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  1. seriously dying for the last breaking bad episodes
  2. i'm makeing a qt cartoon about BEES
  3. An extremely important peition
  4. When did this forum come back up?
  5. ⃟⃟⃟⃟test
  6. au
  7. sup?
  8. elz has been neg repping me this whole time
  9. found a 32 year-old savings account
  10. why is the unfunniest band ever called LMFAO?
  11. fanfare how many bitcoins did you get so far?
  12. a company in japan
  13. found a 32-year old child
  14. #rawdog
  15. would you like some raw, dog?
  16. raw dog is so delicious!
  17. someone is going to be going raw in the very near future
  18. i played paintball for the first time todey
  19. CSS
  20. Counter-Strike Duel: Plug Drugs vs. rubycalaber 2: This Time It's Personal!
  21. Google Spider 6 Minutes Ago Viewing FAQ
  22. I feel the pain of all aborted children
  23. i've had heartburn all fuckign day
  24. anyone else feel like they can't shake off the feeling that society is going into the gutter?
  25. boobz today is my birthday
  26. I think I'll leave forever again with the others until someone mans up and fixes the shit clay did
  27. Meanwhile how Lisa and Plug Drugs planned to execute her revenge
  29. What's more terrible, Lisa Killing her baby or Plug Drugs Professing his love for a baby killer
  30. Plud Drug I chalenge your to a duel.
  31. FJS is finally back up.
  32. plug drugs fell in love with lisa, lets make lisa fall
  33. howard dean simulator
  34. super ultra rare gif of Lisa and plug drugs in motel
  35. plug drugs and lisa went through a stage flirting with each other on MSN
  36. I HAVE AUTISM i am a huge fag
  37. check out my new training video
  38. heh, i logged in today
  39. I want an exchange
  40. I got a spath infection
  41. What's more terrible, Autism or Homosexuality?
  42. The Epic Yolo Meme Strikes Back
  43. so barry tell me about german broads
  44. Counter-Strike Duel: Dustin vs. rubycalaber
  45. 817 gpm natures prophet, carried a 4v5 game i am officially better at NP than clay
  46. ruby, I challenge you to Kermit Kombat
  47. i hope plug drugs catches methicillin resistant spathyloccocous aureus from improper needle use
  48. plug drugs i challenge you to a game of Crossfire
  49. barry lets do some farming on POE
  50. wheres that 'how to troll trolls' by FJS steveyos pic someone posted the other day
