Thread: same kinda

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    same kinda 
    Deso Stevey insane
    king steveyos
    Okay so, my best friend is online. We're super good friends, and have absolutely nothing romantic going on.

    Recently he invited his girlfriend into one of our group chats. I knew he had a girlfriend, and I didn't mind. I even knew her and was friends with her before. It wasn't until she joined and they started calling each other babe constantly that it got on my nerves. We had sort of an odd couple dynamic, we were two peas in a pod. A lot of times in the group we focused on each other more than anyone else.

    I wanted more of his attention and I just got really jealous.. She was starting to annoy me and I don't know what's wrong with me.

    I don't know if it's because it's been a long time since I've had a best friend and I don't want anyone to come between us, or something else.

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    Deso Stevey insane
    king steveyos
    Short version: A friend that I've drifted apart from, recently left her long term boyfriend and now I'm going out with him. I'm worried about her reaction and also concerned I'm a rebound.

    Long version:
    A few years ago I was very good friend with this girl, we were in a lot of the same classes in college, had a lot in common and we ended up becoming housemates. Her boyfriend and another couple of friends lived with us as well. I got along great with her boyfriend and he was pretty cute. I had to remind myself a few times not to get too attached to him and to try and think of him as more of a brother figure. It didn't really work but I hid my feelings well. I don't think they ever knew.

    Anyway time went on, we graduated, I moved out and we all drifted apart. I hadn't seen either of them properly in a couple of years and besides the odd conversation with her on facebook and twitter we didn't really stay in touch. They were still together, they both had good jobs, were talking marriage, mortgages and kids. They had their lives planned out. And then my friend left him for another guy six months ago.

    Her now ex-boyfriend started talking to me a lot more after that, it started with liking my fb posts and tweets, eventually we were texting all day every day. Now we're dating and its looking like this could be heading towards serious.

    I should be happy but I just have so many niggling concerns.
    Even though I'm not super close with this girl anymore I still care about her a lot and I don't want her to be hurt or feel betrayed like I was biding my time till they broke up. We have enough mutual friends that she will find out eventually and some awkwardness is unavoidable, but is there a way of limiting the damage?

    And there's another part of me that worries I'm just a rebound. Someone who is similar in appearance to his ex (same height, skin tone, hair colour and length, eye colour) with similar interests and enough history together that he can jump into a close relationship easily. If that is the case he may not even be aware that he's doing it. But he may wake up one day soon and realize I'm a poor substitute.
    Is there a way of knowing if you're a rebound, any warning signs I should look out for?
    Can a rebound ever become the real deal? Is it possible to make it work?

    Sorry for the long post, but any advice is appreciated
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    Deso Stevey insane
    king steveyos
    Sorry to bother you guys, but I feel like this guy in my grade has a crush on me. It could be a joke though as every other guy (and most of the girls) in my grade is playing pranks on me on my thiscrush account. He tries to get close to me sometimes, but he never really notices me. We've never really talked before, but he tried asking me to our school Christmas dance. I think it's a joke though as that's what someone wrote from him on my thiscrush. I'm stressing out over it because I kind of like him, too. What should I look for to tell whether or not he actually likes me? Has anyone else been in a situation like this? Help!!! Thanks. Byyyyyeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!
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  4. Collapse Details
    Deso Stevey insane
    king steveyos
    I'm from Romanian and it's a little difficult for me with the grammar, and i'm sorry about that, but i hope you'll understand and give me some advices. I've been together with a guy - 17 year old, 2 year bigger then me. He is a liitle bit shorter than me, but not too much. We have talk for 5 months without knowing we like each other, and we were a kind of "best friends" and everythig was perfect, like we were ment for each other. Now, we are a couple from September, and after a month, thing started to get bed. We broke up a few times, and after every broke up thing were getting worst and worst... we fight like every day... it's a miracle if we can stand few consecutive days without fighting... he is over jealous and possessive, and he overthinks every time... so please tell me what shoud i do...
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  5. Collapse Details
    Deso Stevey insane
    king steveyos
    okay so I need opinions.. I have nothing against my partner watching porn but I hate the fact that he has some form of naked girls or videos on every social media he has. I also dislike how often he is on it, likesometimes he is on it while I'm around and not a fan of that. He is constantly on it and played up when I he seen that I was looking at it once.
    It's really beginning to annoy me and impact things in the bedroom because of it.
    Need help on what I should do or say. Am I over reacting??
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