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  1. Breaking News: I'm this guy IRL
  2. Breaking News: I'm this guy IRL
  3. what did i miss?
  4. foot of cock expected
  5. Post tv shows you like to watch itt
  6. yeouch! <:(
  7. hey lisa if youre under 14 and 9 months
  8. Where is: rootbeer / doli / blaze / artemis / sid / simon / chibbi
  9. I have noticed.....
  10. Sticky: over 100 reps
  11. Sticky: lisa / gabi / tumbler api
  12. Sticky: seriously, can someone show me what I'm missing
  13. Whoa, this guy was almost president
  14. Sticky: please note this about lisa and ob's site, and fjs
  15. Sticky: I really need investors / gabi / Hummer beamer Bentley / foxe / fanfare
  16. steveyos is like herpes
  17. i like how they changed up minesweeper for windows 7
  18. Sticky: was gabi online last night or did I dream it
  19. haha I nearly majored in philosophy too, was going to be philosophy and drama but then actually thought that was
  20. just woke up, going to start drinking. i have 2 days off
  21. Dubstep vs house?
  22. start posting more you fucking douche bags
  23. All American will receive a micro chip implant in 2013 per Obamacare
  24. Why are Playstation RPGS so expensive on eBay?
  25. nice dead forum
  26. has anyone gotten any effect at all from an i-doser track?
  27. I'm making crockpot stew overnight, but my potatos all have green under the skin. Should I use them?
  28. who sent me this fucking satanic freek yt vid?
  29. there's a guy I know and I had a dream that he
  30. http://sidharta.com/us/
  31. help I can't stop listening to this song
  32. Evil Shaye
  33. I'm so depressed that I'm physically sick
  34. you're a pill steveyo
  35. haven't made a thread in awhile
  36. Got a beta key for WarZ a few hours ago.
  37. Sticky:check out this hole in my leg
  38. should i be worried about myself?
  39. http://postanythinglegal.com/forums
  40. Sticky: let's talking about something important
  41. Sticky: check out this hole in my dick
  42. Sticky: check out this hole in my vag
  43. I'll tell you that I'm going to cause meds forum a bit of a headache after a sleep
  44. I stopped posting here because of steveyos and lisa
  45. dicks
  46. i get to be Mr. Codone for tonight
  47. i'm going to shove some decaying organic matter down my throat: tit-juice from a cow; the unfertilized product of a chicken cunt
  48. hey ruby's on
  49. http://postanywherebuthere.gov/fuckoff
  50. so....... whats the scoop milkshake?
  51. i just pooped an incredibly huge turd shped just like a penis
  52. i'm in love with a young girl
  53. Sticky: anyone wondering what I think of the chicken Smiley?
  54. Sticky: I'm just tumbling
  55. Sticky; usa, ca, mex, aus
  56. hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahshahahshahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
  57. Sticky: Be A Pal
  58. Sticky: no really, gabi
  59. don't forget toilet paper to wipe your dogs ass lady
  60. Steveyos
  61. i'm moving to dallas
  62. Realistically, there probably won't be any new staff members at all. Flaglerchat having any kind of mod access would scare peopl
  64. itt your favorite rep comment
  65. Listen guys
  66. lisa!
  67. What's your obsession with "funny"?
  68. stompleb
  69. sexwithdeadpeople
  70. Holy fuck, how many forums do you guys post at?
  71. Sticky: you k ow these threads are boring right
  72. Sticky: when I MAKE these REP threads
  73. Sticky: 30 windows and 2 macs have visited my tumbler
  74. steveyos' tumblr
  75. hey rubynet!
  76. my mucus discharge
  77. Steffies, a lesson
  78. steve is banning people at our forum already
  79. Thank you Terror Baby for aborting all the little black bastards you can.
  80. Laclede County Sheriff Seeks Help Finding Missing Lebanon Teen
  81. trannies
  82. steveyos was wrongly accused by OB and myself
  83. Sticky: Tim had whoever change my avatar lol
  84. Kill Lisa with Fire
  85. I'm smarter than you
  86. Laclede County Sheriff Seeks Help Finding Missing Doctor Remulak
  87. lisa has a pair of tits equal to a prepubescent girls
  88. LLLLLiiiiiSSSSSSsssssaaaaaaaAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!
  89. lisa is a delicious morsel of white fish.
  90. i watched a change in you,
  91. gonna set this place on fire
  92. Sticky: i opened Pm and Visitor messages
  93. DO NOT REPLY TO THIS EMAIL! *************************** Dear steveyos, You have received a new private message at rubycopter i
  94. I'm sorry steveyos but i found your comedy mine
  95. so i've been going to another forum lately....
  96. got a mechanical keyboard since my other one's spacebar was fucked
  97. lol, where the fuck is skrizfag?
  98. Clay I never ask you for favors
  99. So Lisa, do you hold the record for youngest person to have an aborton?
  100. Lisa
  101. where'd that faggot skrizfuck go?
  102. hey skrizcunt! post your degree!
  103. how many of you
  104. maks !
  105. you bitches need to post more.
  106. hey maks?!
  107. camping out online for Jeff Mangum tix
  108. rare pic of me in bed
  109. got a taxi home and it was a cool black dude
  110. oh I need a THC top up
  111. Bots are getting smarter these days...
  112. weird
  113. todays morris
  114. just got my first shipment of obama schwag
  115. rare pic of me in bed
  116. does anyone have experience with Volkswagen Golfs?
  117. I <3 juji now
  118. I'll show you all juji's latest "confident" when I can be bothered going to computer
  119. juji at it again... going to get his cock out for me this time.....
