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  1. they're about to steal all your savings
  2. http://rubycalaber.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?7-steveystyle
  3. Official im gay discussion thread
  4. god damn it tim what did you say to monde this time
  5. flaggerchat is your severe autism as hard on your family as it is on us?
  6. It's lunch time.
  7. flaglerchat u want some dox huh? well i happen to be the dox master around here
  8. my favorite sex position is doggy style, why?
  9. dp is the new lisa
  10. whast foes aito correfct show foe you for the woeld foll?
  11. my body feels like a pile of twisted steel and my head feels like ist on fire
  12. Sure lisa was insane and now she's dead, but that does not make her any less of our friend.
  13. how's my rump look?
  14. bob where you at?
  15. we're doomed!
  17. Post-Apocalyptic Janitor World Tour
  18. melting wax man with a bowl cut wearing a bowler bashing a zombies face in with a trumpet
  19. ahhh finally met a nice girl in NA
  20. women who dont cook
  21. i just found out i could make my mouse pointer thing into an invisible negative thing
  22. Mrs Hyde, you are fat as fuck and old as shit, and yet you go around picking on other girls who post here's appearance.
  23. can someone change my avatar my pass is Q8KKXHmL
  24. you know youve spent too much time on this forum when youre drunk at a bar and you randomly announce youre gay
  25. Rate My Pic
  26. Whens FJS gonna start
  27. whenever rootbeer neg reps me for being rep booster
  28. OB our faggot love will live on though the anal's of time, we are like modern day marc anothoy and cleopatra
  29. Brawl-Hall
  30. Is this where all the cool kids hang out?
  31. Story of my life.
  32. New Lizards
  33. Lulz. I'm from MEDS cody told me about this forum.
  34. I think Fanfare is a self hating homofag.
  35. Cody's Loyalty
  36. is it me or is it just not possible to "just be friends" with a female
  37. Who's better -- real lisa or fake lisa
  38. lizards belong at the back of the bus
  39. SticKKKy: Hi, u KKKan't ban der flaglerchat. Welcome to pwnnnnnnnnnnnnnnt.
  40. Madeline let's talk
  41. Today is Ted Steven's birthday
  42. Coming this spring to NBC, Flaggerchat The Autistic Internet Detective
  43. Attn:Lisa's Ghost Click this thread, it's totally safe to look in here
  44. fuck shotgun uncle joe the faggot
  45. This forum sucks
  46. can one of you faggot admins purge the lizard people to the herpatuaeirm or something there's like 50 of them
  47. This Forum Sucks part deux
  48. lisa
  51. My Name is Irma Valitutti.
  52. waking up with an erection again
  53. Any The Black Keys fans?
  54. Why is Lisa in Invisible Mode?
  55. Irma Valitutti 2
  56. Why is Doctor Remulak in Invisible Mode?
  57. flaglerchaf is the biggest faggot ive ever witnessed post on a forum someone should kick his ass irl
  58. what does this forum and lisa have in commom
  59. yall suck my dick ya hear?
  60. Lisa's ghost is pregnant, so you all know what that means, ghost baby, ghost babies are very very scary, so be extra carefull
  61. make this my avatar
  62. Just got back from the future, what did you do in the future dp?(is what your prob asking yourself) well i looked up lisa's kid
  63. I'm so bored
  64. deso
  65. ok trying something new
  66. They said "Don't go playing hardcore RPG's and drinking white russians"
  67. http://mehrvarz.github.com/nexus-7-kernel-download-page/
  68. post pics of yourselves itt
  69. I've done 576 pushups today
  70. i think armoury you all altot
  71. ¥'∂↳↳ ∉✔∉® p↳∂¥ τӇ∉ n∉w ∂✔p ๏n ∂nd®๏¡d?? ¿
  74. 工 ㄥ◯∨モ れ工爪モ 匚卄◯山
  75. 下ㄥ丹ち卄工爪ム 匕卄モ 3/01 れ工ム卄匕ㄥㄚ
  76. stevey please stop spamming the forum
  77. enfjfirieiejfjf
  78. ababababababahahahahahayayayayayqywyqyqywywy
  79. ちモれ卄◯尺 下工れモ ちれ工下下 下工れモ モれ刀工∨モ 匚◯刀モ工れ
  80. ち匕工匚Kㄚ: 匚∪爪 匚∪爪 匚∪爪 匚∪爪 匚∪爪 匚∪爪 匚∪爪 匚∪爪 匚
  81. 卄ㄚ刀尺◯ K∪ち卄 ◯r ㄗ工下下ㄚ
  82. elz
  83. tim
  84. thud spam has to stop.