  51. plug dugs i have a challenge you to a game of who can fuc klisa firsrt
  52. Lisa can you give us the deets on your abortion?
  53. haha, fuck you all, i'm playing dota
  54. clay im sorry if i hurt your felliongs
  55. 9 year old on the meaning of life
  56. the purest of maidens
  57. Driving to South Dakota tomorrow.
  58. being a fag is serious business
  59. the Sea Kitten Meme
  60. DOTA 2 Syndrome
  61. I'm cold, scared and lonely
  62. i tried to make a seakitten avatar but it came out too cute and sexy
  63. get high on weight lifting
  64. terarria for xbox
  65. That bacon is epic.
  66. Give me your login Michael
  67. Veni, vidi, vici
  68. Flag wouldn't give me a cuddle and I am pissed off at Mike
  69. jusst past the blue moumntains and at a reststop
  70. A dentist in Oklahoma literally gave his patients AIDs.
  71. jusst past the blue moumntains and at a reststop
  72. Still waiting for all of cody's dirt on lisa and how the real father is Daniel not Pete etc
  73. jusst past the red moumntains and at a reststop
  74. Traumatizing Experience: HORRIFYING TALE and POSSIBLE MYSTERY
  75. Sticky: youtube.com/user/steveyoooooooooooooo (no mean comments allowed)
  76. You know OB was pretty upset too
  77. ;(
  78. look you fucking spaz leave me alone
  79. choas is a ladder
  80. Stop rep boosting and stop taking away rootbeer's rep.
  81. Kara Tachan added What Happens In Vegas to films she's watched.
  82. I just beated Zone of the enders HD collection
  83. Why has no one told the cat avatar thign to get out yet
  84. Why is my webcam green?
  85. Plug Drugs
  86. Bi-Weekly Annual Rundown on the state of FJS(funny jokes squad aka stevey peapods home base)
  87. GulDucat(cat avatar guy) If you are really a girl then you can easily answer these questions.
  88. too drunnk for life
  89. question
  90. Chronicles of the Elders of Pie-on.
  91. ITT post proof that plug drugs is the stupidest motherfucker who's ever posted here
  93. sign here if you've removed rootbeer from your friend list
  94. Where did that UFOtardfan08 girl go?
  95. i never rep boosted check the my reps
  96. is blue gatorade better then yellow gatoraed?
  97. North Korea declares war to South because...
  98. thought it'd be nice to have a comedy thread here even tho this isn't a comedy forum
  99. Lisa rep Lisa rep Lisa rep Lisa rep Lisa rep Lisa rep Lisa rep Lisa rep Lisa rep Lisa rep Lisa rep Lisa rep Lisa rep Lisa rep Li
  100. Here are the rules of repping please read before useing the repturation system.
  101. rep time
  102. Sticky: Applications to FJS
  103. codey
  104. anyone wanna hang out on cam
  105. plug drugs war
  106. dp is sexually harassing me
  107. is digital gangster a lizard forum or is that the whole milk crew forum
  108. my cock is huge and black
  109. good thing about war
  110. zak bagans
  111. rep
  112. zak bagans shirtless
  113. the superworms
  114. it will be DAYS before my neighbours get some pot and give me some
  115. the latest android os is pretty ugly and gay
  116. Ramen & US Army
  117. maks, camoron and cody
  118. Rare picture of me
  119. forum
  120. happy easter
  121. That is great too gekt any wife surprised alll nights
  122. I'm too grumpy
  123. I don't want jack in here
  124. Lisa hates me and I don't know what I've done.
  125. before he was a legend, doli was a man
  126. tore some shit up in my bicep
  127. Since everyone is talking about the cat avatar supposed girl today
  128. Can you trust John Cusack?
  129. oh my God RED ALERT!
  130. when will lisa leave forever again again
  131. You guys should be nicer to girls
  132. codey
  133. Cyanide and Happiness <3
  134. public apology to elz and bob hugs
  135. walking dead season finale in like 40 min
  136. gulducuat has the nicest forum tits
  137. UofLCardFan - Lets talk Final Four Basketball!
  138. i have the coolest keychain out of anyone
  139. rap game
  140. rape game
  141. i am gugzzling peach bellinis like clay does snickers
  142. ok come back now dp and pretend to be nice to me
  143. The Hottest Girl on the Forum
  144. Counter-Strike Duel: clay vs. rubycalaber
  145. never too early for me to take my pants off
  146. Game of Thrones 3x01 - Valar Dohaeris DISCUSSION THREAD
  147. Lisa do you have a therapist?
  148. i have drank way too much coffee already but i want coffee bad as fuck
  149. april fools goes too far
  150. mods please rename me Alberts Anal Adventure
  151. did you know birds like cheese?
  152. swoll as fuck
  153. why do girls like to txt so much
  154. Generic Ruby DayZ Videos Trailer
  155. ruby play me in css if win im the new smod
  156. ruby play me in some 20 year old first person shooter and if i win
  157. Epic this.
  158. mrowl! cat fight!
  159. Bump this thread every time you masturbate to Lisa.
  160. whats the lesbian version of raw dog?
  161. Women who murder their babies are hot as fuck.
  162. i ate a bunch of biodegradable packing peanuts
  163. ok i'm off to bed
  164. I don't what happened to "oh juji" thread by Lisa, it's deleted
  165. ruby play me in css if we don't play
  166. an ancient dragon would make hiroshima look like a fire cracker
  167. When will Obama acknowledge the existence of dragons?
  168. Every culture in the world at one time believed in dragons.
  169. look at your own posts
  170. RIP cablejoe
  171. well I'm kind of happy that there is a real female mod
  172. Man I feel like a woman
  173. know a rubynet forum poster: cat avatar guy (codey jr)
  174. you know s omeone is dumb when they constantly compare intelligence
  175. if theres one thing i know
  176. Care to join me for a scotch?
  177. >2013 >posting autoplays
  178. Cat Avatar Guy (codey jr)
  179. so you wonder what mondes ex wife has been up to huh??? HUIH
  180. sure are alot of people up early
  181. GulDucat is a girl, a sexy ass girl, and she's posting here, with us, can you believe it, is it too good to be true???