  120. You might be in poverty if..
  121. hey skrizfaggot! just got the memo
  122. clump
  123. skizzfuck, why your nuthugging bitches
  124. Flag and OB you can go fuck yourselves
  125. jewji, your a cunt.
  126. Deso
  128. skratchcunt!...... fuck your face faggot, I will hole fuck your head hole. you are a bitch.
  129. colon busting body kick to the liver.
  130. I love it when dcent is angry
  131. didnt think so faggots.
  132. Heres what Obama Morris did for the work force in this country
  133. Are dcent and kackerot the same person?
  134. hurrah! victory is mine against the evil maks
  135. What happened to "Postanythinglegal"?
  136. hey "juji" if youre really "juji" answer this
  137. clump morris
  138. my eyes have been raped
  139. Gsp vs conduit
  140. my armpits smell like pussy
  141. listen up guys.....
  142. whoa holy shit you guys my cider aged really well.
  143. okay friends....
  144. nigger thread
  145. effects of floride in the water supply
  146. Just Watched BloodSport HOLY FUCK I'm pumped up
  147. Dear Rose West
  148. I was raped when I was younger, and haven't told a living soul.
  149. Inside the Hostess Bakery
  150. has anyone ever appreciated how fucked up bob's signature is?
  151. facebook is for 14 year old boys to see pictures of girls they know in bikinis
  152. think ill make another thread
  153. zzzzzzzzzzzzzz
  154. did you know this song is about meth?
  155. if marks and lisa dont post tonight this place is going to be deeeaaaad
  156. Dear Plug Drugs
  157. plug drugs' underlying depression thread
  158. I am an awful person
  159. would lisa jump off a bridge
  160. would lisa please give me attention
  161. I share a spidey sense with Rooty
  162. I have 4 more hours before I can get some pot
  163. the poster identity of "lisa" is the greatest troll alt ruby has every created
  165. why is everyone online right now fucking horny
  166. just woke up, gotta slam these 9 beers otherwise i wont get drunk
  167. this song is stuck in my head
  168. hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
  169. Reading the weaksauce rep which only gets stronger.
  170. re: netanyahu
  171. Spot a Psychopath
  172. Hey fucking well let Flag in
  173. That feeling when you know it's pointless to hit the 'new posts' button
  174. just got in
  175. China buying everything in Australia
  176. ok listen im glam as shit so dont try and disrespect me or imma whoop ur ass
  177. Sticky: hey I'm looking for a comedy forum to post on
  178. Sticky: Gabi
  179. love songs for lisa
  180. holy fuck......
  181. sometimes i burst out singing this and customers/coworkers just turn and look at me like "wtf??"
  182. you guys should meet camel quinn AKA matt gator.
  183. the memorable JDT.
  184. i can tell when ur mad. i can smell it in ur posts. every time
  185. gumdrops gumdrops gumdrops gumdrops gumdrops gumdrops gumdrops gumdrops gumdrops gumdrops gumdrops gumdrops gumdrops gumdrops gu
  186. I'll Have What She's Having...A Pissy Missy Shit-Fit!!
  187. My SUPER worst restaurant ever
  188. Clay
  189. watching JDT and mays new TV show.
  190. faggot maks.....
  191. lol, nice PM maks you dumb cunt.
  192. black friday
  193. I wish I lived near Plug Drugs
  194. Fatty maks
  195. going down the list of traits on wikipedia is an accurate description of me.
  196. Get to know the gals frrom yopur city
  197. Happy Thanksgiving, from my family to yours
  198. Good Thanksgiving to you
  199. a very hundos thanksgiving
  200. HEY MaKS!
  201. lol.... lisa is a whore.
  202. was maks one of the september 11th hijackers?
  203. LISA!
  204. would you rather....
  205. Im sorry guys.
  206. :bettles:
  207. who wants phones?
  208. if lizard lisa was the last women on earth and the entire peoples from everywhere depended
  209. got to go to work
  210. biggest red bar in the west
  211. dcent should die
  212. Welcome to my forum
  213. test
  214. The worst penal colonies worldwide, namely America.... 101 History
  215. lift your ponch and show us yer cock juji
  216. Watching Empire of the Sun, things have been very Christian Bale-y lately
  217. Happy birthday rubby!
  218. which one of you faggots thinks there hot shit for taking a 8 month cisco course?
  219. I bet dcent has a hard body
  220. how many sweets do u eat. do u eat too many sweets
  221. heres why i think we as a community should get more involved in online activism
  222. how many of u have LOUD bodies.
  223. seeing as every post is being moderated in the herp section (which seems stupid as it is the place to post shit)
  224. or is it just posts with links
  225. I was actually going to leave
  226. ive only got 9% battery left so im going to make this quick
  227. Ruby here is a picture of my cat will you make it a smiley
  228. Rare pic of me eating a taco
  229. okay you fags......
  230. [A YTMNSFW Thanksgiving]... What are u thankful for?
  231. Ruby are you an Alien reptoid hybrid?
  232. i had a dream
  233. at what point did you realize your life is a complete write-off?
  234. nirvana pfft
  235. I <3 Desolation
  236. Breaking News! Yette sighted in Victoria AUS.
  237. Do you know what's worse than lisa's posting?
  238. [YTMNSFW Virgins] Let's discuss our plans to remain virgins for the rest of our lives.
  239. help I'm drunk of thise whisky stop
  240. Is Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close good?
  241. post your desktops no cleaning up
  242. One of the times Jon banned me it was for changing my avatar too much
  243. watch and learn
  244. i have nothing against any of you and you all give me boners
  245. the single funniest thing i have ever seen
  246. whoops
  247. do you wanna dance? do you wanna fight?
  248. mad respect for steveyos hacking this FUCKING FORUM
  249. B U L L E T P R O O F ! ! ! ! !
  250. YAY!