  85. My best friend, the female one who breeds like a rabbit
  86. ใเรค קใєครє รҭ๏ק รקค๓๓เภﻮ
  87. best thread
  88. I can't take this anymore ,giving the baby to Pete
  89. I wanna climb
  90. I'm typin on glassss, kiss my ass I got rhymes to bring sight to the blind,I got rhymes that always on time
  91. drama was the case that they gave you
  92. wee wee pee everywhere
  93. hahahahahahaha look
  94. I h34r v0Ic35 In my h34d 7h3y 741k 70 m3 7h3y Und3r574nd 7h3y 741k 70 m3
  95. I'm 7h3 0d8 45 y0U c4n 533, 411 7h3 84d p0573r5 83 I6n0rIn m333333
  96. 50m30n3 I5 m4d w0n'7 54y wh0
  97. I 41w4y5 Impr0v3 7hI5 f0rUm 8U7 1I54 rUIn5 it
  98. 848y c4k35, 848y 848y c4k35, 848y 848y c4k35, 848y c4k35 c4k35 848y c4k35, 848y 848y c4k35
  99. nIm3 ch0w
  100. h0w 480U7 7h3m nIm3 ch0w5
  101. ok no
  102. Should lisa abort her unborn child?
  103. 84c0n
  104. I'm 5p4mmIn6 7h3 f0rUm
  105. o noes Lisa's baby just got raped
  106. chicken nugrts
  107. ok no
  108. mÊmbÊ®$hÎp $ωÖÖñÊ® $tÊâlÎñ $qÛήtÎñg âñÖ$çÖpÊ Sapporo
  109. ҜÊÊp thÊ ÖωñâgÊ gÖÎñ
  110. Abort steveyos
  111. lisa is pete white? if so just remember the going price for a healthy white baby on the black market is around 75 grand
  112. mrs hyde can you post some topless pictures of your self i gotta jerk off u would be helpin me out alot tia
  113. Guys Be Trippin
  114. If maks won't play with me because his disorder has him spazzing about other people joining and posting
  115. ok so i think my dad is a narcissist.
  117. weekly goat question
  118. stevey made too many threads and i dont want to sift through any
  119. hey maks
  120. bush-pig in the wild
  121. Gonna watch my Columbo box set until I fall asleep
  122. LOL @ juji
  123. so this fat bush-pig who gets banned everywhere for spamming recipes collects all my pics ebcause she sees guys talking about me
  124. weekly goat question
  125. where did all the guys go? Don't you think my sig is just hot?
  126. I'll be off then
  127. The Candy Crew - Post New Thread
  128. Î âm ñÖt t®ýÎñg tÖ pÖ$t fÖ® ýÖÛ
  129. $plÎt â çÖÛplÊ ωÎg$
  130. bâbý çâҜÊ$,bâbý bâbý çâҜÊ$, bâbý bâbý çâҜÊ$ bâbý çâҜÊ$ ωâ®®ÎÖ® çÖdÊ
  131. ωÊll thÊ®Ê'$ $ÖmÊthÎñ Î'vÊ bÊÊñ mÊâñÎñ tÖ tÊllll ýâ bÖÛt thÊ çÖllÊgÊ Öñ thÊ ÊdgÊ Öf thÊ tÖωñ
  132. ωâtçh b®âñd X
  133. Î ωâñt âll mý th®Êâd$ pÎññÊd tÖ thÊ tÖp Öf thÊ fÖ®Ûm Î gÖt ®hýmÊ$ çÛ®Îñg fÖ®Ûm$ Öf bÖ®ÊdÖm
  134. Î lÖvÊ b®âñd x
  135. pÎҜâçhÛ gÊt ÖÛttâ thÊ®Ê!!!¡¡¡!
  136. Î'm p®âçtÎçÎñg tωÖ fÎñgÊ® $ωÎpÎñg
  137. pppppppppppp
  138. lÎ$â dÖÊ$ñ't hâvÊ mÊ Öñ ÎgñÖ®Ê Î $Êñt hÊ® â pm
  139. dj$Ҝ$jdÎf
  140. wjjwjwwjwjejwj
  141. xjdndmdmdjddj
  142. wkwiwiwiwiwiw
  143. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
  144. just found out lisa is already renting her kid out for child porn
  145. why not open fjs and make threads like that there steveyos
  146. My husband and I are opposites so I dont know what sex you rhink my husband and I are the same of. You are th we one looking to
  147. really funny song!
  148. what was I gonn
  149. hidden poopoo kaa kaa doo doo, love me tender love me too too, fiddle things and crazy zoos, make things I'm accustomed to
  150. Atheist Transsexual Flash Squad
  151. everybody one, everybody two, everybody steeeeeeeeve
  152. Total Posts Total Posts 689 Posts Per Day 223.11
  153. Hamburgers for lunch
  154. I don't need your :lizard: war
  155. amide
  156. they should make a post-op tranny flesh light
  157. Tim
  158. Jacob Danks.... forum super hero against PI
  159. Tim nows the time to drive to lisa's house and raw dog her,
  160. yo some jellybeans are good some aren't
  161. lol do you guys remeber that time, some dudes from brawl hall came over to meds and we told them to go to rejcet haven
  162. its time to lick ass and chew bubblegum, and im all out of cum
  163. I'm really diggg two finger swiping
  164. Sat night
  165. can someone buy me a few more nexus 7's
  166. What kind of idiot loser nerd posts on a dying internet forum on a saturday night?
  167. i sent my bb a picture of my penis and she rejected me
  168. lisa lisa
  169. pm me
  170. I better not be on ignore lisa.
  171. sniff my tits
  172. yep im feeling it now buddys
  173. I was re-born seven years ago
  174. which rolling stones band member does lisa look the most like?