  182. what movie should i watch
  183. click click click
  184. it's raining broads!
  185. just blew clay's rinkadink rub-a-dub-dub-shadowblade's-for-pubs sniper out of the water
  186. I want to see this freakishly large cock dp told me he had
  187. ever log on and be like "theres a lot of new threads...
  188. what's going on in connecticut?
  189. Uh Ashley I don't mean to alarm you
  190. Except for Tim, Tim WILL put out, Tim will literally get his cock out for anything... not a bad show either, I recommend it if
  191. come back Guldocat avy Gloria cody sexy tits girl
  192. gay goth gaming
  193. i miss gloria
  194. Your Message Title: steve yelle is a fat piece of shit
  195. I advise against going raw dog unless you are in a committed relationship and somewhat certain she is not screwing other guys
  196. can someone please post :erac:
  197. Codeys Crib
  198. [YTMNSFW INVESTIGATION] Did Comics Fan really ban MechWarrior69 from bastardfactory.com or was it just another ploy by Jack?
  199. hey
  200. whered my mod powers go
  201. look at a cute boy on cam (official rubynet cam session)
  202. #slawdog
  203. well i had to cut off my sideburns
  204. ban juji
  205. ergh
  206. Cat avatar guy theory,,,
  207. im eating raisin toast
  208. expct some serious MUAHAHAHAHA! shit once Flagles is done reading my pms
  209. it was going to be a nice day in the forum
  210. Lisa needs a place to post, far away from all the hustle and bustle of abortion posts and dead cat gifs
  211. expect some serious animal gore shit! ones faggot chat reads my period blood
  212. what this forum really needs is for dp to make another 500 topics about me
  213. well now i'm in the same boat as maks
  214. North Korea is litrealy about to nuke all of us and were too busy why loleing about AIds and lisas abortion to care
  215. this forum is riddled with autism #AUTISM FREE THREAD#
  216. your daily remindedr to neg rep rootbere and stoip believing his lies
  217. lisa you do realize i don't mean it when i say mean things to you
  218. welp my night meds (non-narcotic) have kicked in and i'm going to bed
  219. PR i heard you died in a firefight
  220. now that stalkver virus is getting married
  221. bye
  222. Less than FOUR MONTHS until the RUBYCALABER.com MEET UP in CHICAGO!!!
  223. going to go get a chicken pie
  224. GoT forum house sigils ITT
  225. the magic is that it functions
  226. his eyes widened slightly. some rope, i think
  227. Latest Reputation Received (1860 point(s) total)
  228. General Doli
  229. I do 20 pushups after each post and look at how many posts I make
  230. cam can you do me a favor
  231. Reminder that steveyos challenged me then backed out of a pushup contest
  232. oppa gangnam style
  233. If you have ever been owned by ashley, Please share your stories, here, this is for the survoirus of the sickest of burns
  234. A BRAND NEW PODCAST SERIES! The Teknorat & Ruby Show! Episode 1!
  235. A BRAND NEW PODCAST SERIES! The Teknorat & Ruby Show! Episode 2!
  236. finally got my taxes done...
  237. YTMNSFW: Adolf Hitler, the KKK, and other stuff like that, are all really good.
  238. is youtube upload totally borked, or is it just me?
  239. Sticky: REAL TALK: anyone play or want to play scarlet blade?
  240. I talk to a lot of Forum Babes, so what?
  242. Lisa AKA Histrionic Personality Disorder
  243. A thread about Maks.
  244. i have to p.p.
  246. i only post with girls
  247. I can feel my pulse in my head
  248. i only rawdog with girls
  249. you know what?
  250. lisa is officially all yours