View Full Version : April Forum Update

04-04-2012, 10:15 PM
Inopia is one of the best posters here at the moment full stop and doli should be admin and maks should be pressssident with howard dean and piss jugs should be our mascot as a raped schoolgirl and cody is pretteh good maannn, and rootbeer started bad but is improving and the verdict is out on oObattery0o and jack is the worst kind of forum n00b and R0Y4l has made an appearance but who gives an arty fuck and synthetics is pretty good nice guy and plug drugs' prescription just arrived so he'll be fucked for the next few days and dp is in classic mode / should be mod and clay is enjoying being an obtuse redundant fuck and timmy is not posting here due to his excessive self-bodily harm and who is queen mud? wait i dont care

if you aren't mentioned this time around either wait a week or you're shit

04-04-2012, 10:32 PM
nice rundown would read again

04-05-2012, 08:23 AM
nice rundown would read again


04-05-2012, 08:27 AM
I wasn't lying, I read it again when you bumped this thread

blumpkin blownuts
04-05-2012, 09:03 AM
wondering what i mightve said to smack boobz around lately...
if i wasnt posting here frequently again (or at all) i'd be like one of the first three people mentioned

04-05-2012, 09:06 AM
bob, why have you betrayed us in favor of the :lizard: forum?

blumpkin blownuts
04-05-2012, 09:11 AM
you say this like i was ever "onboard" with this forum
i have some loyalty to FJS, and very little to this place. i still don't feel like max is completely outta the picture on this and i've got a grudge with him i can't seem to let go.
but i've posted at several places for as long as 5 yrs.
And I've been posting here about 5 yrs, on or off... well I ain't gonna be posting much more than that here, or certainly not at the godforsaken lizard forum. I may not be posting even at fjs or anywhere soon, what for a very long time

blumpkin blownuts
04-05-2012, 09:24 AM
and ill stress for the 113th millionth fucking time its nothing personal to anyone here no matter how it sounds or comes out. there's so few people here i bust balls and they dont go fuckin thermonuclear. makrs i make even the most lighthearted crack at you and youre wondering what youve done to piss me off (hint: nothing, ever)
its just, the collective here has never really been what i go for, not much anyway. though that's improved too lately. way too much emphasis on schadenfreude and ill-will if you ask me. shit's unhealthy.

on the contrary, its actually alot of qualities about various posters here that draws me, still coming back after weeks, even months away.

blumpkin blownuts
04-05-2012, 09:26 AM
there's just unique people i can learn a more stuff from on here, who don't really post elsewhere
though i'd say the same for FJS

04-05-2012, 09:29 AM
spoiler: The only reason I do that is because I can always count on a long and heartfelt answer.

seriously, though, of the forums you post at (that I know of) this one is the highest quality and has the most to offer, but it always seems to be your go-to whipping boy. Max had nothing to do with the forum when he owned it, I really doubt he has anything to do with it now.

blumpkin blownuts
04-05-2012, 09:34 AM
it's really gotten progressively better over the past 2-3 years, afaic
if i were to make a dynamic plot of posters by relative funniness and frequency of posts then the irritating people & subjects gradually fade out and the people with something to actually fucking talk about sometimes are fading back into the picture; now that the place is small and the lizardshit is bottled, i can keep up more easily, not to mention less total shitthreads to wade through

lnopia the great
04-05-2012, 09:37 AM
we cant help you if you dont help us

04-05-2012, 09:38 AM
Special bonus - stevey only shows up every few months for a couple of days at a time

blumpkin blownuts
04-05-2012, 09:43 AM
but I can't be the real me even here... only FJS is private enough for any of that. there's much more mindfuckery about me than i talk about here; i leave out alot of things that can be easily proven, and past experience has shown me that proving my gifts can be a nasty thing to do to somebody... supposed i proved to you i was death-proof - would you feel comfortable knowing somewhere out there are things like me, hidden amongst the mortals. would that thought constantly gnaw at you, making you wodner if science is fucked? if maybe you're crazy?

04-05-2012, 09:45 AM
I somehow manage to be myself without revealing any potentially damaging information, is posting with mind-numbingly unfunny people really worth it for a little privacy?

blumpkin blownuts
04-05-2012, 09:53 AM
thy're no more or les funnier here
actually i find it funnier there, just because of the nature of the topics
its strange and random bullshit
instead of reality-show drama about alliances and whos mad at who and whos posting better than who, funny or not, etc. its not a competition, not to me anyway.

