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    I just solved all the world's problems in one post 
    Pariah :Care:y Plug Drugs's Avatar
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    Drugs: make drugs legal, however require that in order to use them, you have to take a class on their safe use and be well informed on their risks and benefits.

    Gays and Free Sexuality: Tolerate gays because what another person believes is up to them, not you. Tolerate "free love" and let everyone have sex with whomever they want, and make an effort to be open about love and give it freely to other people as much as you can. However, society should then strongly encourage that everyone gets checked for STDs every 6 months or so for posterity; in time STDs will be permanently eradicated. Give all girls birth control if they want it.

    Religion: Be open minded. Have a religion if you want, but don't push it on other people. And don't view all other religions as false or wrong, because no one can know if a religion is correct with absolute certainty.

    Third World Countries: once we are organized with open communication between all people, we will be able to help the less fortunate - we lend our legitimate aid to third world countries who are struggling, and here is what's key: We do NOT exploit them, or try to capitalize on their resources.. And we don't merely just give them food/shelter/etc, we educate them on how to be able to take care of themselves. With third world regions run by warlords/dictators/tyrants, or regions with inhumane activities occurring, we take a defensive economic strategy, and offer them our business only if they can meet global humanitarian standards - and offer them more than competitors for exports if they are willing to meet those humanitarian standards.

    Government: If all world crisis is miraculously averted, the government will have no enemy left to worry about, and the people themselves will be seen as the enemy - resulting in a police state. Therefore, we need our own government to be crippled in a sense, very slow moving, and less powerful than it is. With drugs no longer being illegal, the rate of violent crime will drop immensely, and we can downgrade the strength of police forces while upgrading the strength of things like fire departments and rescue workers.

    Drama: Stop it. Mind your own business. Like your mother told you "if you don't have anything nice [constructive] to say, don't say anything at all"..

    Posterity: Keep future generations in mind

    Medicine: The current medical system is dangerously broken; the medical industry is something in particular that needs a complete reformation. It should be a requirement that all doctors know everything there is to know about a medication they are prescribing BEFORE they prescribe it - they NEED to know the drug's mechanism of action, its interactions, its side effects, the risks.. they should even be required to know the molecular structure of ANY medicine they prescribe. No more pharmaceutical companies persuading doctors to prescribe drugs for the sake of making money. There also needs to be a system in place for checking doctors to make sure there is no malpractice. Someone needs to be checking up on them - just because they have doctorates does not mean they are gods immune to human error.

    Racism: Stop it.

    Education: The money you put into education will return to you at an exponential rate -- this is true not only for individuals, but also the government. If the government puts more money into better education (I mean the quality of the education), and people themselves start respecting education and invest their personal time (not their money, let the government pay for it) into it, the exponential rates of increased knowledge/awareness/information in the world will compound, and we'll be omniscient energy beings before we know it.

    The Internet: All non-personal information should be readily available and well organized; the internet's culture is dying because sites that were founded upon posterity were replaced with sites that had an agenda of doing whatever it takes to make money. We can pretty much toss all of yahoo answers and the like, so we quit breeding misinformation. If you don't know what you're talking about don't pretend to.

    Willpower: "if its so easy, why aren't we doing it?" because you AREN'T FUCKING DOING IT. Apathy, selfishness, the wrong attitude, i don't understand why we don't all just snap our fingers and fix everything. Maybe we need to get all world leaders and politicians in a room together, and have them all take 100mg of MDMA each. Everyone's moving so fucking sloooowww, let go of all the lies you tell yourself and move on. Individual 'superiority' is only ever circumstantial at best, so dissolve your ego - or keep it insomuch as you have to to defend yourself

    there I solved all the world's problems i'm a genius
    Last edited by Plug Drugs; 01-27-2013 at 06:51 AM.
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    king steveyos
    this forum really makes me happy to be me
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    R.i.p. Garfield 1986-2016 Garfield's Avatar
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    How meth did you smoke plugdrugs?
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    king steveyos
    not enough
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    Pariah :Care:y Plug Drugs's Avatar
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    an edgecastle for edgelords
    lots of speed and OC
    but everything i said made sense, refute it please, help me, i need fresh critcism for me to feed upon
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    Pariah :Care:y Plug Drugs's Avatar
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    an edgecastle for edgelords
    you teach me and ill teach yooou
    pooooooo kkkaaaaay moooooonnnnnnnnnn
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    sex with dead people
    king steveyos
    I thought this thread would be about you getting lisa to leave once and for all.
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    Pariah :Care:y Plug Drugs's Avatar
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    an edgecastle for edgelords
    whats hard to understand

