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  1. Collapse Details
    #metoo Wendy <3's Avatar
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    I love paying much higher prices for everything while everywhere around where i live has gotten significantly nworse since the orange ape took office. Every single thing he said when he would come to our area campaigning he never did, it's gotten much worse. Promises to do something about the opioid issues going on...they open clinics where they give the junkies a place to acquire clean needles and staff nurses to help them while they watch them OD. Better yet, we only have ambulance service parts of the day/week because all of the money goes to helping the junkies

    It's also great not being able to afford anything built with steel because the retard increased tariffs on everything and none of that money is being seen or used to fix anything he promised to fix. Increased taxes on every aspect of life, at least the rich people and the clueless morons who don't mind giving away their hard earned money have something to be proud of.

    You continue to parrot the exact same mumbo jumbo you hear on Fox news and none of it means anything other than you're a mindless puppet who needs someone to control every aspect of your existence

    At least the trump tards can live under his safety because he made his promise to lock all of the harmless spics away taking even more money away from tax payers with the wall he promised mexico would pay for but didn't
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  2. Collapse Details
    Muscle Furry 12 inch Dick juji's Avatar
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    Steffies Yelle of Rhode Island

    Quote Originally Posted by Steffies Yelle View Post
    I'll kill myself live on cam as soon as there's proof I literlaly promise, I will sincerely kill myself as soon as I see elz's computer playing arma 3 maxed with all nvidia exclusive graphics
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  3. Collapse Details
    Muscle Furry 12 inch Dick juji's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lina Goldberg View Post
    i like trump because hes a nationalist, hilarious, and unpopular. idk exactly why you hate him other than some idealistic backwards principals, you parrot the MSM propaganda each time you angrily characterize him as being one dimensional.

    Quote Originally Posted by Steffies Yelle View Post
    I'll kill myself live on cam as soon as there's proof I literlaly promise, I will sincerely kill myself as soon as I see elz's computer playing arma 3 maxed with all nvidia exclusive graphics
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    Senior Member Lina Goldberg's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wendy <3 View Post
    I love paying much higher prices for everything while everywhere around where i live has gotten significantly nworse since the orange ape took office. Every single thing he said when he would come to our area campaigning he never did, it's gotten much worse. Promises to do something about the opioid issues going on...they open clinics where they give the junkies a place to acquire clean needles and staff nurses to help them while they watch them OD. Better yet, we only have ambulance service parts of the day/week because all of the money goes to helping the junkies

    It's also great not being able to afford anything built with steel because the retard increased tariffs on everything and none of that money is being seen or used to fix anything he promised to fix. Increased taxes on every aspect of life, at least the rich people and the clueless morons who don't mind giving away their hard earned money have something to be proud of.

    You continue to parrot the exact same mumbo jumbo you hear on Fox news and none of it means anything other than you're a mindless puppet who needs someone to control every aspect of your existence

    At least the trump tards can live under his safety because he made his promise to lock all of the harmless spics away taking even more money away from tax payers with the wall he promised mexico would pay for but didn't
    This is a very good reply, I'm preparing a rebuttal but tonight I'm playing pool.
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    Senior Member Lina Goldberg's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by juji View Post
    The US is burdened with the responsibly of keeping global trade routes free and open
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    DogManz maks's Avatar
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    Lud, Midworld
    ok commie
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  7. Collapse Details
    king steveyos
    bev's granddaughter gotta be around 40 right that's the age I'm looking for will you give me a ride to her house maps
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    Senior Member Bev.'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    bev's granddaughter gotta be around 40 right that's the age I'm looking for will you give me a ride to her house maps
    no ass hole she is not she is only 25 years old

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    Senior Member Bev.'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    bev's granddaughter gotta be around 40 right that's the age I'm looking for will you give me a ride to her house maps
    no asshole shes only 13 years old and plays soccer for her school

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  10. Collapse Details
    king steveyos
    Are you saying your great grand daughter was born when your grand daughter was 12???
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  11. Collapse Details
    king steveyos
    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    Are you saying your great grand daughter was born when your grand daughter was 12???
    No you fucktard
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    Senior Member Bev.'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    No you fucktard
    no 9

