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    The Truth About Easter 
    Pariah :Care:y Plug Drugs's Avatar
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    Dec 2011
    an edgecastle for edgelords
    Back in the early 1700s in North America, increasing struggles between colonists and native americans was being felt. Large numbers of Native Americans had already been slaughtered by the colonists

    One Native American named TehCumSock, wearing nothing but rabbit fur, began going from European village to European village during the weeks preceding the Spring Equinox, giving out pieces of traditional native american candy to the children in each village, but instructing them not to eat it until Dusk of the Spring Equinox; if they waited until that right time, the Rabbit Spirit would come to them and give them all the candy and sugar they could ever want, and bless their family's crops for the entire growing season. He also told the children to keep this secret from their parents.

    On Dusk of the Spring Equinox, several thousand children all ingested the candy that was given to them, and died before midnight. The candy was poisoned. Several children had died from eating their candy early, but no one had yet connected the deaths with the candy

    Thousands of European colonists were in mourning, they had eventually learned from the few remaining children about the Rabbit Man and the tainted candy.

    The Rabbit Man TehCumSock appeared before a few of the colonies 3 days later, and announced to all the villagers "You have killed my people and raped my land, and I have taken your children's lives as recompense. Each year from now on, 3 days before the Spring Equinox, you must sacrifice a rabbit, and paint it's blood upon your door if you wish for me never to return." A few villagers attempted to shoot TehCumSock, but he vanished in poof of smoke and fire before they could load their muskets.

    So began a tradition that each year, the blood of a rabbit must mark the door of each European household, or the Easter Bunny would come and eat their children.

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    DogManz maks's Avatar
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    Lud, Midworld
    what about the eggs, plug drugs? WHAT ABOUT THE EGGS YOU HAVEN'T EXPLAINED THE EGGS OR JESUS
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    Pariah :Care:y Plug Drugs's Avatar
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    an edgecastle for edgelords
    The Eggs and Jesus were christian symbolism that was added to the tradition hundreds of years later after Easter's roots had long been forgotten
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    DogManz maks's Avatar
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    Lud, Midworld
    the germans call it 'Die Eier Von Satan'
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    Pariah :Care:y Plug Drugs's Avatar
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    an edgecastle for edgelords
    i actually tried that recipe before and the end product in no way resembled cookies
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    DogManz maks's Avatar
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    Lud, Midworld
    you forgot to add jews that's why
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    another beautiful day UofLCardfan08's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    Happy Easter

    Barry's Kosher Poultry Products Inc.
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    Senior Member elezzzark's Avatar
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    Feb 2012
    There no chocolate eggs, are supposed to be collected, not the candies,

    So this story rules.
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monde is a whiney fuck