    drugs legal + educating on safe drug use = no more criminal organizations and a greatly reduced number of overdoses and drug-related health problems

    no more drug-related criminals = smaller police force

    smaller police force = your rights as an individual go a lot farther

    sex being widely and openly tolerated + cheap periodic STD tests = eradication of sexually transmitted diseases; we'd be able to track the path of STD transmission and stop them from spreading

    better doctors who take an informed & involved approach to their job + a check and balances system to watch over doctors = less deaths from malpractice....
    Do you have any idea how many people die from malpractice every year? Doctors are wreckless and clueless
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    Pariah :Care:y Plug Drugs's Avatar
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    Its these outdated Morals themselves that are causing the very issues they seek to mitigate..

    we're running in circles
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    Pariah :Care:y Plug Drugs's Avatar
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    its easy not to care and pretend like this is cliche corny bullshit, but thats the attitude that allows for all the bullshit to carry on.

    I mean, let's get down to the real reason why those morals exist:
    Sex among single young adults is considered "evil" by society because people who don't get to have sex are jealous and envious so they have to drag other people down with them. It makes them angry to see people living a life full of amazing sex, and that their lives are filled with incredible orgies and unbelievable amounts of sexual pleasure -- they compare this to their own life that is agonizingly lonely because they missed out on sex, and so they spoil the fun for everyone.

    People against drug use consider drugs 'evil' because they fantasize about having control and power over others, and drugs allow the user to be able to feel content without the approval of others. In secret, anti-drug preachers anally crave what they've built up in their mind as "Ultimate Revenge" against the people they hated when they were younger, by dominating them - making them feel hopeless and miserable, and convincing them that working in poverty is their only option in life and they are forever going to be inferior compared to their bosses.

    The medical system is broken because of the people who work in it are bad people. Doctors have massive egos and don't give themselves reality checks, they think they know everything.. And the nurses in mental health wards get off on having such power and control over the patients; reducing men by making them believe they are pathetic, useless, deformed, and handicapped gives nurses extreme pleasure, like in that movie One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest... At night, the nurses masturbate while thinking of putting a collar and leash on a mental patient who is stripped naked, and then urinating on him
    Last edited by Plug Drugs; 01-27-2013 at 11:42 AM.
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    I am postulate one blumpkin blownuts's Avatar
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    The problem with legalizing drugs is everyone gets addicted to certain things. You never know what you're going to be addicted to or when it happens until it is far too late. Once that happens you can't go back to something "you're not addicted to" or even alcohol because it's just going to become a substitute and soon enough a substitute addiction.
    Stopping drug enforcement will just put that many more addicts on the streets and who can't support their habit, not even by dealing now, so they're going to rob more people & property so they can buy more of this one thing they must have at all costs.
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    I am postulate one blumpkin blownuts's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Plug Drugs View Post
    its easy not to care and pretend like this is cliche corny bullshit, but thats the attitude that allows for all the bullshit to carry on.

    I mean, let's get down to the real reason why those morals exist:
    Sex among single young adults is considered "evil" by society because people who don't get to have sex are jealous and envious so they have to drag other people down with them. It makes them angry to see people living a life full of amazing sex, and that their lives are filled with incredible orgies and unbelievable amounts of sexual pleasure -- they compare this to their own life that is agonizingly lonely because they missed out on sex, and so they spoil the fun for everyone.

    People against drug use consider drugs 'evil' because they fantasize about having control and power over others, and in secret they anally crave what they've built up in their mind as "Ultimate Revenge" against the people they hate by dominating them - making them feel hopeless and miserable, and convincing them that working in poverty is their only option in life and they are forever going to be inferior over their bosses.

    The medical system is broken because of the people who work in it are bad people. Doctors have massive egos and don't give themselves reality checks, they think they know everything.. And the nurses in mental health wards get off on having such power and control over the patients; reducing men by making them believe they are pathetic, useless, deformed, and handicapped gives nurses extreme pleasure, like in that movie One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest... At night, the nurses masturbate while thinking of putting a collar and leash on a man and urinating on him
    I have my serious doubts laws are made and enforced because people are jealous over each other for having fun. If people were known to indulge in reckless abandon without it causing problems for themselves or others close to them, then there would be no moral backlash.

