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  1. is steam down for you guys too or is it this FUCKING HACKER RUINING MY LIFE
  2. tinychat... let's get this going now that big bert is trying to hit on cag...
  3. the only problem about big hands
  4. Star wars episode 9,,, jabba's revenge
  5. tinychat,
  6. http://www.androidfilehost.com/?fid=23134718111255657
  7. my new job owns
  8. there are more invisible members on than normal ones
  9. what movie should i watch?
  10. teknorat calls me when I'm asleep to tell me big bert is impersonating me in tinychat.....
  11. who here actually likes lisa
  12. watching twilight...
  13. OH MY GOD!!!!!!!
  14. ruby ruby ruby ruby
  15. have you ever done or watched something that you've watched drunk only sober, and then crave drunkeness like crazy??
  17. I quit my job
  18. what woudl you do if you were locked in lisas one bedroom communal housing and
  19. jay vooray and comics fan
  20. change my picture name to this
  21. I cagged it like this, I cagged it like that, I cagged it with a baseball bat
  22. Combat Boots, Mini Skirts, Swastika Pasties: How Cag Took Over The East
  23. ...too much coffee
  24. gettiong the new modem/router combo 7 BUCKS A MONTH I KNEW IT WASN'T 5
  25. pluggy im sorry please forgive me
  26. why do all the guys hate teknorat?
  27. wb roflbrothel
  28. i'm wearing my bella swan twilight jacket today....
  29. i want to congratulate roflbrothel on all her awards
  30. why do you guys hate teknorat,(WITH A POLL YOU CAN ACTUALLY VOTE ON)
  31. some one tried to kil obama on capitol hill but who cares ROBFLBROTHEL IS BACK
  32. Please welcome our newest member, Caggles
  33. with silk road down where on earth am i going to buy weed?
  34. lol *ironically flunks out of seminary school and gets a job at Walgreens*
  35. im sensing a little pushback from your direction here
  36. advantages of a vaginal yeast infection
  37. let's say parallel universes exist and there's gazillions upon gazillions of them, in at least one of them
  38. if you wanna buy me bf4 I'll play, but make sure it's LESS call of duty than bf3 and not MORE call of duty or else don't bother
  39. read the comments you're gonna thank me http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DidKcmR4Dgo
  40. Lisa thread, thread about Lisa
  41. You're fucking hot jon
  42. dat tegra note
  44. ban lisa today for a better tomorrow
  45. Lisa, i'm sorry, i don't know, sometimes my emotions get the best of me and i lash out at you, your my best friend lisa,
  46. i don't know how the grateful dead got into my pandora but it's here and no matter how many times i give it the thumbs down
  47. All these other threads... this one will be funny. Make it so!
  48. You're fucking not jon
  49. You're not fucking jon
  50. you're fucking not jon
  51. TIL that a 6 year old boy was charged with Felony first degree sexual assault after playing "butt doctor" with a 5 year old frie
  52. ok rofl.... let's cut this alph female facade and be friends
  53. ok lisa.... let's cut this alph female facade and be friends
  54. ok this is how we're gonna solve the great female poster fight epidemic of 2013
  55. Ok then.
  56. can I get some help setting up my router please?
  57. just got a email saying tomorrow is marnie's birthday that reminds me
  58. Yo steve............................................................................................. czech yerrr eeeemail
  59. i have pneumonia
  60. think u can troll me? think again........
  61. cbarry gets free soda at work
  62. Yeah I'm one of those girls that can chill and watch star trek over skype with the guys.
  63. ok if you had to kill one fuck one and marry one out of these three forums personalities who would u choose for what and why
  64. hey deepee!!! look at the book i just started reading!!!
  65. a coworker called me brian today
  66. ramen lost weight, rofl found it
  67. Rooty is an empath
  68. I'm testing out the other third party viewers besides firestorm again, some nice stuff on the horizon
  69. i just htought of the most awesome idea in the world(requirement: must be male, OB need not apply)
  70. post all of r ofls fat pics itt
  71. boulder shoulders
  72. I am a waitress at the Silver King Grill. My hamburger tray is self-service, so if I am afk just help yourself :-)
  73. I live in Canada and have a 10 incher like in SL, I pretty much look like my SL avi which is cool
  74. the spics have officially overrun sedge, time to move the fjs base
  76. some guy is supposed to be ruining a ted talk in a few minutes
  77. http://rubycalaber.com/forums/showthread.php?12207-Girls-licking-cock-%28NSFW%29
