View Full Version : some more plug-drugs-quality rambling for your scrolling displeasure

Plug Drugs
01-06-2014, 06:59 AM
Comparing Death Statistics Between Medical Malpractice and Illicit Drug Use

Every article you're going to find online seems to give different numbers and all have different qualifiers for what exactly constitutes "medical errors"; medical malpractice kills somewhere in the ballpark of 400,000 people every year globally. In the US, depending on who you ask, yearly deaths from malpractice are somewhere in the range of 98,000 to 195,000

Now, let's narrow down those deaths and take a look at just one specific type of medical malpractice death: medication mixups. According to this article, http://www.campaignzero.org/quick-co...cation-errors/, medication mixups lead to 7,000 deaths a year in the US just counting the ones in hospitals -- according to that article, tens of thousands more deaths from medication mixups happen outside of the hospital, aka a mixup in the medication obtained at a pharmacy.

Now, these numbers begin to sound a little concerning when you consider another statistic: the number of deaths resulting from illegal drug use. Again, the numbers are going to be skewed depending on who you ask and what the qualifiers are, but generally speaking we could put deaths resulting from illicit drugs somewhere in the ballpark of 4,500 in the US and 100,000 globally. According to this article, http://www.cdc.gov/homeandrecreation...ose/facts.html "In 2010, there were 38,329 drug overdose deaths in the United States", which includes accidental prescription overdoses.

Getting a truly accurate perception of the number of deaths each year from medical errors versus illegal drugs is difficult, since all the numbers and statistics seem to fluctuate depending on whether the source was pro or anti drug and whether the article was attacking or defending doctors and the medical/pharmaceutical industry.

Anyways, based on most statistics, we end up faced with the conclusion that medical errors and medication mixups are killing more people each year than recreational drugs (excluding tobacco and cigarettes). And certainly, the deaths from medical malpractice and med mixups should sound much more alarming to us than the number of deaths from recreational drugs, as one is self inflicted while the other is either accidental or resulting from extreme negligence.

Just what kind of medication mixups are we talking about exactly? Are these people middle-aged housewives who were on a cocktail of opioids, benzos, antihistamines, antipsychotics, alcohol, and a dozen other downers that end up killing them? Were they dear old grandma and grandad dying from their insane cocktail mix of all sorts of heavy medications that lead to seizures, strokes, heart attacks, pulmonary edema, something of that nature?

Somewhere along the line while trying to come up with the whys and wherefores, after trying to think of what possible medication mixups could kill that many people, you start to realize how large of a role doctors' incompetence has to be playing in all of this.

You might then ask yourself a very good question, "what the hell do doctors even do really?", and end up concluding that unless you just got mangled in a car accident or are otherwise in dire need of a surgeon, a doctor acts as nothing more than the middle man between you and the pharmaceutical companies.

Which finally brings you to the realization that doctors actually know very little about the medications they are prescribing, and instead they base the vast majority of their practice off of what pharmaceutical reps have told them to prescribe.

With all of this considered, it dawns on you that the real reason all of those deaths are happening is not because of anomalous pharmacological intertwinings or some theoretical concept in pharmacokinetics, but its because the pharmaceutical industry is a multi-multi-billion dollar industry - in fact it is one of thee largest industries on the planet. The shear scale of money being made and exchanged and enormity of the business being conducted completely drowns out and overpowers any voice of concern and blazes right on past any people first considering the possibilities of things like negative interactions, unforseen consequences, and irreversible damage.

...Looking Forward... (Mostly just wildly stated opinions from here until the end of the post...)

So what do you when you live in a world where quite a large chunk of all medical practice ( it's more likely the overwhelming majority if we're being honest) is hokey; broken; illusory/meaningless; lethally pointless; morbidly unecessary; thoughtless; a monstrosity; a total abomination?
With nonsensities like "restless leg syndrome" on the loose, and the common modern practice of prescribing serotonin and serotononin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors as a "cure all" for all ailments, which only ever had a theoretical legitimacy for potential as a medicine, and for which much speculation exists as to whether they permanently damage the serotonergic system, leading to long-term or permanent worsening of symptoms upon discontinuation compared to before the medication had started to be taken - and things like permanently decreasing sexual sensitivity and irreversibly altering the threshold of sexual arousal; permanently changing the neurological processes behind sexual arousal, never again to be in their normal state.....