04-05-2012, 10:04 AM
It's not a competition but it's treated like one and that's why it's funny (if done right). Stevey is one of the worst offenders, and he's not really big on doing it "right", he tends to spam and generally just be annoying, so based on the facts I'm having trouble swallowing this particular argument bob.

Plug Drugs
04-05-2012, 10:22 AM
but I can't be the real me even here... only FJS is private enough for any of that. there's much more mindfuckery about me than i talk about here; i leave out alot of things that can be easily proven, and past experience has shown me that proving my gifts can be a nasty thing to do to somebody... supposed i proved to you i was death-proof - would you feel comfortable knowing somewhere out there are things like me, hidden amongst the mortals. would that thought constantly gnaw at you, making you wodner if science is fucked? if maybe you're crazy?

all i know is you are dabbling in self-psychoanalysis,
and from personal experience i know that leads to a slow painful mind-rotting full of cognitive dissonance and confusion.
Have you ever gained enough knowledge about your own brain that you actually figured out how to give yourself grand mal seizures on command? Through thought alone?

Plug Drugs
04-05-2012, 10:22 AM
Or enough self-control to be able to consciously stop your own heartbeat?

Plug Drugs
04-05-2012, 10:24 AM
It's terrifying, and when I get that far down the rabbit hole, I can do very little beside lay in a bed trying to shut it out

lnopia the great
04-05-2012, 10:28 AM
man i love doing drugs

04-05-2012, 10:32 AM
CHIM is when you realize that you are living within the dream of a god who created you in order to observe itself. Achieving CHIM will have one of two effects - You will either 'zero sum', having realized that 1 + -1 = 0, and you will cease to exist. Or, you will understand your place in the godhead, that you are a part of a god and therefore a god, and gain control over all of existence.

Plug Drugs
04-05-2012, 10:34 AM
how the fuck did you know that jesus christ
i'll just block it out

04-05-2012, 10:38 AM
One popular theory is that the dwemer all collectively achieved CHIM and the entire race zero-summed

Plug Drugs
04-05-2012, 10:40 AM
skip ahead to the lyrics if you care to
i used to be obsessed with tool lyrics, although not so much anymore. But yeah I had all those same thoughts you were just talking about in my head one day and listened to this song a few days later and they were talking about the same shit, I was like "Wtf??"

04-05-2012, 10:45 AM
one time in high school for fun I wrote a whole life philosophy based around this song and posted it on a bbs


It was a pretty good piece of work I wish I still had it

Plug Drugs
04-05-2012, 10:50 AM
were you coked out?
whenever i used to be really gacked in high school, i'd fill an entire notebook with philosophical ramblings

04-05-2012, 10:53 AM
I was probably smoking weed but no I never did coke until years later. I've always been a pretty prolific poster though.

04-05-2012, 10:58 AM
This is a log of me trolling back in 1997

People Person wrote:
> In terms of my parole, I am forced by the court to apologize to all those
> who I have caused pain with my repeated hacks of Vnet. This message is to
> <email redacted>. I would just like you to know,
> <email redacted>, that you have my most sincere apologies for my
> hacks, and it will never happen again. The fact is. Oh hell, I LOVE YOU
> ALL! You are the best friends I ever had, and I'm sorry I hgurt your
> feelings! I have confessed everything to the Waterbury police (Officer
> Ray Walsh is a really nice man, and cute too!), and my trial will be over
> with my sentencing in November. I should get a light sentence. I hope I
> will be welcome back to the BBS scene when I come back, because I love
> all the people, and I will miss it while I am in jail. Again, I am sorry,
> and I hope you can forgive me.

As much as I see you have tried in your apology, I can never forgive you
for your hacks, because it made everyone think it was me for a LONG
time, and I just can't forgive your for that. But now you're learning.
You do the crime, you do the time. And I doubt that anyone in their
right mind would invite you back to the BBS world with open arms. Have
a nice life Rob. By the way, it's pretty sad and pathetic that you're
best friends in the world are people you know from over a computer.
Maybe when you get out of jail you can seriously consider turning your
life around and concentrating on your social skills in the "real world"
See you later rob.
A daily dose of eMpTyV
Will flush your mind right down the drain
Shannon Hoon and Kurt Cobain,
Make yourself a household name

04-05-2012, 11:02 AM
Another Fresca morning
Wed, 24 Sep 1997 00:40:51 -0400
sweet_hot_ass@juno.com (Forign Import)
address redacted

Would you please wax my balls? They're getting too hairy, and Juicy
doesn't like to like hairy balls, he says they remind him too much of
pussy. You can write him if you want, he LOVES to get gay newsletters.
His name is juicy_juice@juno.com. He's my buuuuudy. Did you know I'm an
artist? I drew you a picture!