  175. I don't even know how I ended up in this forum. I have nowhere to go. My family abused me. The only person in my life was som
  176. I don't even know how I ended up in this forum. I have nowhere to go. My family abused me. The only person in my life was som
  177. is Lisa's cat ok
  178. murder all conspiracy theorists and nutjobs
  179. By tomorrow I will have reached 1000 posts
  180. I wish Gush would post more
  181. Need a night out, away from the kids? Well your in luck.
  182. Lisa if you kill yourself your cat will be fine. i hate when people think that dogs and cat acutally give a fuck
  183. Now I'm in a situation where junkies pick me up off the street when I'm bashed on xmas day
  184. I fuck crackheads with out condoms then when they put there crackhead babies in my crackhead uterus i kill the crackehead baby
  186. all this copy and paste shit makes the forum unreadable
  187. Jibbles!
  188. Ban Lisa, Permaban her, she is destorying the fourm, all these faggots come out of the wood work when she posts.
  189. I got stung by scorpion
  190. One of the cbarry's crew is investigating by australian police
  191. Ladies
  192. please help me populate lisa's rant log
  193. dp sexually harasses the hell out of OB and frankly it's unwanted
  194. http://beta.swype.com/android/get/
  195. don't go maks
  196. Here's a 5 just because this led to me reading the entire 20 page thread about ramen getting punked on facebook from last month.
  197. Maha appreciation
  198. Should lisa be deleted/banned/faggot patrolled/quarinted or permabanned forever
  199. lisa is responsible for elz's scorpion sting
  200. lisa is responsible for 9/11
  201. lisa is responsible for her own rape, she was asking for it
  202. lisa is responible for thread spam, if she was banned or dead this thread would not even exist
  203. lisa is responsible for the extinction of the dinosaurs,
  204. lisa is responsible for every bad thing that has ever happend in your life,
  205. lisa is responsible for ob not posting his dick
  206. lisa is responsible for the death of her baby
  207. lisa is responsible for plug drugs not posting here anymore
  208. lisa is responsible for peter quinn's meth addiction
  209. lisa is responsible for getting her ass kicked by her family at chirstmas
  210. 4 bottles of coppola pinot noir and im a smashed cat guy
  211. What in the actual fuck is mentally wrong with you idiots
  212. Mike The Woman
  213. All Women Have Penises
  214. OB the lady boy
  215. i woke up with a huge erection, theres no threads im going to open, i feel like pancakes
  216. i had a strange dream, and in the dream some guy said people eat animals to fill in their insecurities
  217. so next weekend im going to a party with a theme, a tiger suit is viable
  218. Dr. kiddy diddler
  219. My plan to kill cody
  220. the opposite sex is only a distraction from my true passion which is world of wacraft
  221. Ken Not Post
  222. Oi, No lifers
  223. This one goes out to all you lizards, lizard-typals, and pregnant suicidal bogans
  224. anyone else playing path of exile?
  225. look, stop this shit and post some pawgs
  226. who's tits?
  227. A gun is pointed your head, Lisa is there and has not taken her meds, Ramen is also there and gained alll her weight back
  228. when is dp going to make his forum and have the spamming, obsessed no-life losers follow him like he said he would?
  229. the whore of Babylon
  230. all Whores
  231. http://rubycalaber.com/forums/toprep.php
  232. you'll never make it into Garland alive
  233. Tim , boobz and the rest of austrialla i'm sorry, but lisa's got to go.
  234. any of you fagget fucks invest?
  235. have you ever been owned by flaggerchat aka jackDepdo aka patrick mannix if so post your heroic tale here, we can get though
  236. YoUr One sToP ShOP FOR PoSTiNG oN thIS FoRuM..>>>>CLICK hErE VaLuAbLe Stuff InSiDe!!<<<<<
  237. that thread fanfare made is pretty good, it helped me alot in my posting i suggest you all read it
  238. OB can we get some updated pics of you?
  239. new liftan video of yours truly
  240. Attn Clay:
  241. after lisa murders the life growing inside of her, what do you think she will do aftewards?
  242. sitting here playing with my balls
  243. 56 cm of snow in miami
  244. 56 cm of snow last night in miami
  245. how much snow was in miami last night?
  246. Verka
  247. Why Android Tablet sucks
  248. OB I'm rejecting your friend request.
  249. My Real Friend
  250. OB what do they do with the testicles in male to female surgery?