Do we really need proton pump inhibitors for heartburn? Or antihistamines with ridiculous obscenely long half-lives and a broad pharmacological profile including a high affinity as serotonergic/noradrenergic leading to all sorts of unpleasant effects you never wanted and can't figure out the cause of, such as feelings of dread, panic, and terror! Hypomania and erratically fluctuating emotions! Feeling disconnected from reality! Unexplainable and unwarranted irritability and aggression! Lashing out at loved ones! Feeling like you're not ever truly "awake" and are stuck in a hazy dream world. Only $5.99; thrown in, like, friggin everything and often paired up with a dissociative NMDA antagonist (which also has an enormous pharmacological profile and potential for interactions), and who could forget it's most common partner, the highly hepatotoxic mystery-acting pain reliever that doesn't actually seem to do anything at all other than kill your liver...

I don't even know where to begin with all the bogus supplements out there; and vitamin supplements with vitamins that are barely soluble and pass right on through you to come out with your poop (the companies making magnesium oxide supplements should use the slogan "It's magnesium ...technically.")

Just what the hell should we do? When you sit and wonder things like "what will taking this every day do to me in 10-20 years?", your guesswork is really just as valid as the conjobs selling and marketing the stuff
Still, for a psychiatric field that just 3 generations ago was cutting off the frontal lobes of undesirables to make them easier to store, and for a human species that's spent the last 80 years lead poisoned, maybe I'm expecting too much.

01-06-2014, 07:02 AM
if anyone reads this, they should join a suicide pact with plugs drugs, for being almost as big of a fag, as plu drugs

Plug Drugs
01-06-2014, 07:12 AM
In Other News:
Breakfast Ceral in America ... Candy in Disguise
Bogged down with atrocious amounts of sugar, and only otherwise consisting of simple carbs with no true dietary value, we can officially seal the coffin on breakfast cereals.. The "fortified with 11 vitamins and iron" is a nice distraction from the fact most breakfast cereals are uterrly worthless nutrion-wise. The only possible role that breakfast cereal can end up playing is becoming body fat; there's nothing else the body can do with it (unless eating straight confectioner's sugar is how you usually fuel your body in order to start off the day).

Plug Drugs
01-06-2014, 07:13 AM
if anyone reads this, they should join a suicide pact with plugs drugs, for being almost as big of a fag, as plu drugs

yeah, hah hah.... what a stitch

Plug Drugs
01-06-2014, 07:14 AM
Update: Yogurt is also worthless unhealthy food. It's sugar and fat.

01-06-2014, 07:16 AM
hey plug drugs have you seen that Daily Currant (and common) """"""""satire"""""""" story about 37 people in colorado dying from weed overdose since it was legalized being passed around by retards and shills as real?

01-06-2014, 07:17 AM
I wonder if cberry has been toking it up

always stevey
01-06-2014, 07:17 AM
if anyone reads this, they should join a suicide pact with plugs drugs, for being almost as big of a fag, as plu drugs

01-06-2014, 07:17 AM
Update: Yogurt is also worthless unhealthy food. It's sugar and fat.

trollinator told me if you have to dispose of a body what you do is put yogurt in its orifices before you bury it because it speeds up decomposition dramatically

Plug Drugs
01-06-2014, 07:18 AM
welllll fuck all of you, going to snort some dilaudid

always stevey
01-06-2014, 07:18 AM
it's mind blowing how someone who thinks they're really smart can sit there and talk about shit everyone else has know for thousands of years lol jesus christ plug drugs you fucking suck so bad

always stevey
01-06-2014, 07:18 AM

always stevey
01-06-2014, 07:19 AM

always stevey
01-06-2014, 07:19 AM
ugh I'm so much smarter than everyone it only took me 8235823852385238523858235823853285 years to figure out the sky is blue!

01-06-2014, 07:19 AM
trollinator told me if you have to dispose of a body what you do is put yogurt in its orifices before you bury it because it speeds up decomposition dramatically

ill; make sure i do that to you, when i fucking murder you fort real no joke at all if there is a policeperson reading this post i am going to murder rubyt callum because he is a giant fag who deserves it so it is justified

always stevey
01-06-2014, 07:20 AM

always stevey
01-06-2014, 07:20 AM
just got done readin gevery literary work by neitzhe and guess what you plebs the sky is blue.

always stevey
01-06-2014, 07:21 AM
you're all fucking stupid, lisa is amazing and the sky is blue DEAL WITH IT

01-06-2014, 07:28 AM
ill; make sure i do that to you, when i fucking murder you fort real no joke at all if there is a policeperson reading this post i am going to murder rubyt callum because he is a giant fag who deserves it so it is justified

I'm sure you'd love to put "yogurt" in Ruby's orifices. Faggot.

