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    greasy sppoon last ditch lunch effort 
    my weapons turn me into a m0nde's Avatar
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    every once in a while
    okay so my friend and i wanted to go to this place called the 420 smokehouse for lunch because we heard it had good corned beef and montreal smoked meat and all that, but we went at 2:30pm - fucking late lunch anyway - and we show and it only opens at 3pm and i'm raging

    so i only have 1 hr for lunch and i say let's go eat at the first place we see and we wa;lk and see this shithole greasy spoon run by a chinese woman and its populated by some questionable zodiac-looking downandouter types who are waiting for the day to be over. so i sit down and i look and realize that it could be good if we luck out and pick something that the woman cooks fresh on her grill which could be the only thing that is live but i am a moron and i choose fish and chips my friend chose a burger and some friest

    okay, so the food comes and i'mn not going to puke but the fish thing looks brown like an australian vagina and i'm thinking okay i will try it and i try it and the haddock or code or whatever it is is mush and the breading is hard even though its clearnly not a preformed piece of fish she dipped tha tshit and fried it. the thing is it's over done and the oil is rancid as fuck god damn it jesis christ okay whatever i tried the frise and put vinegar and almost too much salt on it all and ate that shit because i was hungry i did not puke and i did not die

    my friend's burger thing is a home made patty which he says is the only thing that is not vomitable and the fries are the ame as mine so he eats what he can and we are like god damn it we could have had some nice brisket or something at a yuppie fucking sandwich shop but no the universe shat on us like this well look at the gravy my friend has it looks like dried, clotted stripper menses and the bowl is staind and less than 1/2 empty (less than 1/2 full?) wtf is this place? i paid and he paid and we left

    my tongue was greased and if you've ever tasted rancid oil you know it's between bitter and sour and there's a fatty coating that is hard to get out of your system whatever

    oh, also i didn't see any thigh gamps today and that was what pissed me off the maost

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    friends with english jon's Avatar
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    cooked with shit vegetable oil

    i cook with lard, get on my level
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    ^-.-^^-.-^^-.-^^-.-^^-.-^^-.-^^-.-^^-.-^^-.-^^-.-^^-.-^^-.-^^-.-^^-.-^^-.-^^-.-^^-.-^^-.-^^-.-^^-.-^^-.-^^-.-^^-.-^^-.-^^-.-^ skjfnjk EPSONdkfhbsdjfeuiwfbeuwpqofbupiweqbfuioweqbnfo9webgpiuwqebgp9uqhwet-08u4280tu43890tu8435034u8ew0th34's Avatar
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    0000000000000000000 you didn't eat that shit did you?
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    friends with english jon's Avatar
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    le zoup du m0nde
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monde is a whiney fuck