    Reading is fun, travelling, skiing, fishing, hiking, even hunting, and there's little-to-no moral backlash towards any of these activities.
    Last edited by blumpkin blownuts; 01-27-2013 at 11:44 AM.
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    Pariah :Care:y Plug Drugs's Avatar
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    Everything that "normal" right-wing moralists due is a means to an end. All they really want is power
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    I am postulate one blumpkin blownuts's Avatar
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    Most crusading right-wing moralists are trying to either hide or amend for their own moral failings. Rush Limbaugh, Ted Haggerty, the list is near infinite. Keeping society healthy, productive and crime-free is a bipartisan issue. Unfortunately, it currently plays into the hands of those moralists who think self-destructive pleasure should only be for them because they can supposedly control it themselves while the general rabble cannot and must be controlled.
    Last edited by blumpkin blownuts; 01-27-2013 at 11:47 AM.
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    Pariah :Care:y Plug Drugs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by blumpkin blownuts View Post
    The problem with legalizing drugs is everyone gets addicted to certain things. You never know what you're going to be addicted to or when it happens until it is far too late. Once that happens you can't go back to something "you're not addicted to" or even alcohol because it's just going to become a substitute and soon enough a substitute addiction.
    Stopping drug enforcement will just put that many more addicts on the streets and who can't support their habit, not even by dealing now, so they're going to rob more people & property so they can buy more of this one thing they must have at all costs.
    A system could be devised that prevents addiction. Say, you wanted to use opiates recreationally. First, you'd have to take a class on safe use. Then, you'd have to go to a designated recreational drug center where they keep tabs on how much you're taking, and give you fair warning when they think you're approaching "addiction".
    A person with the right willpower can use opiates recreationally only once a week or a few times a month, and not feel addicted. "Addiction" happens when people use drugs to fill in the broken parts of their real life.
    When I first started using opiates, I had a bottle of tylenol 3 with codeine. I was 13, and loving life. I didn't find it difficult to only take it once in a while; in fact that bottle of 30 t3s lasted me 3-4 months
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    I am postulate one blumpkin blownuts's Avatar
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    give you fair warning when they think you're approaching "addiction".
    "Sir, I think you've had enough"
    My wife left me and some junky nurse stepped on my last dose. Gimme another.
    "Sir, I think you need to go sleep it off"
    (Pulls gun) I think you need to give me my hit or I can just take it from someone else.

    "Addiction" happens when people use drugs to fill in the broken parts of their real life.
    Habitual usage happens when people use drugs to fill the broken parts in their life, specifically in their spirituality. There is no magic number when habit become addiction. Just like there's no magic age for havign healthy consenual sex - it lies above an unknown boundary and for everybody those boundaries are different.
    Last edited by blumpkin blownuts; 01-27-2013 at 11:53 AM.
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    le Gentleman Doli's Avatar
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    how do we solve the problem of you posting here
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    I am postulate one blumpkin blownuts's Avatar
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    I used opium infrequently in college, then stopped for years. Then went back on, a few times a month, a few times a week, etc.
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    Pariah :Care:y Plug Drugs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by blumpkin blownuts View Post
    Most crusading right-wing moralists are trying to either hide or amend for their own moral failings. Rush Limbaugh, Ted Haggerty, the list is near infinite. Keeping society healthy, productive and crime-free is a bipartisan issue. Unfortunately, it currently plays into the hands of those moralists who think self-destructive pleasure should only be for them because they can supposedly control it themselves while the general rabble cannot and must be controlled.
    if you dig into their unconscious and deduce what their real motives must be, what they really want is to view themselves as superior to others. They don't like gays because they think that gays are flaunting their sexuality to them as some sort of ego-challenge; right wing moralists have this complex in their mind that gay people are gay out of some desire to challenge traditional morals..
    Right wing moralists view traditional morals as the source of their superiority. They like the playing field of being phony and manipulative and convincing people that their lies are true
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    Pariah :Care:y Plug Drugs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gentleman Doli View Post
    how do we solve the problem of you posting here
    i didn't sleep last night, i'm rambling. no one's forcing you to reply to me, just ignore me and dismiss me as using pseudopsychology to feel like i'm better than everyone. That's what i'd do anyways, viewing myself in third person
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    le Gentleman Doli's Avatar
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    FUCK the pharmaceutacal companeies lol. They want pb[]b[money[/b] """ "" """ """""" unlike my French natural Chinese medicine Le Magnifique Bonjour Chang jchong ching
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    Pariah :Care:y Plug Drugs's Avatar
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    Right wing moralists don't actually feel love. They only "care" about others insomuch as it is beneficial to them
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    le Gentleman Doli's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Plug Drugs View Post
    i didn't sleep last night, i'm rambling. no one's forcing you to reply to me, just ignore me and dismiss me as using pseudopsychology to feel like i'm better than everyone. That's what i'd do anyways, viewing myself in third person
    i want u to seek psychatric and medical help but frist im goeing to own u bitch
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    I am postulate one blumpkin blownuts's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Plug Drugs View Post
    if you dig into their unconscious and deduce what their real motives must be, what they really want is to view themselves as superior to others. They don't like gays because they think that gays are flaunting their sexuality to them as some sort of ego-challenge; right wing moralists have this complex in their mind that gay people are gay out of some desire to challenge traditional morals..
    Right wing moralists view traditional morals as the source of their superiority. They like the playing field of being phony and manipulative and convincing people that their lies are true
    Sounds like me when I was still denying I was powerless over my addicition.
    "I'm too smart to not be able to stay off for X days"
    "I'm too wealthy & connected to have to steal to score (even though mommy and daddy still provide my shelter and food)"
    "I'm not some hopeless dropout or nut who can't control myself, if i really wanted to"
    "I'm too sneaky to get caught even though a malicious seller could compromise me and my high-level gov't work"
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    Pariah :Care:y Plug Drugs's Avatar
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    Left wing moralists think that because they care about everything's well-being (animals, gays, the ozone layer, whatever) that they possess a superior system of morals, and that makes right-wing moralists primitive; its their way of coping with the fact that they want everything for free, they are lazy, and think that other people should have to wipe their ass for them.
    They are spoiled whiners.