  78. why does it cost 5 fucking dollars to cross the tapan zee bridge
  79. It's Saturday night, do you know where your kids are?
  80. plug drugs being able to post here is worse than 9/11
  81. it's like the ceo of mcdonalds going into some random mcdonalds and saying he does not like the big mac and yelling at the
  82. Do , you know those kind of girls, that can just chill and watch sports with the fella's>?
  83. i found this and i thort of cag
  84. the net is fucked this week end
  85. testicle
  86. Lisa died
  87. Here. dumbies
  88. 2. T.T A crying emoticon mimicking the exaggerated crying typically found in animes. Usually found in this form in instant messa
  89. I almost cut my wrist
  90. rare viv od elz using plugdrugs' method
  91. stay away from lisa
  92. fat chick pooped in tub
  93. Claire diving a Monster Truck in Mexico
  94. one more week until new walking dead episodes
  95. EBT cards are begining to fail.
  96. Cali gonna burn. You're fucked Claire.
  97. is any of your internet going slow too? I think dp was right, flag googled how to hack my modem and is doing it hardcore
  98. does anyone else wish elz was capable of actual conversation?
  99. I'm so bored there is not one single good video game in existence
  100. one day im giong to murder all o f you, slowly the forum will become less and less active, thats when youll know its begun
  101. cag, whats crack a lacking,,,
  102. stay away from cag
  103. official marco cag thread
  104. World Hip Hop Star Presents YTMNSFW FORUMS THE MUSICAL
  105. i was complimented on my government shutdown salsa...
  106. due to the gov't shut down, the amber alert webpage is down....
  107. perma ban me plz
  108. silk road shut down .
  109. cbarry who you pm,ing
  110. [Rubynet Mystery] The case of Rooty and the evil penguin island witch[\Rubynet Mystery]
  112. holo survivor testominies
  113. woahhh here she comes, watch out boy shell chew you up, woahhh here she comes, shes a dickeater
  114. people who drink coffee tend to live shorter, people who drink alcohol tend to live longer
  115. halo survivor testimonies
  116. cag I found my current favorite alcoholic drink
  117. going to take a break from posting here for a couple months
  118. Please be civilized. Be advised that anything you say or do can upset many people and can cause a chain reaction. Also, please k
  119. I can make threads like this, poo poo pee pee wwooaohahoidshfoisahfdsifas weee eeeeee eeee pee pee pee pe eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
  120. whoever's hacking me can you let me watch netflix
  121. AS and Cag are my favorite communists
  122. Schollygag
  123. Cag's dead mom
  124. adair come back adair
  125. cags eyes meet marcos. there tongues lock together. tihs is it. its what they always wanted., waht theyve been waiteing for.
  126. Marco I found the best oldest blog ever
  127. marco stop sending cream pies to my inbox.
  128. holy shit , i found out why rootbeer quit the fourms, and what lisa did to him,
  129. where is nazzibastard and fuckjew why are thay in the herp
  130. Irony. THe Last Comment In This thing>.
  131. Ok, lisa has been though plug drugs and used him all up, and then she moved on to rootbeer and i guess he's done, so who's next
  133. ughghgh i completely forget how to do integrals
  134. to all the guests that are lurking
  135. whats it like living in a police state? just wondering if its better or worse than living in a nanny state
  136. real music
  137. need help
  138. why doesnt one fo you step up to the plate and lead a rebellion?
  139. I feel bad for people who
  140. when fourm divorices happen it's always hardest on the kids,
  141. lisa is a gross old, caniving manipulative whore
  142. So lisa really quit the fourms, this time she means it, and will not be back ever, for real this time, it's not like the other
  143. running just as fast as we can, holding onto marcos
  144. lisa stop blackmailing rootbeer to be your sex friend so you dont feel alone
  145. my girlfriend just text me to ask if I want a mini pot belly pig
  146. lisa pls post what a freak rooty is, or give ""Maks""" access 2 ur acct so he can post the logs for u,
  147. zzzzzzzzzzzzz
  148. If I could ask Jacques Derrida one question, it would be what his take was on Nietzsche's quote "I fear the reason we are not ge
  149. how the dichotomous elements of God and Lucifer are actually manifested from the subconscious elements in white western culture'
  150. i punched a tree for an hour straight yesterday im surprised the neighbors didnt call the cops.