Plug Drugs
01-06-2014, 07:45 AM
it's mind blowing how someone who thinks they're really smart can sit there and talk about shit everyone else has know for thousands of years lol jesus christ plug drugs you fucking suck so bad

uhhhh if everyone knows about the shit im complaining about then why is all that shit still around

Plug Drugs
01-06-2014, 07:48 AM
god damnit the intranasal bioavailability for hydromorphone compared to oral is almost double, i better fucking get high damnit, or else i have nothing else to help my mind out of being stuck in psychosis

Plug Drugs
01-06-2014, 07:49 AM
kick in already daaaaammnnniittt awwwwwwhhhhhhhhhh, that feels.................. *breathes in slowly**

Plug Drugs
01-06-2014, 07:49 AM
that feels bettaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ahhwwhhhhhwhwhwhh yessssssssss

Plug Drugs
01-06-2014, 07:51 AM
think i might wash it down with some nyquil

Plug Drugs
01-06-2014, 07:52 AM
thagt was just what a needed... been up all night, extremely dehydrated, whole body is sweaty and cramped up and can barely move... snortinh 6mg of dilly fix ya right up

Plug Drugs
01-06-2014, 07:53 AM
but this bullshit only lasts like 3 hours so i better fall asleep or find some more drugs quik

always stevey
01-06-2014, 08:02 AM
yeah nigga that's what my nigga nethze told me

01-06-2014, 09:05 AM
yeah, hah hah.... what a stitchdid you copy/paste that article or should i add it to http://www.dillodort.com/random/text/plugdrugs.txt ?

rose west
01-06-2014, 01:02 PM
The sky is cardboard.

Plug Drugs
01-06-2014, 02:07 PM
did you copy/paste that article or should i add it to http://www.dillodort.com/random/text/plugdrugs.txt ?
all written by me; couldn't you start to tell after I gave up on being strictly factual and just started being an ass?

01-06-2014, 02:08 PM
all written by me; couldn't you start to tell after I gave up on being strictly factual and just started being an ass?

he honestly believes anyone read that

Plug Drugs
01-06-2014, 02:16 PM
marks tries so hard to seem like this great neutral voice of objectivity, but thats just a facade, you definitely pick sides and then try to pressure them onto everyone else by acting like its an indisputed fact

01-06-2014, 02:22 PM
I've been openly hating on you for more than a year where the fuck do you get neutral voice of objectivity out of that

01-06-2014, 02:22 PM
you are really fucking stupid mike

always stevey
01-06-2014, 02:29 PM
I don't hate you plug drugs but if you think I'm gonna read anything no matter how many words, about stupid shit

01-06-2014, 02:42 PM
all written by me; couldn't you start to tell after I gave up on being strictly factual and just started being an ass?i obviously didn't read that huge wall of rubbish
but it's been added to plugdrugs.txt now

01-06-2014, 02:49 PM
I'll bet he can't find one person who read it, in fact I'm doing him a favor because some lizard (probably cody) is going to read it now to spite me, he'll be all I READ IT MARKS WHAT NOW HUH

01-06-2014, 02:50 PM
and I won't read that because cody is on my ignore list

always stevey
01-06-2014, 02:55 PM
not even monde fucking read that shit

01-06-2014, 03:02 PM
if cody reads that the joke's on him frankly

01-06-2014, 03:05 PM
I read that whole 9 page plug drugs post because you said I wouldn't, WHO'S THE TRY HARD NOW MARKS?

always stevey
01-06-2014, 03:10 PM
if cody was smart he'd align himself with the top 2 most hated people on this forum because #3 up doesn't even like cody

by top 2 I mean him and lisa yeah it's hard to make that kinda post when the guy you're talking about has no fucking friends

always stevey
01-06-2014, 03:11 PM
why the fuck aren't cody and lisa together now that is a couple deserving of each other

01-06-2014, 03:16 PM
lisa has rootbeer. he should partner up with someone who, like him, has no friends no options and no shame. So, I nominate plug drugs as cody's new friend.

