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  1. jewish war propaganda explained in a few words
  2. Kangaroo Jack: G'Day USA!
  3. m0nde you can fuck right off
  4. lisa tells a lot of people to fuck off, I barely read this forum so I have a question
  5. happy birthday timloloolol
  6. maks has been extra cute lately
  7. seriously sometimes i think prison wouldnt be that bad, whats the worst that could happen other than being made someones bitch
  8. rootbeer is my irl boyfriend.
  9. first professional tattoo done :)
  10. cagless day 3
  11. I lied and this is too fucking funny:
  12. Friends of bill w
  13. holy shit look at codey's avatar
  14. Hello my name is Sherman (helmsley)
  15. John Sakars Reads Mean YouTube Comments
  16. downward social comparisons the musical
  17. playing SL with doli
  18. woman wears diva cup, pulls it out then throws the near-full cup of menstruation on colleague
  19. can someone explain
  20. cardfan why do you stalk lisa for a living??
  21. Why do Vaginal Lips Turn Brown?
  23. Nelson Mandela has passed away . RIP, thank you for making a huge difference in the world. You will be missed.
  24. dp just needs a big cuddle
  25. Maddy Hack and her first time lesbian dyke girlfriend OMG
  26. dp your wife is hot but your kids look puerto rican
  27. nothing to see here, move along
  28. I'm running for political office
  29. calum.net prisoner exchange - put'n the trash into the compactor aka even OB is better than them
  30. someone needs to make a temporary forum for me to post at without lizards because I put fjs on hold
  31. those shitty games on your mobile device, ever wanted to play them on pc? now u can
  32. newest dp picture
  33. lisa get on tinychat I have money on how furrowed your brow is and how many tears
  35. dp's phone number
  36. found this vid of lisa playing gta5, what I learned is gta5 actually does look fucking terrible wow that gameplay
  37. post this every time rootbeer tries to "own" you with his weakburns,
  38. Lisa presents
  39. have you ever used tor browser to post on an interent fourm?
  40. lisa i made 6 more reports about you today thanks to dp's link does that make you angry?
  41. how do you collect disability without ever contributing to the system?
  42. no woman has ever wanted jihad josh
  43. ok darlings
  44. on a scale of 10 how terribnle does lisa make herself look compared to when i first found ytmndsfwfasf
  46. on a scale of 1-10 how hardcore is marks98?
  47. I went to high school with a serial killer
  48. rootbeer has become the worst most pussy whipped piece of shit
  49. easy way to make the forum more readable
  50. lisa, i hear you're flipping out, babe
  51. new thread guys
  52. have you ever been chatting up a hot babe and she comes ad sits in your lap and rip a big juicy sour fart
  53. Heads up to everyone here
  54. gonna be at work sippin on some gushing granny while lisa sits at home losing internet arguements
  55. rootbeer owns a house in the most rural of areas(a swamp) of a US state
  56. teknorat is calling me, I was out, left my phone home
  57. Sticky: lisa sucks lmao
  58. Sticky: Elezzzark the Deaf Spic goes to the Farmer's Market, by cag age 7
  59. Sticky: your Queer has returned.
  60. omg, i want this even more than a SNOWL!
  61. Sticky: bump all my threads you peasants
  62. Liberal communitarian autistic faggots
  63. Sticky: honestly idk if I'm even going to bother beating Assassin's Creed 4.
  64. result of vaccines
  65. Sticky: Warframe.
  66. Save 15% or more on Snapchat by blocking Ramen and Skriz
  67. OFFICIAL: Princess CAG has left the kingdom
  68. I'M SICK OF PSYCHOS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  69. G'day Lisa, Your a real fit shelia, why you hanging aroudn these child porn peddling wankers
  70. >nearly 2014 >lisa still posts here
  71. To believe in the holocaust one must first be very young and naive, such as a school student, and must accept it on faith
  72. elz is going to twerk to me by a money reason,
  73. if youve ever been home alone which im sure is rare because most of your moms dont have day jobs
  74. so texas is a police state
  75. i want to create a chain of Imagination Liberation™ schools
  76. give it away give it away give it away now
  77. The Higher Estimates for Iraqi Civilian Deaths from collateral damage since the start of the war are in the ballpark of 1 millio
  78. brian i'm coming to visit for christmas to play toy guns with your kids and give your wife some of my egg nogg
  79. pat loves lisa why else would he doxXx rootbeer? bubble xD
  80. ask your doctor about
  81. Lisa the joke of the family
  82. http://www.xvideos.com/video5986242/wanna_b_my_victim_of_rape_forever_ava_
  83. me and lisa are going to be together in a few weeks
  84. Sticky: wow elz just unfriended me because I'm dating stevey
  85. maks you full blown retard
  86. I want maks to come to the wedding
  87. did anyone else wake up and get their dick sucked to completion?