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  13. Collapse Details
    king steveyos
    is she 25 or 13 or 9 and I'm not an ass hole I'm a hero for liking women older than me tyvm
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    Senior Member Bev.'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    is she 25 or 13 or 9 and I'm not an ass hole I'm a hero for liking women older than me tyvm
    grat thats good show you have respect for them

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  15. Collapse Details
    king steveyos
    my friends list is 100% girls no joke girls are the best I'm just bad at math
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  16. Collapse Details
    Muscle Furry 12 inch Dick juji's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    my friends list is 100% girls no joke girls are the best I'm just bad at math
    0% real friends

    Quote Originally Posted by Steffies Yelle View Post
    I'll kill myself live on cam as soon as there's proof I literlaly promise, I will sincerely kill myself as soon as I see elz's computer playing arma 3 maxed with all nvidia exclusive graphics
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  17. Collapse Details
    king steveyos
    the guys who post here are lonely and angry at women they're trapped in a vicious cycle and they hate me for being friends with girls and I just feel bad for them, I look at juji's post and know as he makes that post he's alone and sad and I pity him
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  18. Collapse Details
    Muscle Furry 12 inch Dick juji's Avatar
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    says the guy who has been kicked by Sandra Yelle and Samantha Yelle

    Quote Originally Posted by Steffies Yelle View Post
    I'll kill myself live on cam as soon as there's proof I literlaly promise, I will sincerely kill myself as soon as I see elz's computer playing arma 3 maxed with all nvidia exclusive graphics
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  19. Collapse Details
    king steveyos
    lol poor elz
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  20. Collapse Details
 𝖠𝖽𝗆𝗂𝗇 internutt's Avatar
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    I am Administer of this Forum
    stevey you cant even imagine how much better elz life is than yours.
    I'm a 6'4 300 lb alpha male that was born to be worshiped. Everywhere I go people stop what they're doing and stare at me in total awe. Beta males come up to me left and right just to tell me how jacked I am and how awesome I look. Slaves and muscle worshipers can tribute me online for cam worship. I'm cocky as hell and love to dominate and humiliate beta males and slaves. Message me on Skype and tribute to see me on cam now. Submit to the ultimate ALPHA GOD now.
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  21. Collapse Details
    king steveyos
    would you like me to argue about it with you?
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  22. Collapse Details
    Senior Member Lina Goldberg's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wendy <3 View Post
    It's also great not being able to afford anything built with steel because the retard increased tariffs on everything and none of that money is being seen or used to fix anything he promised to fix. Increased taxes on every aspect of life, at least the rich people and the clueless morons who don't mind giving away their hard earned money have something to be proud of.
    the meme that trump raised taxes is a completely false propaganda narrative by the MSM and their democrat allies, everyone in the working through upper middle class saved money under trump unless they were paying nothing in the first place or writing off work expenses for things like travel and lost some deductions. Those tax cuts successfully stimulated the economy enough to offset the tariffs as evident by the economic markers, 3.5% unemployment when obama claimed 7% is the new norm (although labor force participation is also low), annual growth in average hourly wages over 3% (which is clearly the most important metric although certain groups are unaffected), GDP growth has consistently been large enough to break even with the money being printed by the fed (better than the alternative of it shrinking which it has done in the past), trump's average has passed 2% increase obama also claimed was the new norm, the dow jones rising (which doesn't necessarily trickle down fully to main street but again is certainly better than the alternative). So you can look at these number sets and suspect they have been pruned to paint a prettier picture but regardless they're moving in the right direction which cultivates optimism among americans.