  151. I found the reason why rootbeer left here forever
  153. I just watched Pokemon The Origins
  154. d dip dip dip dip dip dip dip dip p dip dip dip dip dip dip dip dip dip dip dip dip d dip dip dip dip dip dip dip dip p dip dip
  155. going to take a break from posting here for a couple months
  156. someone commented me
  157. I'm going to meet Rootbeer and live happily ever after.
  158. Lisa's theory on quoting a post with and posting nothing but lol
  159. cag you should let one lucky fourm boy fly to california and fuck you on your ugly floral couch
  160. im going to meet marco and live happliy ever after
  161. someone finally made a resident evil outbreak private server
  162. Rare video of marco getting his kamuffins!!
  163. I hope the plane rooty is on crashes into the ocean
  164. I asked Wendy to be my on-line jewish e-friend but she declined
  165. my Lasagna is done
  166. alright marco and jon the constitution is depending on u
  167. Lisa I have a question.
  168. rip monde
  169. Please send rootbeer to the herpetarium
  171. Cag I have a question.
  172. my condition is worsening
  173. every time i check this forum doli has a thread with 'cag' in the title
  174. Lisa, Cag, Cody,, waittttt, CODY'S GONE
  175. skyrim finally worth playing- duel combat realism v7 hardcore
  176. people outside are talking about Obama and stuff something about 18% and they're saying more numbers
  177. are you prepared for october 17?
  178. i really think i know how the vampires in twilight felt since i started eating healthy...
  179. lisa writes more suicide notes here than all the posts on all the suicide forums and nobody here likes her and she quits twice a
  180. my bank is begging me to get a credit card with them
  182. lisa
  183. is tiny dancer about cag?
  184. [quote='elezzzark' pid='9430' dateline='1381416579']
  185. You have turned off private messages. You may not send private messages until you turn them on by editing your options.
  186. its all cuming together
  187. clinical autistic geriatric (cag) facility
  188. cag is now the forum slut .
  189. http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/world/2013/10/10/taliban-mocks-us-government-shutdown/2957821/
  190. self-note
  191. dear m0nde
  192. doli (and cag) always leave comments for day sof our lifes on the pirate bay
  193. fucking imgur needs to get rid of its home page with the 4chan memes and horrible comments its fucking emo fags with first world
  194. lmfao the start of this episode of days is lisa/plug drugs getting caught by doli (sadly not plug drugs)
  195. camoron
  196. Reminder for Stevey
  197. go away timlol we already have a tim and hes a million times better than you.
  198. guys im so bored
  199. cag
  200. Stevey if you were any more a faggot they'd make you king faggot of RI
  201. i think im improveing
  202. uh Rootbeer
  203. stay away from Rootbeer
  204. why is lisa so nasty why does she masterbate all the time why does she have a dildo that looks like gonzo
  205. maybe i will start playing neopets again
  206. i was benchpressing yesterday, working on my lifts...
  207. what should i get from 7/11?
  208. Lisa, I'm reading this articlei, it blew my mind
  209. Official Halloween 2013 Thread (Post spooky shit ITT)
  210. RubyNet TwerkOff
  211. what should I get from 9/11?
  212. [Rubynet Mystery] The case of the missing Rooty and the evil penguin island witch[\Rubynet Mystery]
  213. omg this dude peein in big ass bursts
  214. i drank too much water this morning
  215. OP updated
  216. Cag didnt talk to me for a week. Does she still love me and playing hard to get, or should i tie her up and murder her,
  217. Breaking Bad remake - colombian version
  218. hey guys, Ha Ha! Ho Ho, he he
  219. this thread is my thread
  220. hee hee hee
  221. get your fucking ass into tinychat im beligerently drunk
  222. I've got the cat and the voices in my head, they're still my friends.
  223. College Educated(2degrees), Independently Wealthy, Super Cute, Good With People, and comes from a good family
  224. so i was about to go to bed and then ghost adventures comes on....
  225. barry, how much free soda did you drink at work this week?
  226. OMG I want to fuk your mouth
  227. When Saul Reubens and I get married
  228. im drinking rice wine
  229. New topic.
  230. Can someone throw marco back in the herptarim, he's ruining my rubynet experience,
  231. hiccups for 30 min
  232. and although there's pain in my chest, I still wish you the best, with a......
  233. Spam-O-Matic StatisticsSpam-O-Matic Statistics
  234. Cag, how many "LMAO" you posted?
  236. ladykillmonger is a dumb fucking username
  237. fuck all you people having reak lives the forum is dead and I have nothing to post about
  238. Sticky: YTMNSFW CHALLENGE: Make lisa like you, hate you, like you, hate you, like you, hate you 666 times in One Week.
  239. thread about fun
  240. So twisted
  241. cag is the best female poster ever, but she also has the best ass ever, plese read the following to understand my pain
  243. just minimized IE and I wish I was high cause bing desktop program changed my background to this
  244. I need to catch up on snapchat
  245. ugh, fuck you stomple!!
  246. dadadan wants to marry me
  247. pedophile lisa
  248. how many abortions did lisa have whilst posting here?
  249. looks like i really upset lisa tonight when i told her i would rub my jay leno chin on dolly balls
  250. Finally, DP cant take it any more and books a flight to Australia..