  88. willing 2 trade anything from amazon for free method in exchange for
  89. "it is always easier to criticize another's idea than it is to come up with one of your own" -Nietzsche
  90. whats wrong with the south?
  91. Help.
  92. OMG I just found out about this, I've been walking around saying Sean Connery is a dude
  93. seriously someone just get rid of that Madeline Hack ugly retard
  94. day after tomorow i go to ozzyland :) :) :)
  95. Plug drugs you are a half a fag or something right, ur bisexual and what not, ur a gay sort of right, u lick dicks and so forth
  96. who the fuk was Mandela? I don't give a shit about some GD nigger. Why all the fuss?
  97. please dont click my last reported thread
  98. coolest video ever
  99. "Every Americans Should Learn To Code"
  100. "3 fucktarded losers make 200 posts about me here a day" -Nietzsche
  101. I'm not going to be with anyone
  103. rooty dont go this will be you next:
  104. I'm not a fucking lizard, maks brought me here 2 fucking years ago
  105. What rootbeer could have bought instead of a planticket thread☑
  106. rootbeer can I have your plane ticket?
  107. teknorat if i see you in real life
  108. Lisa and rootbeer,since u levaled up your rubynet relationship to an irl relationship, i have some helpful advice for both of u
  109. Sticky: look at my arms
  110. ukmonde.jpg
  111. Sticky: Look at my balls
  112. Announcement: Post your tailplug pics!
  113. when is lisa's brother gonna start posting here?
  114. perpetual bad hair days
  115. i'm making personalized :care: smileys
  116. Stomple i will never click OK on the receipt thing of your private messages
  117. The Adventures of Plug drugs By poopalew 12/10/2013
  118. I think cag's well being is in danger,, I think she's gonna die,,,, RIP in advance cag
  119. broke down and bought windows 8.1. heres my review.
  120. do you feel like we're watching the lisa show and this forum is for its fans to discuss it and we're huge nerds who
  121. Welcome to our newest member, yung bong
  122. ATTN: ATTN: Very Important: My Best Win Yet 19-1 Viper
  123. house calling Al Gore on his bullshit
  124. Are you a retarded fag, or just retarded, or maybe u are just a fag,
  125. Stevey there are lots of ways to make money but you're so GD stupid and lazy quit begging dp for cash
  126. Star Trek fucking sucks
  127. HOLY SHIT MUST SEE!!! Actual video of steveyos at the wheel of fjs enterprises ITT
  128. has it been 48 days?
  129. Twas the night before Rootymas
  130. hey guys i know this is probably a dumb question but which GPU should i grab? found an OC edition of the same card for the SAME
  131. had terrible dreams where i was blowing people up
  132. Who here has traveled to a foriegn county for a piece of ass?
  133. CHALLENGE: I sell every Dota 2 items
  134. "Hey Lol you alright?" By poopalew 12/12/2013
  135. Rootbeer and lisa ARE DOING SEX TO EACH OTHER
  136. we're on the road to recovery dont mention you know who(mentioning lisas name is like mentioning coldemort)
  137. daf
  138. vote nigger
  139. teknorat of course your sexy ass calls right when i fall asleep
  140. once again its time to play hold your breath while holding down f
  141. i installed ubuntu 13.10 lol
  142. Australia bans videogames
  143. fallout, fallout 2, fallout tactics free on GOG.com
  144. betrayed to me, motherfucker
  145. so what happened?
  146. lol
  147. Why did cag suddenly leave
  148. this is te fucking funnyest ban i have ever got lmfao
  149. my cats are running around causing a ruckus
  150. National Bouillabaisse Day
  151. in this thread is a video of a guy taking a shit while who let the dogs out plays
  152. how not to pay tax in oz
  154. are you on Slow Computer ?
  155. I decided I'm not gonna reformat windows 8
  156. i wonder how rootbeer will take it when lisa reveals to him she was raped as a young bogan
  157. Delete this fucking forum
  158. I was running to catch the 9 train, early in the morning tuesday.
  159. i got a new Vitamix 750 for christmas
  160. Fuck I am in a bad way
  161. Lisa just messaged me, she said that she is now single and was kind of hoping stevey would fall in love with her next
  162. my larping fiancée is singing for thousands of dollers at a megachurch right now
  163. ok ruby the lisa and rotbeer saga has plaid out, now time for u to fulfil ur part of the bargain, ad shit ur pants,
  164. post itt if you have >100 stablecoins
  165. what's the best andorid emu for windows that can be easily rooted or comes pre-rooted?
