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  1. cold shower on a hot summer day
  2. i was thinking about rofl today and she showed up!
  3. im going to bed with a handwarmer in my crotch
  4. why is this fucking place so slow to load
  5. Amazon Prime?
  6. i have officially lost my faith in the australian government
  7. Do you ever feel like giving up on life?
  8. poor little emo
  9. Tim stop being a dickhead
  10. I feel fantastic
  11. Seriously damn you guys
  12. hey tim
  13. Clay wants to ruin what's left of the forum after last time he had at it
  14. I'll be at fjs
  15. Someone asked me what "Isha Lerner" is
  16. are there any places where I can help with sandy and get healthy food in return
  17. i got a headache
  18. from opposition you grow strong
  19. this guy died
  20. Sticky: Please welcome our newest member, TibinafeTeers
  21. ou have got a private message from Acid girl
  22. john
  23. I wish this forum was actually someone's lounge room
  24. I sleazed on Lisa and she didn't give me sexual attention
  25. I'd like more women around here
  26. little fagets neg reppin me
  27. fanfare can you put an end to the NWO?
  28. i don't have to satisfy anyone
  29. Stevie have you ever had sex with anyone other than your mom?
  30. lisa......
  31. My penis skin is broken
  32. I want to disgust you
  33. O.B.s faux hole
  34. what if some DJ started sampling u and he never stopped and
  35. britany murphy
  36. lisa i'll let you be my bitch now but you have to follow protocol at all times
  37. I would like to go to Africa for a Safari but all the kneegrows have to leave first
  38. when are you gonna come down?
  39. juji's penis skin is broken
  40. maks stop hating Plug Drugs
  41. what was desu again
  42. Sticky: I'm bored
  43. Sticky: evvvvrynody wanna be steve!
  44. 18 elementary school kids dead in school shooting 30 minutes from me
  45. Sticky:what multi player cell phone games u play?
  46. xoxo
  47. pretend you are a lonely one
  48. Ban Food
  49. you know s omeone is dumb when they constantly compare intelligence
  50. NASA Gangnam
  51. My friends home was invaded and his son tied up and abused.
  52. Sticky: I've been really lonely for years now
  53. my boss told me i could take a break
  54. is this really a colleges website?
  55. and I'm worried about dcent
  56. and I think Plug Drugs doesn't love me anymore
  57. This forum requires that you wait 60 seconds between reporting posts. Please try again in 42 seconds.
  58. I want to blindfold you juji
  59. attention lisa
  60. do you generally divide it and wait or do you do it all at once?
  61. Sticky: ask me anything
  62. [generic lisa thread/]
  63. Today juji showed me
  64. Sticky: ask me only the following question;
  65. let's get down to brass tacks here: if you gave lisa a chance you'd like her
  66. whoa i kinda look like that sandy hook shooter kid
  67. a lot of people have been asking me lately
  68. I checked rep comment and i saw the pic, then i laughed IRL
  69. a dragon can swim faster than a submarine and fly faster thank a jet plane
  70. Post pic of videogame character what you remind from forum member
  71. i just put hershy syrupe on top of triple-chocolate fudge ice cream
  72. Lisa has adam's apple
  73. a thread thats five pages long and its just lisa talking to herself about the stupidest fucking shit
  74. What's gonna happen on the 21rst?
  75. I'm getting obsessed with juji
  76. Remember your fundamentals
  77. *plants Flag in forum*
  78. I've always been too blunt and brutally honest to be a narcissist
  79. My posting experience here just improved ten-fold:
  80. lol how many dedication topics are to me on this page?
  81. My thoughts about the recent tragedy in Connecticut
  82. i wonder if juji and barry are bad enough to join the Ignore Clump Brigade
  83. does anyone else here scrape their teeth with their fingernails
  84. I figured it out.......
  85. start giving me green rep....
  86. rep bar.
  87. I'll be at fjs
  88. Dear Tim, this compilation of cats expresses how I feel about you........
  89. is maks cardiovascular system failing?