    This economic optimism is the greatest weapon in trump's trade wars. We are at the dawn of an american century (however the political establishment and MSM would like you to believe america will no longer be a world superpower). Hes already defeated mexico and canada (which i'll address in a later section) as well as europe on automotive, but china is one of the worlds largest economies so yes its going to take a longer time in order to claim a victory. China (the market and currency manipulator) is the seller and we are the buyer (the customer is always right), they are 3rd or 4th in terms of our trade partners but we are china's 1st. We have a higher economic capability and a much wider sphere of trade and the only thing china can do is stonewall and hope trump gets kicked out. eventually the free market that does exist in china will exert influence on the government because they cannot survive years of slow downed growth, they are dependent on growth in order to keep getting investment and feed more growth and if any of these elements break china will collapse. whereas america can purchase the cheap goods we depend on from a nation more friendly to the west like india, china's dependency on foreign investors will be its downfall if it ceases growth and investors stop pumping their money into the paper tiger (triggering the faster slow down of growth death spiral). And i'm not rooting for the collapse of china, this will obviously impact the globe if one of the worlds largest economies collapses but this is why i say we are at the dawn of an american century. We will utilize our economic, political, and ideological superiority in order to maintain our hegemony and prosperity. the US emerges from the flames of WWII as the guarantor of all trade and travel in the western hemisphere and the free market will fix the worlds problems when money talks and china bends the knee to trump.

    Quote Originally Posted by Wendy <3 View Post
    At least the trump tards can live under his safety because he made his promise to lock all of the harmless spics away taking even more money away from tax payers with the wall he promised mexico would pay for but didn't
    Again, this narrative that trump said mexico will pay for the wall is ignorant of context. The cost of the wall will be offset by the renegotiated trade deal which mexico agreed to and canada almost immediately jumped onto as well. The only reason the deal hasn't been put in effect is because of democrats stalling it in the house, occupying their time with the impeachment proceeding which is a transparent jab at trump considering the bipartisan support it wields (obviously just like china, the democrats are hoping for american economic recession because they stand zero chance at stopping trumps reelection). So once the deal is in place the cost of border defense will be offset by the trade we do with mexico, not some pillaging of mexican coffers like the MSM would like you to believe. Furthermore the idea that illegal immigration is harmless is ignorant of the drug and human trafficking that takes place across the border. This criminal activity supports the existence of a black market that funds the terrorist drug cartels of central and south america, supporting the chinese import of fentanyl and opioids (which you gripe about in a later section), as well as a modern day sex and labor slave trade. and obviously the importing of illegal immigrants hurts the hard working legal immigrants who are (should be at least) here on the merit of their skills. maybe you have undocumented friends in the US as i have had and this why you think they are harmless- trump has offered citizenship to some of theses "dreamers" (gay slogan but whatever) in exchange for funding border security which the hypocrite democrats have struck down (10 years ago democrats empty promised a stronger border defense for all the same reasons i've listed and constantly have rambled about citizenship for the undocumented but clearly only care about causing internal strife and cultivating a new demographic of welfare depended voters (anchor babies, i know illegals can't vote[[[although voter fraud exists lol]]]) in their quest to end the aforementioned american century).

    Quote Originally Posted by Wendy <3 View Post
    You continue to parrot the exact same mumbo jumbo you hear on Fox news and none of it means anything other than you're a mindless puppet who needs someone to control every aspect of your existence
    all of the news i consume is from independent news analysts who are supported by crowdfunding and merchandise. I, like a majority of conservatives, have a greater diversity of political ideology in the media i consume. I listen and read analysis from constitutional conservatives who support israel, libertarians who are for the end of all drug prohibition, and progressives who supported bernie sanders in 2016. I even listen to hot takes from crazy people who believe the world is run by aliens and others who believe the world is run by satan. In opposition to that the TDS crowd never consumes media that isn't progressive or at least from fiscal democrats, they consume corporate news or far left alt media from sites like vox, hufpo, or TYT. I never watch any corporate news and couldn't name a single pundit besides crazy anne colter (because she was featured in an episode of the boondocks) and brian stelter (because he sounds like mickey mouse). I don't even watch netflix or amazon prime and i don't go to the movies unless its a double feature at the drive in (which is a great time to eat burgers, drink, and smoke)