01-06-2014, 03:17 PM
ruby/clay please change plug drugs name to "cody's friend plug drugs" tyia

always stevey
01-06-2014, 03:19 PM
rootbeer isn't going to be 8 forever he's going to grow up into a big boy one day and say to himself HOLY SHIT WHAT TEH FUCK IS THAT... YOU'RE LISA?!?!?! FUCCCCKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK

always stevey
01-06-2014, 03:20 PM
agreed that plug drugs and cody should hang out though

01-06-2014, 03:20 PM
I'm not saying it's going to last I'm just saying that right now lisa has a friend who's way better than cody

always stevey
01-06-2014, 03:24 PM
oh yeah I know I just look at it like holy fuck poor rootbeer what the fuck is this lady doing to the poor kid, I don't like to think it's consensual because it's not

01-06-2014, 03:48 PM
when I think of all the filthy skanks he could have fucked without leaving his hometown it brings a tear to my eye

01-06-2014, 03:49 PM
Comparing Death Statistics Between Medical Malpractice and Illicit Drug Use

Every article you're going to find online seems to give different numbers and all have different qualifiers for what exactly constitutes "medical errors"; medical malpractice kills somewhere in the ballpark of 400,000 people every year globally. In the US, depending on who you ask, yearly deaths from malpractice are somewhere in the range of 98,000 to 195,000

Now, let's narrow down those deaths and take a look at just one specific type of medical malpractice death: medication mixups. According to this article, http://www.campaignzero.org/quick-co...cation-errors/, medication mixups lead to 7,000 deaths a year in the US just counting the ones in hospitals -- according to that article, tens of thousands more deaths from medication mixups happen outside of the hospital, aka a mixup in the medication obtained at a pharmacy.

Now, these numbers begin to sound a little concerning when you consider another statistic: the number of deaths resulting from illegal drug use. Again, the numbers are going to be skewed depending on who you ask and what the qualifiers are, but generally speaking we could put deaths resulting from illicit drugs somewhere in the ballpark of 4,500 in the US and 100,000 globally. According to this article, http://www.cdc.gov/homeandrecreation...ose/facts.html "In 2010, there were 38,329 drug overdose deaths in the United States", which includes accidental prescription overdoses.

Getting a truly accurate perception of the number of deaths each year from medical errors versus illegal drugs is difficult, since all the numbers and statistics seem to fluctuate depending on whether the source was pro or anti drug and whether the article was attacking or defending doctors and the medical/pharmaceutical industry.

Anyways, based on most statistics, we end up faced with the conclusion that medical errors and medication mixups are killing more people each year than recreational drugs (excluding tobacco and cigarettes). And certainly, the deaths from medical malpractice and med mixups should sound much more alarming to us than the number of deaths from recreational drugs, as one is self inflicted while the other is either accidental or resulting from extreme negligence.

Just what kind of medication mixups are we talking about exactly? Are these people middle-aged housewives who were on a cocktail of opioids, benzos, antihistamines, antipsychotics, alcohol, and a dozen other downers that end up killing them? Were they dear old grandma and grandad dying from their insane cocktail mix of all sorts of heavy medications that lead to seizures, strokes, heart attacks, pulmonary edema, something of that nature?

Somewhere along the line while trying to come up with the whys and wherefores, after trying to think of what possible medication mixups could kill that many people, you start to realize how large of a role doctors' incompetence has to be playing in all of this.

You might then ask yourself a very good question, "what the hell do doctors even do really?", and end up concluding that unless you just got mangled in a car accident or are otherwise in dire need of a surgeon, a doctor acts as nothing more than the middle man between you and the pharmaceutical companies.

Which finally brings you to the realization that doctors actually know very little about the medications they are prescribing, and instead they base the vast majority of their practice off of what pharmaceutical reps have told them to prescribe.

With all of this considered, it dawns on you that the real reason all of those deaths are happening is not because of anomalous pharmacological intertwinings or some theoretical concept in pharmacokinetics, but its because the pharmaceutical industry is a multi-multi-billion dollar industry - in fact it is one of thee largest industries on the planet. The shear scale of money being made and exchanged and enormity of the business being conducted completely drowns out and overpowers any voice of concern and blazes right on past any people first considering the possibilities of things like negative interactions, unforseen consequences, and irreversible damage.

...Looking Forward... (Mostly just wildly stated opinions from here until the end of the post...)

So what do you when you live in a world where quite a large chunk of all medical practice ( it's more likely the overwhelming majority if we're being honest) is hokey; broken; illusory/meaningless; lethally pointless; morbidly unecessary; thoughtless; a monstrosity; a total abomination?
With nonsensities like "restless leg syndrome" on the loose, and the common modern practice of prescribing serotonin and serotononin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors as a "cure all" for all ailments, which only ever had a theoretical legitimacy for potential as a medicine, and for which much speculation exists as to whether they permanently damage the serotonergic system, leading to long-term or permanent worsening of symptoms upon discontinuation compared to before the medication had started to be taken - and things like permanently decreasing sexual sensitivity and irreversibly altering the threshold of sexual arousal; permanently changing the neurological processes behind sexual arousal, never again to be in their normal state.....