  166. with gold constantly going down why arent you all shorting gold in the stock markets?
  168. "I shall seek alternative fruits." By poopalew 12/15/2013
  169. she cried as she kissed and pleased his perfectly shaped slightly curved 12 inch cock, thanking it for the life she had been giv
  170. post this thread if you got head tonight
  171. I just watched women's skeleton luge on Universal Sports
  172. anyone had a vasectomy done?
  173. ruby is on a posting spree while veryone is asleep
  174. Unquarantined
  175. so was cag actually a dude the wqhole time
  176. youz fuks let a Libtard as eater back in here
  177. plug drugs in summary
  178. im making ablog
  180. YUM
  181. geforce experience now has both its own game recorder (with 20 minute constant loop ready to save/full time recording) and broad
  182. Dear steffies AMD already has built in recording
  183. the ploppit - a vivacious journey
  184. god emeperoer obamaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
  185. Monde is there a paki santa claus
  186. i love lisa
  187. i sound like a 90s car alarm when i laugh sometimes
  188. post ITT if youre -NOT- sleeping with someone with herpes
  189. In the Great Amazon vs Fed Ex War of 2072, half the country will be wiped out in 30 minutes during a single drone battle
  190. even after all this time, FJS still can't stop winning!
  191. i hate lisa
  192. Breaking news!!!
  193. funniest cut scenes ever
  194. asux, is this what your browser looks like?
  195. spent 30 bucks on day z standalone (hey im supprting red rocket okay) I DONT CARE
  196. the more i learn about hardware the more i think fuck nvidia
  197. this forum needs more good threads
  198. hey dp
  199. don't let me get the tegra note
  200. It happens when you get panic attack
  201. Sticky: lisa sucks lmao
  202. edward snowden bought the pirate bay,he's moving site to a .gov domain,,
  203. Currently Active Users: 28 (3 members and 25 guests) View Who's Online Most users ever online was 196, 02-07-2012 at 07:14 PM.
  204. getting this
  205. I love the guitar in money for nothing so much
  206. umm... i kinda used hotdog chilly on a hamburger
  207. Steffies: Hello this is steffies tech support how may i help you
  208. I've made a decision.
  209. australian beer owns so much
  210. an analysis of my friends and family on facebook
  211. Ohio University is the first to have blowjob classes in America
  212. Youz Butthurt Over Lisa & Rootbeer
  213. pick my dance set list ^___^
  214. ATTN: american overpatriot bigots
  215. what its like to play dayz alpha(real footage inside)
  216. do you tend to say "shit" or "fuck" more?
  217. OB our faggot love will live on though the anal's of time, we are like modern day marc anothoy and cleopatra
  218. look threatening and kill
  219. Currently Active Users: 15 (5 members and 10 guests) View Who's Online Most users ever online was 196, 02-07-2012 at 07:14 PM.
  220. Something has to be done about the guldact account, it's gotten way out of hand,
  221. Sticky: Recent Visitors
  222. that's it I'm pissed
  223. RUBY,S ROAD
  224. a thread braging about how i went to austrlaia and got herpes but in a subtle clasey way, like watever i dont even care
  225. Facebook is for Faggots
  226. Black Dragon requirements:
  227. post your favorite tranny pics ITT
  228. and the guys with the little penises weren't allowed to join in the dorm orgy, so they cried in the corner while jerking off whi
  229. http://www.summitfashions.com/category/shoes.dancers.tipjar/
  230. "The best of the gentiles: kill him; the best of snakes: smash its skull;
  231. a brown man visits his west coast friend
  232. Promise Heron I'll put my fist up after I get my dick sucked. Quick buck, maybe a gold chain
  233. deso's voice changer
  234. http://instagram.com/fjs_steveyos
  235. I fuckinghate how everyoen on my steams friends list plays such horrible fucking games
  236. http://7daystodie.com/
  237. VAP
  238. O.B. are you a self sucker?
  239. Ban Clairissa Holz for giving up his account to autistic steffies
  240. Sat night in butt fuk Oregon
  241. 2o min is all it toke
  242. :walkingdog:
  243. hot boiz watching full metal jacket and eating morphine
  244. Hey OB i need your wisdomn,
  245. A SENIOR citizen who told a Jewish man "Hitler was right" does not need to apologise,
  246. well it whont be long now .rubynet is rejecthaven
  247. How to eat an orange by Steveyos
  248. just jrkd off to a vid of two guys railing each other does that make me gay?
  249. Steve Yelle Has A Van - The Cag's Family Episode - Little Little FJS.
  250. you are a horrible person