    Quote Originally Posted by Wendy <3 View Post
    I love paying much higher prices for everything while everywhere around where i live has gotten significantly nworse since the orange ape took office. Every single thing he said when he would come to our area campaigning he never did, it's gotten much worse. Promises to do something about the opioid issues going on...they open clinics where they give the junkies a place to acquire clean needles and staff nurses to help them while they watch them OD. Better yet, we only have ambulance service parts of the day/week because all of the money goes to helping the junkies
    So i saved this point for last because i don't have very strong rhetoric to rebut your claims. I have to ask, do you live in KY. I thought for the longest time you were canadian and moved to ohio. i believe you are being honest and i definitely feel sorry and wish things were better. all i can say is trump has pressured china to stop its exporting of fentanyl which hasn't worked. They lock up a few baddies to look like they are being complacent but they know who the largest manufacturer is and haven't made any attempts to stop them (because they want americans to die and it prolly supplements their economy in some way) and this issue is much larger than just china, I can understand the arguments for decriminalization and legalization but its a huge issue for americans, of the same caliber as education and human trafficking. I don't think trumps demands for lower drug prices will solve it, i don't have a strong stance to argue from at all.

    call me a fag and nig rep me for walls of text, not only do i like the debate i also love the negative attention. As-salamu alaykum, negus.
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  23. Collapse Details
    king steveyos
    start hanging out with ewok on youtube so when I'm ready my wack pack is all in one place also this isn't my last post I will be making more after this one anyone with the name unregistered is me
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    Breathe 🌊
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    I love coal miners and farmers
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    Breathe 🌊
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    Intelligent people
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    DogManz maks's Avatar
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    Lud, Midworld
    Quote Originally Posted by Lina Goldberg View Post
    the meme that trump raised taxes is a completely false propaganda narrative by the MSM and their democrat allies, everyone in the working through upper middle class saved money under trump unless they were paying nothing in the first place or writing off work expenses for things like travel and lost some deductions. Those tax cuts successfully stimulated the economy enough to offset the tariffs as evident by the economic markers, 3.5% unemployment when obama claimed 7% is the new norm (although labor force participation is also low), annual growth in average hourly wages over 3% (which is clearly the most important metric although certain groups are unaffected), GDP growth has consistently been large enough to break even with the money being printed by the fed (better than the alternative of it shrinking which it has done in the past), trump's average has passed 2% increase obama also claimed was the new norm, the dow jones rising (which doesn't necessarily trickle down fully to main street but again is certainly better than the alternative). So you can look at these number sets and suspect they have been pruned to paint a prettier picture but regardless they're moving in the right direction which cultivates optimism among americans.

    This economic optimism is the greatest weapon in trump's trade wars. We are at the dawn of an american century (however the political establishment and MSM would like you to believe america will no longer be a world superpower). Hes already defeated mexico and canada (which i'll address in a later section) as well as europe on automotive, but china is one of the worlds largest economies so yes its going to take a longer time in order to claim a victory. China (the market and currency manipulator) is the seller and we are the buyer (the customer is always right), they are 3rd or 4th in terms of our trade partners but we are china's 1st. We have a higher economic capability and a much wider sphere of trade and the only thing china can do is stonewall and hope trump gets kicked out. eventually the free market that does exist in china will exert influence on the government because they cannot survive years of slow downed growth, they are dependent on growth in order to keep getting investment and feed more growth and if any of these elements break china will collapse. whereas america can purchase the cheap goods we depend on from a nation more friendly to the west like india, china's dependency on foreign investors will be its downfall if it ceases growth and investors stop pumping their money into the paper tiger (triggering the faster slow down of growth death spiral). And i'm not rooting for the collapse of china, this will obviously impact the globe if one of the worlds largest economies collapses but this is why i say we are at the dawn of an american century. We will utilize our economic, political, and ideological superiority in order to maintain our hegemony and prosperity. the US emerges from the flames of WWII as the guarantor of all trade and travel in the western hemisphere and the free market will fix the worlds problems when money talks and china bends the knee to trump.