Do we really need proton pump inhibitors for heartburn? Or antihistamines with ridiculous obscenely long half-lives and a broad pharmacological profile including a high affinity as serotonergic/noradrenergic leading to all sorts of unpleasant effects you never wanted and can't figure out the cause of, such as feelings of dread, panic, and terror! Hypomania and erratically fluctuating emotions! Feeling disconnected from reality! Unexplainable and unwarranted irritability and aggression! Lashing out at loved ones! Feeling like you're not ever truly "awake" and are stuck in a hazy dream world. Only $5.99; thrown in, like, friggin everything and often paired up with a dissociative NMDA antagonist (which also has an enormous pharmacological profile and potential for interactions), and who could forget it's most common partner, the highly hepatotoxic mystery-acting pain reliever that doesn't actually seem to do anything at all other than kill your liver...

I don't even know where to begin with all the bogus supplements out there; and vitamin supplements with vitamins that are barely soluble and pass right on through you to come out with your poop (the companies making magnesium oxide supplements should use the slogan "It's magnesium ...technically.")

Just what the hell should we do? When you sit and wonder things like "what will taking this every day do to me in 10-20 years?", your guesswork is really just as valid as the conjobs selling and marketing the stuff
Still, for a psychiatric field that just 3 generations ago was cutting off the frontal lobes of undesirables to make them easier to store, and for a human species that's spent the last 80 years lead poisoned, maybe I'm expecting too much.

didnt read but 37 people in colorado are dead because of legal weed now

01-06-2014, 03:49 PM
That reminds me i need to get some onions

lnopia the great
01-06-2014, 04:16 PM
i did read what he wrote until he gave a proclaimer about going into his crazy opinions but he was pretty well on the mark although exaggerated and generalized

lnopia the great
01-06-2014, 04:16 PM
i was offended by the yogurt post though there is alot of protein in greek yogurt

01-06-2014, 04:34 PM
i did read what he wrote until he gave a proclaimer about going into his crazy opinions but he was pretty well on the mark although exaggerated and generalized

i was offended by the yogurt post though there is alot of protein in greek yogurt

and there you have it folks, marks98 being dead wrong as usual becuase he's a presumptuous owned faggot who will shortly be meeting me in person for a reall good tiem

lnopia the great
01-06-2014, 04:41 PM
big pharma had lost a huge class action suit involving doctor/ceo collusion and brought reforms to at least one large company so it is a step in the right direction at least

lnopia the great
01-06-2014, 04:45 PM
i remember on alol someone made a thread about what anti depressants they use and about 3/4 of the forum started talking about it and thats when i realized normal american life really must fucking suck

lnopia the great
01-06-2014, 04:47 PM
2 hr commutes to the big city from your out of town suburb to work like a slave ignoring your kids leading them to feel neglected so you feed them with brain altering pills

lnopia the great
01-06-2014, 04:48 PM
what ever happened to parenting am i right

lnopia the great
01-06-2014, 04:52 PM
it was -50 with the wind chill this morning

01-06-2014, 04:54 PM
what ever happened to parenting am i right

it hasn't gone away, that's the problem. realistically only about 10% of the people having kids should be having kids, we need to get rid of this life script everyone is following

Plug Drugs
01-06-2014, 05:00 PM
I'll bet he can't find one person who read it


01-06-2014, 05:00 PM
big pharma had lost a huge class action suit involving doctor/ceo collusion and brought reforms to at least one large company so it is a step in the right direction at least

i remember on alol someone made a thread about what anti depressants they use and about 3/4 of the forum started talking about it and thats when i realized normal american life really must fucking suck

2 hr commutes to the big city from your out of town suburb to work like a slave ignoring your kids leading them to feel neglected so you feed them with brain altering pills

idk i didnt read that faggots long ass post and im not gonna but its funny watching marks squirm his ass off trying so hard to make some obscure point only he cares about.


01-06-2014, 05:01 PM
well at least youre not breeding thats a step in the right direction

it hasn't gone away, that's the problem. realistically only about 10% of the people having kids should be having kids, we need to get rid of this life script everyone is following