  90. Smelling btases insktruments moving inx thhe cihcks
  91. I LOVE going to my rep comments now and this is why.......
  92. Lisa vs maks
  93. in regards to some rep comments um yeah ok look
  94. Doctor Remulak vs maks
  95. hey ban maks
  96. I want the guy that often gets stuck in the "friend zone," because he's just too nice.
  97. Lisa Claus
  98. Maks Invalidated
  99. My green rep
  100. Hot Pimple Boys
  101. The Revolution is Comeing: why Hitler had Sex with Me
  102. hey maks, say, "toot! toot!"
  103. maks cripple bitch.
  104. 12/21/12 came early
  105. psot your fucking lifes out lizard sluts
  106. 401-400-2357
  108. Sticky: fjs network forum brainstorming
  109. News from Ruby in the hospital received via AIM -- when he finishes recovering from AIDs he will ban Lisa and de-admin Clay
  110. do any of you have a fucking spine?
  111. steveyos spends all day playing a chick in second life making "boob packs" or whatever he does, "steveyos' boob pack v4"
  112. I want to bash maks then rape Plug Drugs in front of him
  113. a lot of people been asking me lately are you doctor remulak?
  114. this palce jus tkeeps getting worse
  115. EMINEM fucking open your forum again
  116. well im in a bad fuckin mood
  117. Oh my god I have a vagina
  118. 24 hours in a day
  119. oh I have a vagina so it's all about whether a fucking retard loser like you would fuck me or not
  120. Tell me jerkoffs
  121. why do my eyes hurt?
  122. you think this is a game? you think this isnt for real?
  123. frick the reaper i say as i ride hardcore, please bitch. dragons breathe can get hotter than a volcano.
  124. cbarry i'll pay your petrol if you go to Victoria and silence lisa
  125. alot of you would be in prison if you wern't infrount of your computers
  126. Sandy Hook drinkin the kool aid
  127. Trans* is an umbrella term that refers to all of the identities within the gender identity spectrum. There’s a ton of diversity
  128. Myc own rival preferes brniging pleasure to women
  130. the admins want me to be there frend but i wont bcause there fucktards...
  131. Ugly Fuck
  132. First Person Shooters on a PC are in every way superior to First Person Shooters on consoles (xbox 360, PS3, etc)
  133. dragon riding is an art
  134. Should Feinstein the jew witch be allowed to have your guns?
  135. Chronic
  136. this nigger murdered children today
  137. des-ohhh
  139. 9 days until world junior hockey championship
  140. This gets its own topic because maks is special.....
  141. Should Liberal Teachers Unions in America be able to tote weapons in the schools?
  142. Lisa got AIDs from a monkey she had sex with lol. She literaly had sex with a monkey and got the disease known as HIV from it
  143. Will the future of Steveyos ruin his life?
  144. down to my last 0.25 oz
  146. Blueheart Spotter
  147. I've got the most beautiful ass pic to share with you, It's not mine
  148. Eleven I have found you 2sdf389r4yh923r I am wide awake and heading home
  149. Sticky: how did jack and pat spend 25/7 fighting before the internet?
  150. playing first person shootewrs on the computer"pc" is cheating
  151. Gangnam Style
  152. 01 day12 hours 57 minutes 13 seconds
  153. YTMNSFW: The Stare Dog Cometh. and He wants REVENGE.................
  154. YTMNSFW: Were literally retarded lol.
  155. what is your purpose on this earth?
  156. I have drinks cause life is very stressful
  157. I call steffies is...
  158. Do you have an idea why steffies disabled pm and visitor messages?
  159. oh and admin, I don't care how drunk I am or how fucking retarded my posts are, don't fucking delete them you TOTAL fucking dick
  160. cberry is like white chocolate
  161. check out my plants
  162. Had a vivid dream about Gush last night
  163. Sticky: make pro posts itt or attempt to and you have to right now
  164. Sticky: ATTN: HITLER
  165. "steffies"
  166. ob why dont you post more
  167. Lisa reminds me of a stray dog
  168. whatcha doin?
