I'll draw you a card.....

11. Tree of Life
Soul Message: Fill your bowl to the brim and it will spill. Keep sharpening your knife and it will blunt. Chase after money and security and your heart will never unclench. Care about people’s approval and you will be their prisoner. Do your work, then step back. The only path to serenity. –Lao-Tze (Translated by Stephen Mitchell)

Alchemy and Transformation: We all need to establish the principle of universal harmony and balance firmly within ourselves in order to rest assured that behind all appearances, no matter how seemingly cruel or random, resides a greater truth, one that expresses the higher laws of spiritual governance. At this stage of initiation, the spiritual aspirant pauses to reflect upon the origins of life and to seek a greater understanding of his or her karmic circumstances and conditions.

Awakening to the Archetype – Athene: One of the many wisdom Goddesses, Athene applied her considerable wisdom to commerce, farming, and many other mundane arenas of life. You are invited into the temple of Athene, where balance and discrimination are elevated to the level of skillful means. Careful consideration and observation give you the chance to set your karmic records straight.

Everyday Encounters: We must strive to live according to higher principles and truths, walking a grace-centered path with awareness of spiritual laws and justice. Cultivate discernment in your life, but learn to let go of the burden of judgment, condemnation, and criticism. Embrace the notion that your judgments are always fundamentally about you and not about the other person. We’re constantly creating circumstances and conditions in our lives that will help us see ourselves more clearly.

Nature’s Healers: The Olive Tree


Second Chakra
Chakra Attributes: (Color: Orange) (Herbs: Gardenia, Damiana) (Function: Desire, Pleasure, Sexuality, Procreation)

Healing Essence of the Chakra: Located in our lower belly, it is where we relate to our bodies through the procreative centers. Through a healthy second chakra one can heal relationship problems, transform deep and hurtful emotions, and balance life.

Healing Flower: Hibiscus

Keywords: Life Energy, Creative, Procreative, Giving, Receiving, Inner Truth

Affirmations: I make my decisions from a place of hope and faith. My creative drive is strong and exciting. My sexuality is fulfilling and meaningful. I am life.