    Again, this narrative that trump said mexico will pay for the wall is ignorant of context. The cost of the wall will be offset by the renegotiated trade deal which mexico agreed to and canada almost immediately jumped onto as well. The only reason the deal hasn't been put in effect is because of democrats stalling it in the house, occupying their time with the impeachment proceeding which is a transparent jab at trump considering the bipartisan support it wields (obviously just like china, the democrats are hoping for american economic recession because they stand zero chance at stopping trumps reelection). So once the deal is in place the cost of border defense will be offset by the trade we do with mexico, not some pillaging of mexican coffers like the MSM would like you to believe. Furthermore the idea that illegal immigration is harmless is ignorant of the drug and human trafficking that takes place across the border. This criminal activity supports the existence of a black market that funds the terrorist drug cartels of central and south america, supporting the chinese import of fentanyl and opioids (which you gripe about in a later section), as well as a modern day sex and labor slave trade. and obviously the importing of illegal immigrants hurts the hard working legal immigrants who are (should be at least) here on the merit of their skills. maybe you have undocumented friends in the US as i have had and this why you think they are harmless- trump has offered citizenship to some of theses "dreamers" (gay slogan but whatever) in exchange for funding border security which the hypocrite democrats have struck down (10 years ago democrats empty promised a stronger border defense for all the same reasons i've listed and constantly have rambled about citizenship for the undocumented but clearly only care about causing internal strife and cultivating a new demographic of welfare depended voters (anchor babies, i know illegals can't vote[[[although voter fraud exists lol]]]) in their quest to end the aforementioned american century).

    all of the news i consume is from independent news analysts who are supported by crowdfunding and merchandise. I, like a majority of conservatives, have a greater diversity of political ideology in the media i consume. I listen and read analysis from constitutional conservatives who support israel, libertarians who are for the end of all drug prohibition, and progressives who supported bernie sanders in 2016. I even listen to hot takes from crazy people who believe the world is run by aliens and others who believe the world is run by satan. In opposition to that the TDS crowd never consumes media that isn't progressive or at least from fiscal democrats, they consume corporate news or far left alt media from sites like vox, hufpo, or TYT. I never watch any corporate news and couldn't name a single pundit besides crazy anne colter (because she was featured in an episode of the boondocks) and brian stelter (because he sounds like mickey mouse). I don't even watch netflix or amazon prime and i don't go to the movies unless its a double feature at the drive in (which is a great time to eat burgers, drink, and smoke)

    So i saved this point for last because i don't have very strong rhetoric to rebut your claims. I have to ask, do you live in KY. I thought for the longest time you were canadian and moved to ohio. i believe you are being honest and i definitely feel sorry and wish things were better. all i can say is trump has pressured china to stop its exporting of fentanyl which hasn't worked. They lock up a few baddies to look like they are being complacent but they know who the largest manufacturer is and haven't made any attempts to stop them (because they want americans to die and it prolly supplements their economy in some way) and this issue is much larger than just china, I can understand the arguments for decriminalization and legalization but its a huge issue for americans, of the same caliber as education and human trafficking. I don't think trumps demands for lower drug prices will solve it, i don't have a strong stance to argue from at all.

    call me a fag and nig rep me for walls of text, not only do i like the debate i also love the negative attention. As-salamu alaykum, negus.
    ok commie
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    Senior Member Lina Goldberg's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Desolation View Post
    I love coal miners and farmers
    I like thick girls, girls who like bright colors, dancing and soft fabrics.
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    Senior Member Lina Goldberg's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by maks View Post
    ok commie
    Your burbon review thread was very cute and wholesome
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    DogManz maks's Avatar
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    Lud, Midworld
    I might do another one tonight, I intend to light a fire and get hammered after dinner
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  30. Collapse Details
    king steveyos
    Hey man... There are some state police tied to an officer Poission further crimes with childs sex offenders, and with Wethersfield police chief's family, and with many tied to New Britain Superior Court, and to other courts also with further World Trade Center attack predicate acts roles, also judges, also prosecutors, etc.. Respond for them also lying about what's recorded over phones, and online, and inter-branch, and through the mail, and how with all these other nations. Knock knock... They also had/have further crime roles with a principal sex offender's campus with more then/further. Respond for them. Pick one name and sequence also.

    They at first forced a principal sex offender not to be told on, and since with roles. They can't afford to follow the rules/law, not by accident. WFSB also attached little kids to faked locations, and to faked ties to others/their abusers. It's also how many inter-campuses were/are invovled with the inter-branch with the campuses criminally per them speaking through others, etc.. Please respond for them. They are too coward but to hide and plot inter-branch. They forge names, and switch names, and switch sequences. CT, Connecticut must fall to ground to find the seed; attend....
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