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Topic Review (Newest First)

  • 02-06-2014
    always stevey

    Reported Post by GulDucat

    GulDucat has reported a post.

    I am a Lizard be because I know Lily and I was from ThePriceIsRight Forum (witch is no more]( and it will be a cold day in Hell when I am I am no longer a Lizard).
    Post: Attention "Lizards". Please leave all replies relating to Ruby's megathread here.
    Forum: the herpetarium
    Assigned Moderators: N/A

    Posted by: Dirty Harry
    Original Content:
    Quote Originally Posted by rubycalaber View Post

    Due to all users designated as "Lizards" being incarcerated in The Herpetarium, colloquially known as being "herped", you are unable to reply directly to Ruby's latest gamechangingly hilarious and groundbreakingly creative megathread, in which most of you were trollinated with extreme prejudice. If you were not included this is because you have been designated as a "no-name faggot".

    However, Ruby is a very compassionate and kind man who respects your freedom of speech, no matter how bad your posts.

    He has instructed me to create this thread so that any Lizards who wish to do so may comment on their depiction within, the results of, or any other aspect of Ruby's Breaking Bad Finale Parody MegaThread.

    This is not how we do it in my time period. All captive humans are tortured until compliant and executed when no longer required.

    Please do not attempt to create alternative accounts or otherwise escape from The Herpetarium.

    Thank you for your cooperation.

    And if you are considering trolling Ruby... here is what I do to Lizards who become problematic.

    I am a Lizard be because I know Lily and I was from ThePriceIsRight Forum (witch is no more]( and it will be a cold day in Hell when I am I am no longer a Lizard).

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