    But everyone needs an ego -- its the only way for the average adult mind to motivate itself
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    I am postulate one blumpkin blownuts's Avatar
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    All the left-wing upbringing in the world didn't convince me that I'm not above the law, that I'm not some special high-morals junky despite being a manipulator, exploiter, conman, impaired driver, liar, etc
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    le Gentleman Doli's Avatar
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    Stage 1: Experimentation
    Stage 2: Regular Use
    Stage 3: Risky Use/Abuse
    Stage 4: Drug Addiction and Dependency
    Stage 5: posting on a foram built for a now long dead website about how ho chimp mihn was actualy a monkeye in disguise
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    I am postulate one blumpkin blownuts's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Plug Drugs View Post
    Left wing moralists think that because they care about everything's well-being (animals, gays, the ozone layer, whatever) that they possess a superior system of morals, and that makes right-wing moralists primitive; its their way of coping with the fact that they want everything for free, they are lazy, and think that other people should have to wipe their ass for them.
    They are spoiled whiners.

    But everyone needs an ego -- its the only way for the average adult mind to motivate itself
    Maybe left-wing moralists don't just pretend to care but actually care? It's easy to develop a superiority complex when science, religion, and reality all have an inherent leftward bias.
    Last edited by blumpkin blownuts; 01-27-2013 at 12:05 PM.
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    Pariah :Care:y Plug Drugs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by blumpkin blownuts View Post
    Sounds like me when I was still denying I was powerless over my addicition.
    "I'm too smart to not be able to stay off for X days"
    "I'm too wealthy & connected to have to steal to score (even though mommy and daddy still provide my shelter and food)"
    "I'm not some hopeless dropout or nut who can't control myself, if i really wanted to"
    "I'm too sneaky to get caught even though a malicious seller could compromise me and my high-level gov't work"
    the thing is, when things are going good in my life and i have a girlfriend and am getting my pee pee sucked on and whatnot, i literally have no problem using opiates sparingly. Because I am content with life, and opiates are just something entertaining to do once every few weeks.

    People who are anti-drug don't like a person who uses drugs because they won't defer to their sense of social superiority. They realize that they are socially powerless over a drug user, and this scares them, so they reject the drug user and make him an outcast. But they don't admit this, instead they blame it on the perceived 'dangers of drug use', when the real dangers of drug use come from people exiling drug users, causing them mental health problems.
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    Pariah :Care:y Plug Drugs's Avatar
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    right wing moralists view friends as a means to an end... if a friend becomes a drug user, he no longer has anything to offer the RW moralist, so the RW moralist abandons the drug user.

    Left wing moralists are looking for someone who will love them more than the LW moralist gives love in return, and then devise a way to make sure that person can never leave them.. this sort of commitment the LW moralist demands scares off potential partners. The potential partners perceive their 'clinginess' as a sign that they are weak and have to leech off another person
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monde is a whiney fuck