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    verify me fuck you 
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    m0nde says post or something - boobz

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    my weapons turn me into a m0nde's Avatar
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    Nobody's going to do it until you use your real name (old ytmnsfw name). Buttholio sounds like a lizard name, wtf.


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    fine fuck you rename me idgaf

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    I dont even know what 'lizard' means i mean what happened to this shithole

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    my weapons turn me into a m0nde's Avatar
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    yeah ruby will rename you if he ever gets to it. look at that crazy woman who just bumped a million threads. that's a lizard. there's a forum calld the "herpetarium" where they're supposed to be housed but some escape sometimes.


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    I distinctly remember:

    - elezzzark (was he even a deaf mexican after all?)
    - Tim arbeu (RIP)
    - m0nde
    - Aber
    - cberry
    - that wheelchair bound grumpy guy that destroyed tim
    - pastor travis
    - adair
    - marnie
    - that guy who raped marnie
    - that guy who was obsessed with guns
    - that guy with the Aphex Twin avatar who logged on once per year
    - dandada
    - that other aussie who had a korean gf who was a little unstable
    - steve yelle from FJS Funny Jokes Squad
    - ruby

    everyone else is just a blur of fuckwits
    Last edited by Buttholio; 02-06-2016 at 02:15 AM.

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    They are all at tim's tanty forum that m0nde ruined

    Hey while you are bringing really shitty d grade posters back to whinge about me why not go cody your cody at your failed fucktard loser forum sid

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    Go herp yourself codys

    Something wrong with your forum m0nde?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Lisa Battery View Post
    They are all at tim's tanty forum that m0nde ruined

    Hey while you are bringing really shitty d grade posters back to whinge about me why not go cody your cody at your failed fucktard loser forum sid
    So i've never heard of you, probably because you're a complete nobody, and I've never heard of 'cody' who also sounds like another angry teenager. Get a grip.

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    o wait i also remember reno because he traveled to some state to fuck some girl and he ended up sucking a dick. funny times.

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    Yeah I'm just an angry teenager you've never heard of before and m0nde isn't postimg about me

    Hey man seeing as I'm an angry teenager want to come post with me on the internet in '06 if you are a middle aged man? I heard it makes you a super cool poster and shit.

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    Just chillin with sid, a 50 year old creep stalker who saved naked pics of all the 15 year old girls

    He's always been a super cool guy to post with, you here for the same?

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    Don't worry, as soon as m0nde has finsihed planning his next epic skype troll with cody he'll get you out of here and then he can tell you all about lizards, the herp and this Lisa chick he is brain damaged bushpig obsessed with.

    Sit tight. We'll all be back in just a minute.

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    It'll be just like old times in '06, a couple of old men pedos posting with a bunch of 13 year olds some of who are still here pinning away for the days when all the mid 20 year olds were still just teenagers amd they posted on the internet with them. You remember how hot reno was when he was 13? OMG.

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    LOL I can't even..... just fuck off m0nde you loser and get a life.

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    Wow seriously calm down, take your adhd meds or whatever you do.

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    my weapons turn me into a m0nde's Avatar
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    see, this is what i'm talking about this woman is clinically insane. idk wtf she said but i see 5 "This message is hidden" messages in a row, wtf. pls stop.


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    Quote Originally Posted by Buttholio View Post
    Wow seriously calm down, take your adhd meds or whatever you do.
    Sorry, you're just caught up in the crossfire. Sid started it.

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    Quote Originally Posted by m0nde View Post
    see, this is what i'm talking about this woman is clinically insane. idk wtf she said but i see 5 "This message is hidden" messages in a row, wtf. pls stop.
    You are an obsessed creep ass loser. LEAVE. Go back to your own forum you old man creep ass loser.

    All you had to say to the guy was the same as you say EVERYWHERE, more retard dribble about ypur obsession with Lisa, FUCK OFF you pile of unwanted shit.

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    I would bash you IRL and not get charged.

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    my weapons turn me into a m0nde's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buttholio View Post
    I distinctly remember:

    - elezzzark (was he even a deaf mexican after all?)
    - Tim arbeu (RIP)
    - m0nde
    - Aber
    - cberry
    - that wheelchair bound grumpy guy that destroyed tim
    - marnie
    - jon? that guy who was obsessed with guns
    - dandada
    - teknorat? that other aussie who had a korean gf who was a little unstable
    - steve yelle from FJS Funny Jokes Squad
    - ruby

    everyone else is just a blur of fuckwits
    these are the people on your list who are still around.


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    boobz, marks is asking why you left in the first place. i told him you got a better job and now may have gotten married. no time for fuckery and drama.


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    DogManz maks's Avatar
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    oh hi boobz remember me it's marks98 the only guy who was ever nice to you

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    Fuck off m0nde and stop trying to be involved in everything you fucking cody ass creep.

    People are quite capable of talking to each other without your bullshit in between.

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    none of us were nice to boobz and he wasn't nice to anyone either, really. that's the beauty of it.


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    He was terrible to me but he's still better than brown cody.

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    DogManz maks's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by m0nde View Post
    none of us were nice to boobz and he wasn't nice to anyone either, really. that's the beauty of it.
    boobz was my friend and I took a shitload of heat for that (especially from iwc who alsways believed she should be able to tell me who to hate) so I'm a little pissed he didn't remember me in that "who I remember" rant up there

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    Quote Originally Posted by maks View Post
    boobz was my friend and I took a shitload of heat for that (especially from iwc who alsways believed she should be able to tell me who to hate) so I'm a little pissed he didn't remember me in that "who I remember" rant up there
    Don't worry, I'm sure sideburnsiburke remembers you and keeps a little pic of you under his pillow and close to his heart at all times, I know I do.

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    Quote Originally Posted by maks View Post
    boobz was my friend
    also.... LOL

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    my weapons turn me into a m0nde's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by maks View Post
    boobz was my friend and I took a shitload of heat for that (especially from iwc who alsways believed she should be able to tell me who to hate) so I'm a little pissed he didn't remember me in that "who I remember" rant up there
    i liked boobz too, but just like a lot of people i like and just like most of us here we're mean to each other. but there are some people (they don't need to me mentioned by name) who really need to gtfo who people actually hate.


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monde is a whiney fuck