users disgruntled by Opera's transition from the Presto layout engine to the Blink layout engine,
- i'm having Black babies
- how to survive prison when your a darkie poofer
- Stevey call our worker
- Slow cooking with marks
- i think we hurt Ivan's feeling
- who else is a cutter
- why don't you take a nap for 4 hours with an alarm clock with vibrating feature on your stomach?
- Ivan the cockroach
- i'm never leaving 215 Woodside
- why i will soon disappear into the shadows
- i'm anonymously posting in the Gay section
- people that get Hot Dogs delivered to their ghetto apartment
- Ah wahnt it Up muh Ass
- calling JJ
- we have a huge problem with all these Darkies shitting in the streets
- Toronto,s Mayor is very upset with the third world Darkie population
- [QUOTE=Unregistered;775841790]Post JJ's phone number, please[/QUOTE]
- Steffies is stupido
- equip your seinsheimers
- elz I found your girl, stephanie mcmahon, she's turned into her dad
- but as someone who's abused that in the past
- i know exactly where you are live right now.
- who wants to suck my toes and worship me
- who want me to take a dump on their face
- I have a child's understanding of the world and believe want and need are the same thing
- I think being weird and quirky is the same thing as being interesting
- I brag about drugs, drinks, and girls like I'm a high school junior
- Living with a man who takes care of all my needs and treats me like a toddler is ruining my mind making me lash out at random
- I need more banjo bolts
- You can take my home, you can take my children, BUT YOU'LL NEVER HAVE MY GALAGA CABINET
- Slow fuking with Cag
- qhat its like to read rubyner
- Who wants me to dump on their face
- what's your favorite color
- this post is a stack of line breaks away from being a marco post
- my friend JJ is obese
- Cag can you teach me
- Stevey post your bitch tits
- cag makes waffles at work for bbc that wants her anally then makes waffles for her loving husband who loves her
- i'm eating hot roast beef real people food
- no one loves me
- if you voted HRC or Barrak Hussein you're my enemy
- Cag i love your Waffles
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