  169. OB i hope you fix your postinbg style
  170. What! my IQ only 70
  171. Confidengtial date lsitings ofh alone negihbours
  172. Hey Ramen, if I put a mistletoe on my belt by my ass, will I get a rimjob?
  173. i have a mac, why does no one hate me?
  174. Spath Salts
  175. does anyone else think clay's a stupid fucking admin or is it just me?
  176. high quality headphones, high quality bass
  177. :(
  178. i am a huge faggot
  179. as member with most reputation on this board i make a suuggestion for the people
  180. cant deny i fly so high
  181. hey
  182. are there dragons living in your area?
  183. best canadian rock band by a long shot
  184. The lisa and O.B. show is over
  185. It is Dec the 21rst in NZ Aus. Nothing has happened.
  186. Australia is destroyed
  187. mario
  188. New comptetitor kills all shitty ISP
  189. flag joan jack whoever the fuck you are
  190. attn general/genital/gentleman doli
  191. comoron asked me to post more
  192. what are endtimes like where yall are at
  193. worlds smartest person is WWE fan
  194. The forum is permanently disabled. Will explain on Facebook page soon
  195. chilled Vodka
  196. This forum is permanently diagnosed with AIDs
  197. are there any other good forums out there?
  198. anybody ever had cookies from christie cookies
  199. gush always logs in and never posts
  200. Weapons confiscation. How will they try and do it?
  201. has this forum gone to the dogs?
  202. whats wrng with this pixcture?
  203. Fuck you Doli
  204. Hello my name a Borat. I like sex. It very nice.
  205. Are you done with dull meetings instead of hot screw?
  206. bwaaaaowaooodoomstkatkatkatkabwubwubwubdaowaowaowaodoooomtkatkatkatkatkatktk tkdooomwoipwoipwoipbwubwubwubwubwub
  207. When Godzilla farts, you know the fail is epic.
  208. so the world didn't end, YET
  209. you guys know right that even if with all the lizards banned,
  210. an unusually cheese-paring north face jacket
  211. Idaho Sen Mike Crapo nets DUI in Virginia
  212. i've decided im sick n fuckin tired of SNOT
  213. R.I.P. Plug Drugs (2006-2012)
  214. aspeze
  215. After the unpleasantness yesterday it's time to get back to the basics, the stuff this forum is really about
  216. since it's christmas in australia...
  217. Yearly Christmas letter
  218. What's your favorite Christmas movie?
  219. Favorite Christmas movie poll, second attempt
  220. is it weird to spray womens perfume on my pillows
  221. An important message concerning this forum's future
  222. I can see that your forum is dead
  223. in my abses.
  225. my name is buck and i like to fix old cars
  226. you never know what you're gettin with chinese school girls
  227. christmas is over
  228. my name is buck and im here to fuck
  229. Dead Pool 2013
  230. i saw ghost hunters was coming on when i looked at the guide and i got excited
  231. i've got a bustle in my hedgerow
  232. Welcome to our newest member, Big Bert
  233. Chaka Chaka Khan? Chaka Khan? Chaka Khan? Chaka Khan?
  234. we watched 'Troy' on dvd on the 60 inch TV
  235. the thing about the sleep med lunesta causing a metal tatse in the mouth is true
  236. just got the living shit friendzoned outta me
  237. new documentary feat. boobz and elzzark
  238. New Year Resolutions ITT
  239. how many of you.....
  240. things r grim up north
  241. Im hot.
  242. fuck you willy wonka.....
  243. I am the devil.
  244. Experimental: vodka+whisky+ tequila+brandy
  245. hey, dcent, love, are you pissing in a puddle of piss?
  246. juji.......
  247. maks........
  248. Hey I'm back again.
  249. return of the mac
  250. how manyt of you have had sex with an aryan