Thread: Great News

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    v me in love v Camoron's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cody View Post
    This from someone who would probably try to fire a high brass shell from a damascus barreled shotgun.
    soooomebody watchws pawwnstaars :heehe:
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    fams casino Dustin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Camoron View Post
    soooomebody watchws pawwnstaars :heehe:
    Who doesn't? Pawn Stars is a pretty good show.

    "Yeah this is my priceless family heirloom that my great grandfather had to bring back across from enemy lines."

    "Hmm, 20 bucks"
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    Member Beef Sister's Avatar
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    Pariah :Care:y Plug Drugs's Avatar
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    an edgecastle for edgelords
    Quote Originally Posted by Cody View Post
    You obviously know fuck all about close proximity personal defense firearms.
    ive browsed enough gun catalogs and read enough user reviews to know whatever type of gun you have is a pile of shit;
    looks a lot like the same type of guns people write user reviews about complaining that the gun "fell apart" after firing a few rounds or didn't work entirely.
    Essentially, what I see is a cheap metal cylinder attached to a cheap metal barrel and hammer, held together with cheap plastic.
    Did it come with a disclaimer saying "Warning: Not meant for actual firing, solely a novelty item"
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    internet hero rubycalaber's Avatar
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    the mysterious land... of scotland
    thanks to Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days (aka Kanye and Lynch Niggers 2: Dog Knots) I can tell you that's a taurus judge and it owns because it can fire thin little three inch long shotgun shells that rip faces off

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monde is a whiney fuck