That's my brother!


That's my priest!

O | \
O | /

That's meeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!


Plug Drugs
04-05-2012, 04:33 PM
@juno.com lol

04-05-2012, 04:38 PM
In 1996 juno was the only free email service on the block homes

04-05-2012, 04:43 PM
pretty sure I had a hotmail address before a yahoo address but that could be because yahoo was and remains to this day gay as hell, even gayer than hotmail somehow

04-05-2012, 04:47 PM
gmail is un-fucking-stoppable bro since I got it I haven't looked back I would never consider using another service though I am experimenting with running my own

Plug Drugs
04-05-2012, 05:29 PM
do it,
nothing sounds more bad-ass in conversation than giving someone some mailing address people have never heard before and then you're like "yeah, i have my own domain, not that a simpleton like yourself would even know what that is"

04-05-2012, 05:42 PM
I own gregmilsap.com for the next 10 years might as well use it right

Plug Drugs
04-05-2012, 05:43 PM
who the hell is gregmilsap?

04-05-2012, 05:56 PM
I is gregmilsap

04-05-2012, 06:06 PM
Inopia is one of the best posters here at the moment full stop and doli should be admin and maks should be pressssident with howard dean and piss jugs should be our mascot as a raped schoolgirl and cody is pretteh good maannn, and rootbeer started bad but is improving and the verdict is out on oObattery0o and jack is the worst kind of forum n00b and R0Y4l has made an appearance but who gives an arty fuck and synthetics is pretty good nice guy and plug drugs' prescription just arrived so he'll be fucked for the next few days and dp is in classic mode / should be mod and clay is enjoying being an obtuse redundant fuck and timmy is not posting here due to his excessive self-bodily harm and who is queen mud? wait i dont care

if you aren't mentioned this time around either wait a week or you're shit

04-05-2012, 07:35 PM
Inopia is one of the best posters here at the moment full stop and doli should be admin and maks should be pressssident with howard dean and piss jugs should be our mascot as a raped schoolgirl and cody is pretteh good maannn, and rootbeer started bad but is improving and the verdict is out on oObattery0o and jack is the worst kind of forum n00b and R0Y4l has made an appearance but who gives an arty fuck and synthetics is pretty good nice guy and plug drugs' prescription just arrived so he'll be fucked for the next few days and dp is in classic mode / should be mod and clay is enjoying being an obtuse redundant fuck and timmy is not posting here due to his excessive self-bodily harm and who is queen mud? wait i dont care

if you aren't mentioned this time around either wait a week or you're shit

04-05-2012, 07:41 PM
Inopia is one of the best posters here at the moment full stop and doli should be admin and maks should be pressssident with howard dean and piss jugs should be our mascot as a raped schoolgirl and cody is pretteh good maannn, and rootbeer started bad but is improving and the verdict is out on oObattery0o and jack is the worst kind of forum n00b and R0Y4l has made an appearance but who gives an arty fuck and synthetics is pretty good nice guy and plug drugs' prescription just arrived so he'll be fucked for the next few days and dp is in classic mode / should be mod and clay is enjoying being an obtuse redundant fuck and timmy is not posting here due to his excessive self-bodily harm and who is queen mud? wait i dont care

if you aren't mentioned this time around either wait a week or you're shit

04-05-2012, 10:44 PM
pump it

04-05-2012, 10:57 PM
Inopia is one of the best posters here at the moment full stop and doli should be admin and maks should be pressssident with howard dean and piss jugs should be our mascot as a raped schoolgirl and cody is pretteh good maannn, and rootbeer started bad but is improving and the verdict is out on oObattery0o and jack is the worst kind of forum n00b and R0Y4l has made an appearance but who gives an arty fuck and synthetics is pretty good nice guy and plug drugs' prescription just arrived so he'll be fucked for the next few days and dp is in classic mode / should be mod and clay is enjoying being an obtuse redundant fuck and timmy is not posting here due to his excessive self-bodily harm and who is queen mud? wait i dont care

if you aren't mentioned this time around either wait a week or you're shit

Gentleman Doli
04-05-2012, 11:54 PM
cody you are going to die by my hand you little nerd..

Barack Hussein Obama
10-05-2012, 01:54 AM