cody lundin has reported a post.

what a fucking joke lisa has never cleaned up anything in her life except jizz piles
Post: Lisa has sex for weed
Forum: brokedick mountain
Assigned Moderators: N/A

Posted by: Dirty Beatle
Original Content:
No man or woman has ever had to give me money or material for sex.

Some men are just more mature about these things than you and not as pathetic a fuckhead jerk.

I've cleaned houses for weed though. I used to clean a friend's house when I would go visit him and he would give me weed but we had not had sex together since we were teenagers, he is just a decent friend and I couldn't stay at his house without cleaning it anyway because I am like that, and he knows I can't live well without weed so that is literally the only exchange for services for weed I have ever made. When I visit people I just start cleaning their house if there is anything dirty, some people get offended and some people love it but either way I am compelled to do it and mean no offence by it. I would smoke pot and clean his house and then I'd look at art or we'd watch movies and I would fall asleep completely comfortable next to him because it just wasn't like that. He's the guy who signed my passport for us.